From:F. Dylla
Subject:FEL Upgrade Project Weekly Brief – July 7-11, 2003
Date:July 11, 2003
We had a very productive week of installation/check out activities for the completion
of the high power (recirculated) configuration of the 10 kW Upgrade. We plan on starting
hot check-out of various systems on second shiftnext week including rf processing of the injector cryounit, with start-up of beam commissioning activities slated for the following week
(on or about July 21).
The following are highlights of this week's shut down activities:
(1) We repaired the injector cryounit rf window that failed during last week's rf bench test and successfully tested it to 75 kW input. At this power level the window ceramic rose to a tolerable 100 C. We took the time to warm up the cryounit to ambient temperature, installed two rf windows (both qualified at 75 kW), and began the cool down to 4k late this morning. On Monday, the unit will be cooled to 2k and we will begin rf processing during second shifts. (We thank the SRF team led by John Hogan, the RF testing team led by Rick Nelson and the Cryo team led by Dana Arenius for their extra efforts this week to meet the tight schedule).
(2) The string of 5 large dipole magnets in the second recirculation arc was successfully powered last night.
(3) The last vacuum components (viewer and BPM) for the recirculation dump were completed this week and the dump line should go under vacuum by tomorrow. Most of the shielding blocks were installed earlier in the week. The last remaining blocks will go in Monday after the installation of the iron plate shielding on Sunday and Monday.
(4) After the last shielding material has been transported inside the FEL ring we will install and align the last remaining vacuum pipe and quad girders late on Monday to complete the high power configuration.
(5) The I&C team has kept one step ahead of the check-out activities all week (as usual).
Five papers that were prepared by JLab staff for presentation at the July 29-31, 2003 Navy FEL Workshop (Laurel, MD) were reviewed and sent to the Workshop office, with copies sent also to our ONR and PMS 405 program offices:
G. Neil: Status of the Jefferson Lab High Average Power FEL
W. Funk: SRF Accelerator Status
D. Douglas: Beam Transport for MW Class FEL Drivers
M. Shinn: Overview of the Cryogenic Mirror Program at Jefferson Lab
Review of One Micron Optics Damage Thresholds
Michael Kelley presented a keynote plenary talk on the JLab FEL program at Laser 2003 biennial joint meeting of laser societies in Munich during the week of June 23.
WBS 4 (Injector):
The FEL Gun team met several times over the last two weeks to plan the next 3-15 months
of work starting with (1) testing of large area samples of the SiOx field emission suppression coating, and testing of electropolished SS and Nb samples for comparison; (2) assembly of a back-up electrode stack for the 10 kW FEL for full voltage testing; (3) and discussions of the gun assembly for testing in FY04 with the AES cryounit for 100 mA tests
Work continues on the refurbishing of the old photocathode gun. Several jobs were submitted to the machine shop to modify the electrodes. This week we started working on Nb field emission tests by submitting to the machine shop the drawings for a 6-in test electrode.
Modifications to the support mounts for the field emission suppression ion-implant system are in progress. A stainless steel tube is being polished for further testing in that system.
The effect of space charge on the electron beam focusing by the solenoids was studied this week using PARMELA. The results show that some beam may have been lost in the second solenoid due to weak focusing from the first solenoid as the charge was increased, as previously observed
during the FEL injector setup operations. The beam size on the ceramic viewer as a function of the first solenoid field strength was simulated to calibrate the computer code against the actual solenoid, once the FEL resumes beam operations.
WBS 5 (SRF):
SNS Module 6 is scheduled to vacate the clean room by next week andassembly of the cavity string for the FEL 3 module should begin. In the intervening time some problems with the copper plating on fundamental power coupler and welding issues with the stub tuner were resolved.
WBS 6 (RF):
The water leak in the 2nd warm window for the FEL Quarter was fixed by rebrazing the part. It was leak checked, hydro-tested, RF tested, leak checked again, and then installed on the Quarter. The center of the ceramic window reached about 103°C while the metal edge was about
130°C at 75 kW of forward RF power. The reflected power was about 2 kW as the RF load was 50 ohms. The flange temperature rose about 11°C from 30°C with 2 gpm flowing in the cooling line.
The U-Tubes have been stabbed and the Quarter will be cooled to 4°K today. It will then be cooled to 2°K on Monday. The waveguides are connected and the remainder of the RF cables will connected Monday morning.
The test set has been taken down and the waveguide, and various LCW flow sensors have been reconnected.
C. Hovater is planning to do cavity and waveguide processing early next week on the Quarter.
WBS 8 (Instrumentation):
Please see for the latest update on the I&C tasks needed for high power operations.
The wiring and initial testing of the HR RTD & Analog Chassis has been completed. The set-up of the front panel meters needs to take place. The fabrication as well as the wiring of the OC RTD & Analog Chassis has begun. The PCB layout for the HR & OC Analog Buffer board has been completed by EECAD and a quote for manufacturing is in progress. The parts have been ordered for three boards.
The S.E.E. BPM RF modules have been mounted for the 5F Region, cables tested and are ready for functional testing. Viewers 0F04, 4F003 and 3F12have been re-installed and awaiting re-commissioning. Work continues on installing the 1G dump, 5F01 and 5F03 viewer assemblies. Power and video cables were terminated and in the 2F, 5F and 4F region for the SLM's.
