Report to Council of24thMay 2007

Subject: Local Government and Scottish Parliament Elections 2007

Prepared by: Rod Richardson, Deputy Returning Officer


1.1.Elections for all 5 of the new Electoral Wards within the Clackmannanshire Local Government Area were held on Thursday 3rd May 2007. The elections were combined with the Scottish Parliament elections within the Ochil Constituency.

1.2.The local government elections were the first to be conducted using the Single Transferable Vote system (STV), and the combined poll ballot papers were the first to be counted electronically across Scotland.

1.3.The purpose of this report is to confirm the details of those elected to serve as Members of the Clackmannanshire Council for the period 2007 to 2011, and to provide information on the Scottish Parliament election in the Ochil Constituency.

1.4.The names and addresses of all Clackmannanshire Council Members elected are listed in Appendix A attached. Those elected are listed alphabetically by surname within each ward.

The result of the Scottish Parliamentary Election for the Ochil Constituency is attached as Appendix B for information.


2.1.Council is recommended to:

(a)note the contents of this report;

(b)acknowledge the election of the 18 members; and

(c)note the election of Keith Brown as the Scottish Parliament member representing the Ochil Constituency.


3.1.Experience in 1999 and 2003 confirmed that the requirement to combine the polls for the Scottish Parliament elections with that for the local government elections dramatically increases the demands on the resources and staff available to the Returning Officer. This year, with the added complexity of the STV voting and electronic counting process, the demands on Council resources, and key staff in particular, have been exceptional. Against that background, it is with immense satisfaction that it is possible to report that the standard of preparation and election administration was such that all regulatory and internally set targets up to, and including polling day, were met.

3.2.The electronic count of the marked papers was conducted on a continuous process basis – although the Scottish Parliament papers took precedence, the full capacity of the counting system was used to maximise efficiencies. This approach allowed the Constituency and Region results to be announced as predicted at around 3.45am. The Clackmannanshire Council results then followed over the next 20 minutes. The count centre was officially closed down by 4.30am.

3.3.The voter turnout across the Clackmannanshire area was 55.9%.

3.4.The Ochil Constituency (which includes parts of the Perth & Kinross and Stirling local government areas) saw a turnout of 56.1%

4.0Postal Voting

4.1 Access to postal voting on demand first became possible in 2001. Take up of this option has been increasing steadily ever since. Moving from a total of 1,700 in 2001, the postal vote total for 2007 was 5,672 (9.8% of the eligible electorate).

4.2 A total of 4,352 postal votes (76.7%) were returned before the close of poll. These included two that managed a round trip to America and back.

4.3Administering the postal voting process is a complex and resource demanding activity. The increase in numbers, and the need for changed procedures (manual and computer system) to ensure regulation compliance had a significant impact on the inputs required from election staff and others across the Council. Deadlines set within the statutory election timetable were however met fully.

5.0Follow up

5.1 All individuals elected to serve as members of the Council are required to sign a ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office’ before acting in any official capacity. It is confirmed that all 18 newly elected Members have signed the required declaration.

5.2 Changes in legislation meant that this was the first election where Official Observers were permitted to witness all parts of the election process. The Electoral Commission and the Electoral Reform Society were represented in the constituency and were able to observe the management of the postal vote process, the conduct of the poll, and the count. Details of their observations will be used to help inform those responsible for drafting the Electoral Commission’s national election report, but it is hoped that we will receive a more detailed local report.

5.3The election timetable does not end at the conclusion of the count. Details of candidate/party expenditure must be submitted by mid June, and staff involved in the election will continue to have a level of input for several months after that.


6.1Personnel Implications

The number of polling staff employed for the day at this election was 218. Polling staff were recruited through the use of clacksweb, the local Job Centre, and through StirlingUniversity. Polling staff were required to attend one of the training events run internally.

35 of our staff and 10 from the contractor (DRS) were engaged to assist with counting the votes cast. Count staff attended at least one day’s training.

30 staff were engaged on one or more of the 5 sessions (each lasting up to 6 hours) where postal votes were issued or processed.

6.2Financial Implications

  • Accounts for this election will be prepared and submitted on behalf of the Returning Officer within 12 months.
  • The Scotland Office will meet the cost (up to set maximums) of the Scottish Parliament poll. The Scotland Office and the Executive will meet the bulk of the costs relating to the electronic count. The Council will be responsible for all expenditure relating to the local government poll.
  • Sustainability Implications

Supports community participation and representation.


(1)The recommendations contained within this report support or implement Corporate Priorities, Council policies and/or the Community Plan:

  • Corporate Priorities (Key Themes)

Achieving potential

Maximising Quality of Life

Securing Prosperity

Enhancing the environment

Maintaining an effective organisation

  • Community Plan (Themes)

Community Safety

Economic Development

Environment and Sustainability

Health Improvement

(2)In adopting the recommendations contained in this report the Council is acting within its legal powers.

(3)The full financial implications of the recommendations contained in this report are set out in the report. This includes a reference to full life cycle costs where appropriate.


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