Children’s Commissioning – Meeting Notes.

Subject:Project Group Meeting Residential Review

Date / Location:02/03/16 – 13.00. Lifford House

Present:Amanda Lamb – Assistant Director CiC (AL), Tony Phillips-Jones – Commissioning & Brokerage Manager (TPJ),Val Thompson (VT), Bryan Thompson (BT) –– Melanie Page (MP) – Service Managers – (Residential), Trudy Hendrickson – Human Resources (TH), Mark Godwin – Finance Manager (MG).

Apologies:Richard Pierce – Senior Business Analyst (RP)

C.c.Glynn – Head of Children’s Commissioning (CGl)

Notes / Action
This meeting was called to further progress the staffing realignment and operating model of the internal residential estate.
Updated from last meeting – Updates discussed and action completed as followed:
  • Feedback on staffs choices for 52 Millmead confirmed by VT and TPJ updated realignment spreadsheet.
  • Consultation information – AL bringing to this meeting.
  • Grade 4’s interested in Grade 3 posts – list to be populated.
  • Grade 3, 2, and 1 – update see below.
  • SoP templates updated by TPJ and VT emailed to Home Managers.
  • BT working on actions and timeline for casual review.
  • TPJ sent casual review documents to TH.
  • BT, MP, VT to review property maintenance information - see notes.
Realignment spreadsheet – reviewed in meeting some more staff have been approved for VR. MP asked for the spreadsheet to show hours as well as FTE allocation / Action – MP to generate Grade 4 interest list.
Action – TPJ to update spreadsheet and email to group.
Realignment Process Update –
TPJ handed out a summary of current homes that need to decrease in staffing and homes where vacancies are available. Some home have staff identified as BUMPs which if not approved would decrease the amount of vacancies available in that home.
MP presented proposal for process with Grade 3 – SCCO, Grade 2 – Cooks and Grade 1 – Domestics.See attached document.
This was welcomed by the group. Agreed that choices for Grade 3 staff need to be clear offering 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice of which vacancy / home they would like to be considered for.
Discussed implications if no volunteers came forward, agreed in first instance voluntary movement within the homes identified would be best option, then we may need to consider a focused selection process linked to mobility clause. Concerns were discussed about a selection process looking at aspects of performance and competency and those identified may be the lower scorers to these areas then being asked to move. This was noted as a risk issue which would need to be considered if selection process was needed. Also discussed was selection process for whole estate; however this would have considerable time impact and realignment needs to be completed as much as possible by May 2012.
MP will be working with TH to revise EOI form to issue to SCCOs. Then follow timetable as outlined.
Cooks and Domestics –
** – Domestic (TR) VR approved
** ** ** ** – Domestics (Cam H) VR Approved.
MP enquired about links to Direct Services but this looks unlikely as posts are not permanent.
MP outlined the actions and timescales for cooks and domestic de-selection process.
Service Managers will need to support from Home Managers to achieve the timescales as outlined.
MP asked if TPJ could use the proposal to create a new briefing note.
52 Millmead –
VT gave an update on the home. Meeting with Unions planned for 22nd March. Staff will then be informed of decision on choices made. 2 young people living at the home. One young person has an identified placement. Home manager is working on strategy for other young person. VT is discussing with PA arrangements for living tenant. Meeting with neighbours held, however only one turned up. Property identified for auction in June 2012. VT informed this will be the 13th March. See previous note and actions.
Admin –
BS has been to look at CH. Once confirmed MP will be speaking to others about their choices.
Recruitment of Vacancies following realignment – discussion held on the next steps required to secure vacancies following completion of realignment. Posts identified will need to go through moderation and priority mover’s process. Agreed we need to be clear about qualifications required. It is hoped that internal process will be short to move to external advert.
MP is working on documentation for moderation process at the moment to move tasks along so we are ready for when realignment is concluded. There are vacancies at Home Manager level and also a potential number of 10 SCCO posts. This will also include any temporary arrangements for acting up positions. Moderation is not required for acting up positions.
Agreed we need to ensure staff services whilst realignment and recruitment is undertaken.
TPJ mentioned any impact from the casual review regarding any individuals who may need to be offered a permanent contract, would this need to be factored in to any current vacancies. BT will consider and include in revised action plan.
Casual Support Review –
BT is still waiting to have meeting with TH to then outline action plan and timescales has not been produced due to this. Agreed that action plan must be completed and signed off with AL by the next group meeting.
BT advised the group that replacement for JR post will now be RD from Southacre. SW will now be the Home Manager at Southacre. VT has been sorting out the necessary paperwork with OfSTED.
Regulation Monitoring and Reports –
TPJ advised the group that a meeting with Reg 33 Officers will be held on the 19th March to go over revised template. This will then be issued to be shared with Home Managers.
TPJ reported that response forms to Reg 33 are not being received by Commissioning Team, this may be due to the fact they are being sent to SMs.
TPJ requested that Home Managers send their response to SM including Reg 33 Officer and Children’s Commissioning email box. Then if SM has anything to add they will send out a revised version. If not then actions are accepted by SM.
Group agreed this action.
SMs met this morning in CROG, there is a requirement that Reg 34 reports are sent twice yearly to OfSTED. Agreed that Children’s Commissioning will support this process – reports for March 2012 to be sent in April and those from September 2012 to be sent in October.
