Sex Ed Final Exam Review

  1. Define the following terms in your notebook: (these are the matching section of your exam)

Premature birth  Birth that occurs after 6 months but before 9

Puberty the time when a human is first able to reproduce

identical twins the result of one fertilized egg dividing into two separate cells

breech birth birth that occurs when the baby is delivered buttocks first

Fallopian tubeswhere the egg is fertilized

Placenta connection between mother and fetus; the afterbirth

Chromosomes rod shaped bodies found in the nucleus of cells

fraternal twins occurs when two eggs are released and fertilized at the same time

Ovulation discharge of the egg from the ovary

Fetus name given to the unborn child after eight weeks

Testosterone male hormone produced by testes

Obstetrician doctor specializing in the care of females during labor, delivery and immediately after

Gynecologist doctor specializing in the care of female sexual and reproductive organs

Zygote the result of the combination of the egg and the sperm.

embryo name given to the zygote for the first eight weeks

testes male sex glands; testicles

Estrogen female reproductive hormone produced in ovaries

ovariesfemale reproductive glands

low birth weight birth of full term babies weighing less than 5 ½ pounds

genes carries the hereditary traits

  1. Answer the following statements with yes or no (on this sheet – this is the true false section of your exam); if no, correct the statement:
  1. A female’s chromosomes that determine gender are XY. NO- XX
  2. Intercourse is the only way to contract AIDS. NO, sharing needles, tattoos where needles aren’t sterilized.
  3. All STDs can be cured. NO, only STDs that are caused by bacteria.
  4. An ovum is the same as a sperm. NO, the ovum is the same as the egg.
  5. Premarital sex can cause emotional and physical consequences. YES
  6. Anyone engaging in risky behavior can become infected with AIDS. YES
  7. Most females with an STD show NO visible signs or symptoms. YES
  8. Males determine the gender of offspring. YES
  9. AIDS is caused by bacteria. NO, it is caused by a virus which is why it is incurable.
  10. Babies born to young mothers have a higher risk of serious health problems. YES
  11. To abstain from sexual activity until marriage is a decision that reflects the maturity of the individual. YES
  12. Gonorrhea outnumbers the combined cases of all other contagious diseases. YES
  13. There are at least 10 STDs. NO, there are at least 27!
  14. Each individual has 42 chromosomes. NO, each person has 46 or 23 pairs.
  15. There is NO cure for aids. YES
  1. Answer the following questions. (These are multiple choice questions on your exam)
  1. Puberty causes physical and emotional changes.
  2. What is the menstrual cycle? It is the monthly series of changes that occurs in a female’s body at the beginning of puberty when reproduction could occur.
  3. Cervical cancer occurs more in sexually active women.
  4. What exactly is prenatal care? Prenatal care means providing the developing baby with a healthy environment while in the uterus.
  5. What are the purpose of the mammary glands in mammals? They provide milk for nourshing offspring after birth.
  6. What are chemicals that regulate life activities such as growth and reproduction? hormones
  7. What is a healthy, normal, suggested weight gain during pregnancy? 25 pounds.
  8. Sexuality is part of one’s personality.
  9. What age group is most likely to contract STDs than others? Persons 16-20 years of age
  10. What is contraception? Is the use of any device, method or medication to prevent conception as a result of intercourse.