Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program


TITLE: Injury Prevention Plan


To prevent injuries by encouraging safe behavior, eliminating hazards, and protecting children and staff from hazards that cannot be eliminated.


The OLC HS/EHS Program Centers will prevent the occurrence of injuries and reduce the severity of those injuries that may occur through education, providing and maintaining a safe environment, and providing adequate supervision of the children


Injury Prevention Policy

a.Training and education of staff, children and parent/guardian.

(1)Staff will model safe behavior, including wearing seat belts during all program activities and using age appropriate children restraints in their private vehicles.

(2)When an unsafe action by a child is observed by the staff, the staff talks with the child in a positive manner about the unsafe action as soon as possible.

(3)Staff will provide injury prevention training and information to the children in the following topics: (your Head Start and Early Head Start Centers and health coordinator should develop the list appropriate to your Center).

(a)Seat belt use and child restraint use.

(b)Pedestrian Safety

(c)Playground Safety

(d)Fire Safety/Burn Safety

(e)Bicycle Safety

(f)Firearm Safety

(g)Poison Prevention

b.Injury Monitoring and Trend Analysis

(1)The Health Coordinator will review each Injury Report (refer to Section II.H.2.b of this Plan) for each injury that occurs at the Center to determine if a modification to equipment, the grounds, or other environmental modification would reduce the chance for a repeat of the injury. The Teacher will make note on the Injury Report of what actions were taken or will be taken to eliminate the conditions or hazards that contributed to the injury.

(2)The Health Coordinator will review the Injury Incident Log (refer to Section II.H.2b of this Plan) to identify injury trends among the students and staff. Trends identified will be presented to the Policy Council, Health Services Advisory


Health and Illness Trend Log

Incident Referral Report

Health Referral Report


Head Start Performance Standards

Environmental Health Standards

Adapted from Model Tribal Head Start Health and Safety Code-Indian Health Service/Office of Environmental Health Revised: 11/02/09

PC Approval: 11/05/09

BOT Approval: 01/19/10