The OSHA General Industry standard for respiratory protection 29 CFR 1910.134 requires that a respiratory protection program be established by an employer. The following procedures are based on the requirements established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the American National Standard for Respiratory Protection, ANSI Z88.2.
It is the policy of this company to provide its employees with a safe and healthful work environment. The guidelines in this program are designed to help reduce employee exposure against occupational dusts, fumes, mists, radionuclides, gases and vapors. The primary objective is to prevent excessive exposure to these contaminants. This is accomplished as far as feasible by accepted engineering and work practice control measures. When effective engineering controls are not feasible, or while they are being implemented or evaluated, respiratory protection may be required to achieve this goal. In these situations, respiratory protection is provided at no cost to the employees.
1. Management
It is management's responsibility to determine what specific applications require the use of respiratory protective equipment, Management must also provide proper respiratory protective equipment to meet the needs of each specific application. Employees must be provided with adequate training and instructions on all equipment. SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC. will provide respirators, medical evaluation and training at no cost to the employee.
Medical Evaluation will require the employee to complete a Medical Questionnaire. The employee will be allowed to answer this questionnaire during normal working hours, or at a time and place that is convenient to the employee. To maintain your confidentiality, your employer or supervisor must not look at or review your answers, your employer must tell you how to deliver or send this questionnaire to the health care professional who will review it. The employee will be given a chance to discuss the results with the physician or other licensed health care provider.
SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC. uses, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2535 E. Lincoln St., Wichita, KS67211 (316) 687-9794.
Additional Medical Evaluations: 1910.134(e)(7), 1910.134(e)(7)(i), 1910.134(e)(7)(ii),
1910.134(e)(7)(iii), 1910.134(e)(7)(iv).
At a minimum, the employer shall provide additional medical evaluations that comply with the regulations.
An employee reports medical signs or symptoms that are related to ability to use a respirator.
A PLHCP, supervisor, or the respirator program administrator informs the employer that an employee needs to be revaluated.
Information from the respirator protection program, including observations made during fit testing and program evaluation, indicated a need for employee revaluation,
A change occurs in workplace conditions (e.g., physical work efforts, protective clothing, temperature) that may result in a substantial increase in the physiological burden placed on an employee.
2. Management/Supervisory
Supervisors of each area are responsible for insuring that all personnel under their control are completely knowledgeable of the respiratory protection requirements for the areas in which they work. They are also responsible for insuring that their subordinates comply with all facets of this respiratory protection program, including respirator inspection and maintenance. They are responsible for implementing disciplinary procedures for employees who do not comply with respirator requirements.
3. Employees
It is the responsibility of the employee to have an awareness of the respiratory protection requirements for their work areas (as explained by management). Employees are also responsible for wearing the appropriate respiratory protective equipment according to proper instructions and for maintaining the equipment in a clean and operable condition.
1. The following individual has total and complete responsibility for the administration of the respiratory protection program:
Name: ______Richard Drake______
Title: ______Manager ______
Department: ______Operations______
Signature: ______
This individual has the authority to act on any and all matters relating to the operation and administration of the respiratory protection program. All employees, operating departments, and service departments will cooperate to the fullest extent, This person is referred to as the respiratory protection program administrator in this program.
This individual is responsible for monitoring or conducting an exposure assessment of the respiratory hazard, developing standard operating procedures for this program, maintaining records, and conducting program evaluations.
2.Name: _____Richard Drake
Title: _____Manager
Department: _____Operations
This individual is responsible for contaminant identification and measurement, including technical support, air sampling, and laboratory analysis.
3.Name: _____Richard Drake
Title: _____Manager
Department: _____Operations
This individual is responsible for evaluating the health of the company employees via a comprehensive medical and health program.
4.Name: _____Richard Drake
Title: _____Manager
Department: _____Operations
This individual is responsible for directing and coordinating engineering projects which are directly related to respiratory protection.
5.Name: _____Richard Drake
Title: _____Manager
Department: _____Operations
This individual is responsible for selection, issuance, training, and fit testing of all respirators used in SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC.. Including record keeping.
SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC. has identified the following Company Physician:
Name: _Occupational and Environmental Medicine______
Location: _2535 E. Lincoln St.______
_Wichita, KS 67211______
_ (316) 687-9794______
This program was effective on NOVEMBER 23, 2004
Every employee who is being considered for inclusion in the Respiratory Protection Program must participate in medical evaluation. A determination is made initially upon employment, or change into a job classification requiring respiratory protection, with the following exceptions:
The employee will fill out the Medical Questionnaire for Respirator Users which will be reviewed by the company physician, if the physician deems it necessary, the employee will receive an examination. The purpose of the questionnaire and the examination is to assure that the employee is physically and psychologically able to perform their work while wearing respiratory protective equipment. If the physician denies approval, the employee will not be able to participate in the Respiratory Protection Program.