The Drive Laser Pulse Controller (DLPC) upgrade/conversion is nearly complete. The final revisions on the MPS card for the DLPC interface have been made. All the arrangements for installing the system in the clean room are being made. The old DLPC system will be converted over to the new system over the course of next week. The Beam Current Monitor (BCM) chassis is being modified to send out a Beam Envelope to the DLPC as a part of the beam current/duty cycle confirmation - this confirms that the actual beam current is consistent with the requested current otherwise the shutter will close.
Work continues on the Happek interferometer for bunch length measurement. A pair of frames were made to hold beam splitters as a drop in replacement for the wire grids. The wire grids are needed because of the long wavelengths used in the measurement but these are difficult to use with a HeNe. All else is ready to complete the installation.
The 2nd Arc dipole string was successfully tested and current ramped to 200 Amps. These signal have been connected and checked out in the MPS. AC power has been hooked up for the 2nd Arc string Dansfysik trim supplies and tested successfully. Effort continues on wiringthe SF's and QT's in this region.
There were two visitors from the University of Maryland here this week, Ralph Fiorito and Anatoly Shkvarunets. Together we are going to explore new types of electron beam diagnostics for the FEL and for future machine. These efforts will start with a beam diagnostics table off to the side of the 2G dump. This line can be run from ~90 MeV down to perhaps as low as 10 MeV with out impacting and FEL operations. This will prove to be a valuable test line for future diagnostics.
Thevideo acquisition system for frame grabber has been designed and is in the beginning stages of being implemented. Signal processing design has also been established.This uses a PC with Linux as an operating system running EPICS. The integration was confirmed by the use of structured tests. The epics application will be implemented next week. This uses a PC with Linux as an operating system running EPICS. The system will replace the Datacube VME module.
The crystal quartz window evaluations continue with three trials of the experiment done on 7/03/03. The results indicate that crystal quartz was stronger than any the current literature suggests. The crystal quartz of 2.5mm thickness did not break at 250psi. It was decided, because of the results, that thinner windows would be purchased to test. As soon as the new windows come in, they will be characterized and tested.
WBS 9 (Transport):
Injector Dipoles (DU/DV)
• We measured the 5F GV and adjusted the field clamps to get the appropriate integral gradient. We established the main currents and saturation coil currents corresponding to 8.7, 8.2 and 9.7 MeV/c and measured the integral at the center and edges of the good field region for the three cases. The two GVs will be installed starting early on Monday so when Alignment finishes with the two quad stands; they will be able to align these two dipoles.
Arc 180 Degree Dipoles (GY)
•The bottom yoke of the second GY had its Purcell gap shims successfully glued on this week by the team of Don Bullard of the FEL and Mike McCrea of the machine shop. They will now assemble the magnet.
Trim Quadrupole (QT) / Vertical Arc Corrector (GC)
•We measured the QT with its GC corrector at various corrector settings. It should be ready early next week for installation. It should bolt in place where it already had been aligned. Alignment should only take a check.
Octupole (OT)
•We have placed the order for cores with New England Technicoil. We will ship the steel to them early next week.
•After the water was hooked up to the GY and the shunt was installed across the GY, the power supply for the string of dipoles in the second arc was run up by local control to 200 A (out of 230 A required for 210 MeV/c).
•The downstream pole of the 1st solenoid in the injector was cut in half and removed from its trapped condition on the beam line. This removal will allow access room to remove and install the spare special Haimson correctors into the center of the solenoid. The installed correctors had become “toast” during the last gun bake and the terminals broke off while replacing the leads with non-magnetic leads. The new split solenoid pole configuration (part due Tuesday) will be simpler. The Haimsons don't have to be baked because they can easily be removed.
WBS 11 (Optics):
This week we vented the HR vacuum vessel in order to install the 4" HR deformable mirror (assembled over the holiday) and a new, more robust connector for the LVDTs. The LVDT work proceeded smoothly, but we ran into problems installing the mirror, and chipped its edge when we removed it. The spare was assembled, but found to have a much shorter ROC than before it was glued, behavior that had heretofore not been observed. Discussions with the vendor, along with literature research suggested the cause was due to water adsorption in the coating. Weannealed the optic at 70C (well-below the epoxy glass transition temperature) in a nitrogen atmosphere tolengthen the ROC. This worked, lengthening the ROC to the long end of our control range. However, this morning we noted that the coating was delaminating, so our cooldown cycle may have been too abrupt. The vendor believes they can recoat the optic within a week. In the meantime, as a backup option, we will more gently annealthe optic with the chipped edge and install that in the unoccupied 4" broadband position.
For the outcoupler (OC) mirrors, the high power (@ 10.6 microns) is in the final stage of being ready for installation. Assuming it passes QC,installation will occur Monday or Tuesday, only ~ 48 hrs behind schedule.
Our other subsystem work is on schedule. The new EO cell replacement is installed and undergoing commissioning. Theoptical diagnostics bench has been reconfigured withZnSe optics.
We received the high power optical dump, which is nominally rated for 50 kW.
During this week we supported further RF warm window testing with our thermometric imaging setup. We also held a video teleconference meeting with NSWC Dahlgren on facility modifications and equipment required for future materials effects testing.