Speak Up 2014
AVID promotional material
For additional promotional materials please visit: http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/promo.html
Sample Post #1
Subject: Collect valuable data for your school or district by participating in Speak Up 2014
Join the conversation about the use of technology for learning through Speak Up, a National Research Project. Since 2003, over 3.4 million K-12 education stakeholders have participated in the annual online surveys. Data findings are shared each year with federal, state and local policymakers to inform education programs, policies and funding. Additionally, as part of our special partnership with Project Tomorrow, AVID will also receive a special data report specifically on AVID student responses!
Surveys will be open for input October 6th – December 19th, 2014 at: www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2014.
Get your schools involved! All schools in the NCES database are already registered to participate in Speak Up. To help facilitate the Speak Up process at your school or district we recommend designating a primary contact that will be in charge of the promotion and encouragement of the survey at your selected organizational level: school, district, organization. To learn more and register as the primary contact for Speak Up, please go to our website to update your district/school contact information at http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/MainContactInformation.html.
Sample Post #2
Speak Up 2014 will be open for input October 6th through Dec 19th at: www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2014!
Since 2003, the annual Speak Up survey has collected data from students, parents, educators and the local community about technology, learning, and schools. Last year, over 11,900 AVID middle and high school students participated in Speak Up! Now’s your chance to get your students involved! All participating schools and districts will receive a copy of their local data results, as well as a special AVID specific data report with national comparisons!
To learn more about the project and how to get involved, visit the AVID Speak Up page at: www.tomorrow.org/speakup/AVID.html
Speak Upis a nationalinitiative of Project Tomorrow, the nation's leading educational nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that today’s students are well prepared to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders and engaged citizens of the world.To Learn more about Speak Up, please visit: www.tomorrow.org/speakup
Sample Post #3
Speak Up for Schools Survey
AVID is encouraging all schools to participate in the annual Speak Up National Research Project, which provides participating schools, districts and non-profit organizations with a suite to online surveys and reports to collect authentic feedback from stakeholders on important education issues. Input from students, parents, teachers, administrators and community members will help AVID create a vision for 21st century learning for our AVID students. Survey results will be made available to educational leaders at the state and national level as well as your school and district.
Instructions for completing the Speak Up survey
1. Go to this link: www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2014
2. Click on the appropriate survey (Student, Educator, Parent, Community member).
3. Follow the given instructions to access the survey. Begin by entering your school zip or clicking on the drop down button and select your state, then go to the next line and type in your school name to find your school.
4. Students will choose their grade level and enter in their school specific password*
5. Parents and Educators will NOT need the password to access the survey.
* Register as the primary contact of your school or district to manage your information and assign a student survey password to ensure confidentiality. To learn more about registration please visit: http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/MainContactInformation.html
To learn more about Speak Up please visit the AVID informational page at: www.tomorrow.org/speakup/AVID.html
Sample Post #4
Subject: Speak Up 2014 | Make Your Voice Heard
Are you “Speaking Up” about digital learning this year? If not, you are missing a unique opportunity to have your views—as well as the views of your educators, students, their parents and the local community—included in the increasingly important U.S. national and state discussions on digital learning policies, programs, and funding.
AVID is proud to announce a special partnership with Project Tomorrow this year to encourage participation of AVID schools in their online research project Speak Up. The Speak Up National Research Project annually collects and reports on the authentic, unfiltered views of K–12 students, parents, and educators about critical digital age education and technology issues. The survey questions reflect many pertinent education topics impacting the K-12 community today—such as the use of tablets within learning, digital games, online classes, social media and Internet safety. Since 2003, more than 3.4 million K–12 education stakeholders have shared their ideas about ed tech through the Speak Up online surveys. And we need your ideas too.
The online survey is open to students, educators, parents and members of the community October 6th through December 19, 2014. There is no cost to participate; no limit on the number of surveys that can be submitted; and all data collected is 100% confidential. Plus, every participating organization gets back their own stakeholder data from the online surveys to use for grant writing, ed tech plans, budgets, professional development and community engagement. No need to create your own surveys – Speak Up does all the work for you!
To learn more about how to get involved visit: http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/AVID.html.
Speak Upis a nationalinitiative of Project Tomorrow, the nation's leading educational nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that today’s students are well prepared to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders and engaged citizens of the world.To Learn more about Speak Up, please visit: www.tomorrow.org/speakup
Sample Post #5
Subject: Speak Up 2014 | Tell Us About Your Digital Life
Participate in Speak Up 2014: October 6th through Dec 19th, 2014
Be part of the Speak Up movement! AVID and Project Tomorrow invite all schools to participate in the 12th annual Speak Up National Research Project. Speak Up provides a quick and easy way for your students, parents, teachers, librarians and administrators to have a voice in local, state and national discussions about emerging technologies in education. Plus, every participating school and district gets back their own stakeholder data from the online surveys to use for grant writing, ed tech plans, budgets, professional development and community engagement. No need to create your own surveys – Speak Up does all the work for you!
Additionally, as part of our special partnership with Project Tomorrow, AVID will also receive a special data report specifically on AVID student responses!
Register as the primary contact of your school or district to manage your information and assign a student survey password to ensure confidentiality-- all students will need to enter in the secret word to take the survey. You’ll find multiple choice and open-ended questions on the surveys. All information is 100% confidential. To register as the primary contact of your school or district please visit: http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/MainContactInformation.html
Since 2003, over 3.4 million education stakeholders from over 30,000 schools have participated in Speak Up. It is more important today than ever that your voice is heard by policymakers – Together, let's work towards leveraging technology to promote enhanced learning in our K-12 schools!
Project Tomorrow is a national education nonprofit organization dedicated to improving science, math and technology education in our schools. Learn more about us @ www.tomorrow.org/speakup.
Sample Post #6
Subject: What are your thoughts on technology in education?
Participate in Speak Up 2014: October 6th through Dec 19th, 2014
AVID and Project Tomorrow are pleased to announce that the Speak Up surveys will be open for input on October 6th. The Speak Up surveys and reports enable you to easily gain insights from your stakeholders about the use of technology for learning and subsequently use your Speak Up results to inform your own local technology, instructional or curricular decisions. All participating schools and districts receive a free copy of their local data results in February 2015.
In addition, the voices of your stakeholders will become part of the AVID Speak Up national findings for middle and high school students. This special data report will help AVID create a vision for 21st century learning for our middle and high students.
How do I get started?
Visit the AVID Speak Up page to learn more about how to register and get your schools involved at: www.tomorrow.org/speakup/AVID.html
If you would like additional information or have questions, please contact the Speak Up team at or 949 609-4660 ext 17.