Copies of the medical evaluation and questionnaire will be kept in the employee's personnel file in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1020. Copies of the Medical Clearance for Respirator Use Questionnaire for each respirator wearer are attached to this program in the Medical Appendix. The program administrator will ensure the information required for the first half of the form is provided to the physician or occupational health nurse.
Monitoring will be on a periodic basis to provide for a continuing healthful environment for employees and to aid in proper respirator selection. In order to determine the exposure level, air samples of the work place representative of the work period, exposure assessment based on analogous processes or professional judgment will be used. Personal sampling equipment may be used in accordance with accepted industrial hygiene standards to sample each work area. Results of these samples will pinpoint areas where respiratory protection is required,
The exposure assessment is performed prior to commencing any routine or non-routine task requiring respiratory protection. Periodically thereafter as required by OSHA substance specific standards or every 12 months, a review of the exposure assessment will be made to determine if respiratory protection continues to be required. If respiratory Protection is still necessary, the previously chosen respirators will be reviewed to assure that they still provide adequate protection.
Records of all exposure assessments are attached to this program in the Exposure Assessment Appendix,
Respirators are selected and approved for use by management. The selection is based upon the physical and chemical properties of the air contaminants and the concentration level likely to be encountered by the employee. The respirator program administrator will make a respirator available immediately to each employee who is placed as a new hire or,.a transferee to a job that requires respiratory protection. Replacement respirators/cartridges and filters will be made available as required.
The selection of the proper respirator type will be made following the ANSI/GSA procedures which are found in the Respirator Selection Appendix,
All respirators will be NIOSH approved, Respirators will be purchased from:
Respirators currently approved for use are:
DUST, HIGH EFFICIENCY, & SCOTT (SCBA) for emergency only
Documentation of respirator selection is attached to this program in the Respirator Selection Appendix.
A. Face piece seal protection
Facial hair that prevents direct contact between the face and the edge of the respirator will not be permitted with tight fitting half or full face piece, (negative or positive pressure) or loose fitting face piece. Eyeglasses, goggles, and other Personal protective equipment will be worn in a manner that does not interfere with the respirator sealing surface,
Facial hair that interferes with the function of exhalation or inhalation valves will not be permitted,
All users of tight rifting face pieces will perform a user seal check each time they put on the respirator. Methods for performing the user seal checks will be covered in employee training.
B. Continuing respirator effectiveness
SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC. will maintain ongoing surveillance of employee exposure or stress. If conditions change such that respirator effectiveness may be affected, SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC. will re-evaluate the SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC. respirator selection, Employees will be allowed to leave the contaminated area:
1.To wash face and Face piece as necessary to prevent skin or eye irritation
2.Detection of vapor or gas breakthrough, changes in breathing resistance, or Face leakage
3.To replace the respirator or filter, cartridge, or canister
4.Upon malfunction of the respirator
5.If severe discomfort in wearing the respirator is detected
6.Illness of the respirator wearer, including: sensation of dizziness, nausea, weakness, breathing difficulty, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, fever and chills
If an employee leaves the work area for any of the above reasons, they will not re-enter until the specific problem has been identified and corrected. This may require repair or replacement of the respirator.
C. Procedures for IDLH atmospheres
Each IDLH work situation will be identified and evaluated individually. Specific written procedures will be developed for each IDLH situation. These procedures will include at least the following:
1.A. Determination of the number of workers required:
B. To enter the IDLH atmosphere and perform the required task safely
C. To serve as attendants outside the IDLH atmosphere
All workers entering IDLH atmospheres or serving as attendants will be equipped with positive pressure SCBA with at least 30 minutes service life or combination air line respirators with auxiliary SCBA.
2.Specific means of maintaining direct communication between attendants and workers in the IDLH atmosphere.
3.Specific emergency and/or rescue procedures to be initiated by the attendant(s).
4.A determination regarding whether or not the attendant(s) will enter the IDLH atmosphere to provide emergency rescue.
5.Retrieval equipment necessary to effect non-entry rescue, as feasible.
6.Identification of specific management and other personnel and/or organizations to be notified by the attendant(s) before they enter the IDLH atmosphere to perform rescue.
7.Necessary assistance to be provided to those performing rescue.
Workers will be thoroughly trained in the above procedures before entering an IDLH atmosphere or serving as an attendant.
Exceptions to above for interior structural firefighting:
In addition to the above, the following will apply when interior structural firefighting is performed.
1.At least two employees, maintaining visual or voice contact, will enter to perform interior structural firefighting.
2. At least two employees will serve as attendants when interior structural firefighting is performed.
3. All workers performing interior structural firefighting or serving as attendants in this situation will be equipped with positive pressure SCBA with at least 30 minutes service life.
