Sample paper 1
Subject: Multimedia And Web TechnologyClass: XII
Time allowed: 3 hoursMaximum Marks : 70
a)Name any two computerised database management system. 1
b)How is the candidate key and the alternate key are related?1
c)Name the following1
- A data type used for linking to an internet or another location in the database.
- A built in set of rules Access uses to make sure that the relationship is valid . it can also prevent accidental deletion or editing of data.
d)Study the following data and answer the questions given below : 3
S.L / Material Code / Article Name / Brand / Colour / Size / Qty / MRP1 / 0730 / 1004-01red / Gliders / White / 37 / 1 / 999.00
2 / 3300 / Catie / Footfun / Pink / 30 / 1 / 499.00
Material Code / Customer Name / Address / Date / Photograph0730 / Srishti Dwivedi / Sec 21B / 12-01-2011 / S12.jpg
3300 / Shivi Dwivedi / Sec 21B / 12-01-2011 / Sh12.jpg
i. Suggest the data types that should be used for each of the fields in the buyerdetail table .
ii. Write the relationship between “retailinvoice” and “buyerdetail” table.
iii. Name the field that can act as a primary key in “retailinvoice” table and name the foreign key of “buyerdetail” table
e) Write a short note on how multimedia is being used in education.1
Q3 . Question given below are based on HTML:
a)Name the tag and attributes 2
- To sets the left /right margin of the web page.
- Specifies that multiple items can be selected in the scrolling list box by holding down the control key .
b)Write a note on the usage and different attributes available for the< FRAME> and <FRAMESET > tags. 1
c) Write the HTML code to generate a Web Page in the format given below : 7
Consider the following while writing the HTML code :
i) Title of the page should be “MMWT”
ii) Background colour of the page should be “Aqua”
iii) Text colour of main heading should be “red” and font style should be ‘
iv) Picture used in the page is from the file “trophy.jpg”
v) Pages linked to:
a. Basic Concepts as “basic.html”
b. Loops as “loops.html”
c. Event Handling as “event.html”
vi) Use the concept of lists to display the given bullets.
vii) The table should have a border of size 5 and color green.
viii) Add a bottom message “Contact us” which should be of size 2 and linL the e-mail address mgs@vnLm.
Q 4. Answer the following questions based on ASP:
a)Discuss any three areas or application where ASP can be used.1
b)Differentiate between static web page and dynamic web page.1
c)What is the difference between a variable and a constant?1
d)Define “For Each...... Next” loop.2
e)Differentiate between an ASP Application and ASP Session.2
f)Find output3
- Response.write(strreverse (mid(“card game”,sqr(4),year(date())\1005)))
- Response.write(right(“special character”,day(date()) mod 6))
- Response.write(ucase (mid(“discription”,3,instr(“performed”,”or”))))
Answer the following questions based on ASP:
a)Describe the following 1
- AppendToLog Method
- Clear Method
b)How many methods do the following components have? Name them.1
- Page Counter
- Ad Rotator
c) Rewrite the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined. 2
function fun(a,b)
sub end %>
main program calling function
<% dim x,y,z
document.write(fun x,y)
d)Give the output for the following code segment: 2
for i = 1 to 7 skip 2
n=mid (s, i, 2)
response.write (< “br>”)
e)Write an ASP program to read a text file named “questionnaires.txt” and display all the lines beginning with the letter “W”. 3
Q6. Answer the following questions based on VBScript:
a)Differentiate between procedure level and script level variables.2
b) Write the equivalent script for the following code using do while--- loop without effecting the output: 2
DIM prod,b
For b=1 to 10 step 3
Document.write(“The final prod is” & prod)
c) Give the output of the following code segment: 2
sub result()
dim arr(5)
for i=5 to 0 step -1
if i mod 2 = 0 then
arr(i) = arr(i) mod 9
arr(i)= arr(i)\5
end if
for i=0 to 5
document.write(arr(i) & “<br>”)
end sub
d) Write an vbscript application to calculate Simple interest as per following layout.4
Answer the following questions based on Communication and network concepts:
a)Describe any two advantages of networking.1
b)Name the transmission media that use electromagnetic waves ranging in frequencies between 1
- 3 KHz and 1 GHz
- 1 GHz and 300 GHz
c)Define communication protocol. Name all three key elements of a protocol.1
d)Differentiate between Baud and bits .1
e)Write short notes on i) W3C ii) POSTGRES2
f) Chiltu Associate is a big organisation and has 5 wings where it runs its operations (shown below): 4
The distances between the different wings are given below :
Between 1 and 2 85 mts.
Between 1 and 3 60 mts.
Between 3 and 4 55 mts.
Between 2 and 530 mts:
Between 5 and 345 mts.
Each wing contains following number of computers :
Wing No. of Computers
2 350
3 13
4 50
Answer the following questions based on the above given information:
(i) Suggest suitable cable layout(s) for connecting the wings also name the topology.
(ii) Where do you think the server should be placed and explain why?
(iii) ) If the organization needs to link up to a branch office which is in a neighboring city, (around 100 km distant) suggest the best type of wireless connection, from the building hosting the server, provided price is not a factor.
(iv) Where and why should repeaters and switch be used?