Half-Yearly Exam 2015

Subject: PHILOSOPHY ADV. 1ST Time: 3 Hrs

This examination paper has three Sections. Answer all Sections. Follow the instructions given in each Section.


Answerany fivequestions from this section. (This Section carries 30 marks)

1Describe a situation in which one may assert a proposition ¬ (a ^ b), even though one is not able to choose one of ¬a and ¬b and assert it.

2(i) What is meant by an ‘interpretation’ of a formula?

(ii) What is meant by a ‘model’ of a formula?

(iii) For the following formula give one interpretation which is a model:

(¬a^b) ^¬c

3Translate the following propositions into symbolic logic

(i)It rained heavily in Victoria, Nadur and Xaghra.

(ii)It rained heavily in one and only one of Victoria, Nadur and Xaghra.

(iii) It is not the case that if it rained heavily in Victoria then it did not rain heavily in Nadur.

(iv) It rained heavily in Xaghra if it rained heavily in Victoria.

4Give an example (in words) of:

(i)An elementary proposition.

(ii) A complex proposition.

(ii)An implication.

5 The truth-tables of X and X^Y are shown here-under:

a / b / X / X ^ Y
T / T / F / F
T / F / T / T
F / T / F / F
F / F / T / F

Y has four possible truth-tables. Write down these truth-tables.

5 Translate the following argument and check using truth-tables whether the argument involved is valid. Give a reason for your answer.

If Peter and Jane went to Rome then Thomas did not go. Therefore, if Thomas went to Rome then Peter or Jane went to Rome.


A / B / C / X / Y / Z
T / T / T / F / F / T
T / T / F / T / F / F
T / F / T / F / T / T
T / F / F / F / F / T
F / T / T / F / F / T
F / T / F / F / T / T
F / F / T / F / F / F
F / F / F / F / F / T

The truth-tables of propositions X,Y and Z are shown above:

(a)Write down proposition X using only a, b, c and the junctors ¬, ^

(b) Write down proposition Y using only a, b, c and the junctors ¬, ^, v and brackets.

(c) Write down proposition Z using only a, b, c and the junctors ¬, ^ and brackets.


Answer only one question from this section; either question 1 or question 2. (This Section carries 35 marks)

1 “That man is much more a political animal than any kind of bee or any herd animal is clear. For as we assert, nature does nothing in vain, and man alone among the animals has speech…Speech serves to reveal the advantageous and the harmful and hence also the just and the unjust. For it is peculiar to man as compared to other animals that he alone has the perception of good and bad and just and the unjust and other things of this sort;…” Aristotle, Politics

(a)Aristotle says that man is by nature a ‘political animal’ or a ‘social animal’. What does he mean by this? (6 marks)

(b)The philosopher also says that “nature does nothing in vain”. This means that everything in nature exists for a specific purpose. What is the purpose of a city-state according to Aristotle?(6 marks)

(c)The Greek word for “speech” is “logos” which also means “reason”. In what does this consist? What is the proper function of man (as compared to plants and animals)? (6 marks)

(d)How does Aristotle’s conception of man as “social animal” differ from Hobbes’s belief that man is essentially asocial? (6 marks)

(e)In ‘Book 1’ of Politics Aristotle deals with some issues which for us are controversial like (a) the issue of women and (b) the issue of slaves. Discuss what Aristotle says about one of these issues. (9 marks)


2. Plato’s “Theory of Forms” is his most significant philosophical contribution. Discuss such a theory.


Answer only one question from this section. (This Section carries 35 marks)

  1. The question which Aristotle tries to answer in Nichomachean Ethics is: "How should I live?" The answer is: "Flourish by cultivating your virtues!" Elaborate.


  1. Epicurus says that happiness and pleasure can be attained only after one removes three great fears: the fear of death, the fear of the gods and the fear of superstitions. Discuss.

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