Employees, upon assignment to an area requiring respirators, must be instructed by the supervisor relative to their responsibilities in the respiratory protection program. They will also be instructed in the need, use, limitations, and care of their respirator according to the procedures in the Training Appendix using specified training aids. The specific training content will be provided by the respiratory protection trainer.
Retraining is given at least every 12 months after initial training, or when changes in the workplace change or type of respirator change, whenever employee lack sufficient knowledge or how to use the respirator is indicated. Retraining will be conducted whenever any situation indicates that additional training is required. Records of the training given each individual may be found in the Training Appendix.
Employees will be properly rifted and tested for a face seal prior to use of the respirator in a contaminated area. Annual qualitative fit testing will be the preferred method of fit testing. This is done by following the fit test procedures listed in the Fit Test Appendix.
Fit testing is done initially upon employee assignment to an area where respirators are required.
Fit testing is repeated at least every 12 months thereafter. All tight fitting respirators (negative and positive pressure) will be fit tested. Positive pressure tight fitting respirators will be fit tested in the negative pressure mode,
Individual fit testing records are kept on each individual by completing the Qualitative Fit Test Record and may be found in the Fit Test Appendix.
NOTE:If it is determined that an individual cannot obtain an adequate fit or face seal with any negative pressure respirator, a powered air purifying or supplied air respirator may be required instead,
Fit testing of employees with any hair growth such as stubble beard growth, beard or long sideburns that extends under the face seal or interferes with valve function is prohibited.
Respirators are properly maintained to retain their original effectiveness by periodic inspection, repair, cleaning and proper storage.
The wearer of a respirator will inspect it daily whenever it is use for SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., INC. will periodically spot check respirators for fit, usage, and condition. Inspection procedures for the respirators in use are located in the Respirator Inspection Appendix. The use of defective respirators is not permitted. If a defective respirator is found during inspection, it must be returned to the Supervisor.
During cleaning and maintenance, respirators that do not pass inspection will be replaced or repaired immediately. Repair of the respirator must be done with parts designed for the respirator in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. No attempt will be made to replace components or make adjustments, modifications or repairs beyond the manufacturer's recommendation.
Respirators not discarded after one shift use, will be cleaned on a daily basis (or after each use if not used daily), according to the manufacturers instructions, by the assigned employee or other person designated by the Respiratory Protection Program Administrator. Facilities and supplies for cleaning these respirators will be made available, Detailed cleaning procedures can be found in the Respirator Cleaning Appendix.
Respirators not discarded after one shift use, will be stored in a suitable container away from areas of contamination. The respirators are stored in a location where they are protected from sunlight, dust, heat, cold, moisture, and damaging chemicals. Whenever feasible, respirators not discarded after one shift use, will be marked and stored in such a manner to assure that they are worn only by the assigned employee. If use by more than one employee is required, the respirator will be cleaned between uses. All respirators will be stored in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.
Stored respirators (SCBA) will be inspected at least monthly if they are not in use.
Special precautions will be taken to assure breathing quality air when an air line respirator or SCBA is to be used. This air will meet the specifications for Grade D Air established by the Compressed Gas Association as stated in Commodity Specification for Air (ANSI/CGA G-7. 1). 1989. The procedures for certifying the breathing air system are found in the Breathing Air Quality Appendix.
Compressor must be located in a Aclean@ atmosphere, with in-line purification and tagged to indicate date or change out. Carbon monoxide monitor in place & set to alarm at 10 ppm or must be monitored frequently. All fittings must be incompatible for non-respirable gases and containers.
Where escape only respirators are provided because of the potential for an emergency, personnel assigned to the area will be trained in their use. Personnel not assigned to a work area including visitors shall be briefed in their use. Other requirements such as medical approval for use and detailed training will not be required.
Self contained breathing apparatus may be required in specific areas for emergency use.
This equipment will be used only by trained personnel when it is necessary to enter hazardous atmospheres,
1 - Locations
Self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) are found in the following location(s): SCBA is rented as needed. SCBA storage will be clearly marked as containing “EMERGENCY RESPIRATORS”.
2. Special Requirements
All potential users will be fully trained in the use of this equipment. They must also be medically qualified to wear the device. When the equipment is used, it will be tested in an uncontaminated atmosphere prior to entering the hazardous area.
An employee will not work with this apparatus in a hazardous atmosphere on an individual basis.
At least one additional employee suitably equipped with a similar breathing apparatus must be in contact with the first employee and must be available to render assistance if necessary.
This equipment will be inspected monthly bytrained personnel. Inspection and maintenance information will be recorded in a log book or an inspection tag.
This program is periodically reviewed and evaluated annually using the procedures in the Program Evaluation Appendix. A written report is made of each evaluation, summarizing the findings. For each deficiency identified, corrective action taken is noted. Copies of the summary reports are found in the, Program Evaluation Appendix.