DATE:2/21/18FILE NO: DATE279
TO:Cherokee County Council
SUBJECT:Minutes of Regular Meeting, 2/20/18
There was a Regular Meeting of County Council Tuesday, 2/20/18, 5 PM in Council Chambers. Chairman Tim Spencer presided with Tracy McDaniel leading in prayer. All council members were present along with Interim Admin. Bill Blanton, Attorneys Jim Thompson & Joe Mathis and Clerk Doris Pearson. The news media was informed by agenda and in compliance with the SCFOIA and one was present. There were around 21 visitors.
Councilman Tracy McDaniel made the motion to adopt the agenda of the Regular Meeting, 2/20/18 as received and posted in compliance with the SCFOIA. Mike Fowlkes seconded and council voted in favor.
Council Mike Fowlkes made the motion to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing & Regular Meeting of 2/5/18 and Special Call Meeting of 2/12/18 as received. David Smith seconded and council voted in favor.
Councilman Tracy McDaniel made the motion to approve the claims for Cherokee County in the amount of $230,448.14. Mike Fowlkes seconded and council voted in favor.
Tax Assessor Robert Weaver requested council to fund the qPublic Website. He explained the service was introduced about 1 year ago with the first year being free. To renew the subscription is will cost $9,000/year. We currently budget $3400 to Appalachian COG for web service and we could use that amount plus $5400 to fund this. Last year it had 23,000 viewers as well as county employees who use this. [Tracy McDaniel made the motion to allow Administration to sign the contract for the qPublic Website for 1 year for $9,000. Charles Mathis seconded and council voted in favor.] Mike Fowlkes asked when will this be back up. Rob replied immediately.
Interim Admin. Bill Blanton had no report at this time.
Petitioner Jimbo Martin spoke regarding Upstate EMS. He stated that his company Ambu-star has been in service for 12 years and we have around 135 employees. We have had the contract for EMS services for the hospital for the past 5 years and employ 65 employees there. We take care of our indigent citizens in Cherokee Co. We are concerned of what might take place and are asking council to consider us when seeking proposals for the EMS when the hospital discontinues it effective 3/1/18. We are hopeful of your arrangement going forward and ask that you allow us to continue to be that provider for EMS for Cherokee County.
Councilman David Smith made the motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 30-4-70(a)(2) to receive legal advice pertaining to pending threatened potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney/client privilege specifically including the EMS Services and the
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litigation related to that. Lyman Dawkins seconded and council voted in favor and went into executive session at 5:10 PM.
Councilman Mike Fowlkes made the motion for council to come out of Executive Session and return to the Regular Meeting at 5:35 PM. Tracy McDaniel seconded and council voted in favor. Attorney Joe Mathis stated for the record that no vote or action was taken during executive session.
Attorney Mathis reported as a matter of update that the county has filed a motion for injunction for the pending litigation of the EMS and there will be a hearing scheduled for that matter on Thursday, 2/22/18, 2:00 PM in Spartanburg.
Chairman Spencer reminded council of the invite to the annual Cherokee Co. Development Board meeting & dinner Monday, 2/26/18, 5:30 PM @ SCC/CCC L. Hoke Parris Building.
As there was no other business to come before council at this time, Chairman Spencer adjourned the meeting at 5:37 PM.
APPROVED:3/5/18Respectfully submitted,
BY ITS CHAIRMAN Tim SpencerDoris F. Pearson, Clerk to Council