MP mentioned the issue around Reg 33 reports being received by OfSTED. There has been a change of address which Commissioning were not informed about. MP has discussed with CGy and updated address has been given. This should resolve any issues.
Consultation Document –
AL shared the summary report from SP.
Quite a lot of information in the summary report to go through. AL said there was also accompanying appendices. The report gave recommendation linked to the placements strategy, adoption, fostering and residential.
Some points of clarification were requested by the group to SP:
  • Quantifying the responses for residential – was it just one person who made a comment or was the % higher?
  • Was the parent / carers feedback representative from disability homes only?
  • Where were the comments from young people sourced?
  • Did the consultation feedback occur on the 23rd January 2012?
It was agreed that the summary acted as the initial consultation and that it would not need to be repeated. TH was in agreement with this. However, AL said there needed to be a firm position on home closures and the information needed to make a strategy that would addresses safe quality care alongside the identified efficiencies.
MG outlined that £3.275m needed to be found from the residential budget on top of other efficiencies from the realignment. The impact of the night wake allowance also added to the efficiencies agenda.
Approximately running of a home costs between £700-780K per year.
Each month the delay of closures will cost around £270K.
The group also discussed the political agenda with messages that had been given regarding the disability homes. AL asked MP to contact NS to look at options for how the service may be re-scoped alongside utilising current provision, so MP and AL could create some strategic opportunities.
TPJ mentioned the matrix summary for all homes that was created to inform the decisions to shut Highters, Stuarts Rd and Uplands. This information was partially refreshed by ** to inform an impact briefing report for MM by Commissioning when the potential 5 homes were identified last year. The information considered a number of factors to rank which homes should be considered for closure. The group agreed that this information should be refreshed and to incorporate realignment staffing costs alongside additional management decision to add to scoring based on operational knowledge. AL asked TPJ to talk to CGy to refresh the information and bring an update to the meeting on the 30th March.
SMs said they would also like the descriptors on each section to how the information is calculated.
It would also be good to consider impact of casual use now and how this will be less once the realignment is fully implemented.
Property Maintenance Report –
TPJ mentioned the summary report emailed for last meeting. These figures will need to be included in the matrix refresh for homes information. It is important to have the costs as accurate as possible and not just what would like to be done in each home. Agreed that SMs will need to discuss with Home Managers ASAP and amend list accordingly, then send back to CGy and TPJ.
Following this work being completed, it was agreed that further consultation would be undertaken with Home Managers to ensure their views are incorporated.
Discussion was also held on other information we had to hand, key messages from research, young peoples views on what makes a good home. Development of revised placement strategy.
TPJ also mentioned mapping of internal estate alongside external provision within and outside of Birmingham.
When identified homes are agreed, discussion was held on Home Managers.
Discussion held about de-selection process for all Grade 5’s. And not just on those who are identified via home closure. This way maintain and retain the skills and abilities to sustain the management of the homes. AL asked TH to look into the options for this from a HR perspective.
TH advised group that process for requesting VR will be changing from April onwards. VR will become the very last step to be taken.
Mulberry House –
Discussion held about the usage of MH and that SMs need to make a decision on recommendations for future use. The group discussed the potential to move a home into MH that currently is in need of major refurbishment work. TPJ mentioned the next home identified would have been Braymoor.
Finance –
The impact of any capital / maintenance costs also needs to be considered.
The impact of predicted overspend for 2011/12 period over £1m. / Action –MP / TH to complete EOI format.
Action –SM’s to support process as outlined and discuss actions required with Home Managers.
Action – MP to email document to TPJ. TPJ to attach with these notes and create briefing note for approval by MP, TH and AL.
Action –VT to discuss with PA arrangements for living tenants, and the requirements needed for 52 Millmead.
Action –VT to confirm choice by BS.
Action –MP to discuss options with other Admin staff identified.
Action –MP to prepare required documents and progress accordingly.
Action – BT to identify any individuals that may be required to have permanent contract and share with MP.
Action –BT to produce list of actions required, timescales and support requirements alongside a revised timeline and approve with AL by 30th March 2012.
Action –TPJ to cascade final version and response form amendment to SMs to send onto Home Managers.
Action –TPJ to discuss with CGy.
Action –AL to discuss to SP.
Action – MP to arrange meeting with NS from Children’s Commissioning.
Action – TPJ to speak to CGy and also invite to meeting on 30th March 2012.
Action – TPJ to email out document to SMs again.
Action –SMs to review information on spreadsheet per individual homes and look if any areas have already been actioned or no longer required. To send amendment information back to CGy and TPJ.
Action – TPJ to discuss with RM for list and provision overview.
Action – TH to give an update at next meeting.
Action – TH to send updated information once it is released.
Action – TPJ to confirm with CGy next identified home was Braymoor.
Action – SMs to discuss and make recommendations to AL.
End of Notes.
Notes taken by Tony Phillips-Jones.
Next meeting.
30thMarch 2012 – 13.00 – 15.00
Lifford House (G06).

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