Subject: Reading/Language Arts Teacher: McHugh Week of: Dec. 5-9, 2016

COS # / Assessments / Activities/ Resources / Character Education
Monday / “Eye of the Storm” / Small Group
L38, 40, 41 / Rubrics
Teacher made tests
Text Assessments / Whole Group:
Question of the week: How do weather patterns affect our lives?
Content Knowledge: Oral Language (402j) and Vocabulary (403a)
Read Aloud: “Tornado Tales”(403b)
Comprehension Skill and Strategy: Cause and Effect/Predict and Set Purpose pgs. 404-405 (403c)
Selection Vocabulary: (405a) / Small Group:
OL: Practice Amazing Words
SI: Reteach Amazing Words
A: Extend Amazing Words
(Introduce: Inquiry Project)
All groups: Reading Street Sleuth pp. 38-39
RTI: : Cause and Effect
L38, 40, 41 / Rubrics
Teacher made tests
Text Assessments / Whole Group:
Question of the week: How do weather patterns affect our lives?
Content Knowledge: Oral Language(406a) and Vocabulary (406b)
Word Analysis: Latin Roots(struct, scrib, script) (406c)
Literary Terms: Personification(406d)
Vocabulary Skill: Root Words (406e)
Text-based comprehension: Introduce the main selection: genre, preview and predict, and set a purpose for reading. / Small Group:
OL: Practice Selection Vocabulary
SI: Reteach Selection Vocabulary
A: Extend Selection Vocabulary
(Investigate: Inquiry Project)
All groups: Read “Eye of the Storm” Pgs. 410-415
RTI: Cause and Effect /Word Analysis
L38, 40, 41 / Rubrics
Teacher made tests
Text Assessments / Whole Group:
Question of the week: How do weather patterns affect our lives?
Content Knowledge: Oral Language(416a) and Vocabulary (416b)
Text-based comprehension: Check Understanding: Analysis, Inference, Retell / Small Group:
OL: Reread to Develop Selection Vocabulary
SI: Reread to Develop Selection Vocabulary
A: Reread to Extend Selection Vocabulary
(Investigate: Inquiry Project)
All Groups: Read “Eye of the Storm” Pgs. 416-420
RTI: Cause and Effect /Word Analysis
L38, 40, 41 / Rubrics
Teacher made tests
Text Assessments / Whole Group:
Question of the week: How do weather patterns affect our lives?
Content Knowledge: Oral Language(424a) and Vocabulary (424b)
Science in Reading: Web Sites (424c) / Small Group:
OL: Review/Discuss Amazing Words
SI: Develop Language using Amazing Words
A: Extend Amazing Words and Selection Vocabulary
(Organize: Inquiry Project)
All Groups: “Severe Weather Safety” Pgs.424-429
RTI: Cause and Effect /Word Analysis
L38, 40, 41 / Rubrics
Teacher made tests
Text Assessments / Question of the week: How do weather patterns affect our lives?
Content Knowledge: Review the concept and Amazing words
Text-based comprehension: Review Cause and Effect
Vocabulary Skill: Review Latin Roots(struct, scrib, script)
Word Analysis: Root Words
Literary Terms: Review Personification
Weekly Selection Test/ Spelling Test / Small Group:
OL: Practice Past. Present, and Future Tenses
SI: Review Past. Present, and Future Tenses
A: Extend Past. Present, and Future Tenses (Communicate: Inquiry Project)
All Groups :Reread Reading Street Sleuth pp. 38-39
RTI: Cause and Effect /Word Analysis

Spelling: Compound Words Grammar: Past. Present, and Future Tenses