The Richmond Building
105 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN
Tel (0117) 331 8600

How to Submit a Motion

  1. Fill out the template on the next page.

You don't have to write an essay, but please structure your motion with these three headings:

  • Background
  • Purpose
  • Action

What do they mean?

  • Background allows you to share any relevant information about the issue or the current situation.
  • Purpose allows you to set out your opinions regarding the issue and your vision for a better situation.
  • Action allows you to define the action(s)that you believe needs to be completed to achieve your vision.

Please also include your first and last name and your student number and also the same information of a seconder who will be able to support your motion.

If you cannot attend the meeting, please nominate someone to speak for you or submit a speech to be read on your behalf.

  1. Email your motion to the Chair before the relevant deadline.

Motions should be submitted to the Chair of Student Council by

Additional information:

If your motion is passed it becomes official Union policy, which remains active for three years. The elected officers of the Union are then mandated to carry out the action(s) described in the motion and will get in touch for your input.

Some issues are not suited to becoming formal, three-year policy – especially if they require a single action such as holding an event. The Democratic Standards Committee (made up of students elected at the first Student Council of the year) reviews all items submitted to a democratic event and may contact you if your issue is better addressed as a singular proposal or would benefit from further research or consultation.

Type of Meeting

(Date of meeting)

Motion Name:


The current situation, include any relevant information about the issue.

1. *




If the motion is successful, what do you want to achieve? What’s your vision for the future?





How are we going to make your vision happen?




Proposed by:

Your first and last name:

Your student number:

Seconder first and last name:

Seconder student number:

*You can have as many or as few points in each section as you like. If section one needs 5 bullet points then that is absolutely fine! Likewise you may only need 1 bullet point to make your issue understood.