University Staff Performance Improvement Memorandum
(Name of Employee)
(Employee Home Address)
Re:Performance Improvement Memorandum
Dear [Name of Employee]:
In accordance with HR Policies Chapter 7.01, V, I am writing this letter to document ourmeeting on (insert date)during which we discussed myconcerns about your [behavior/performance]. My goal with our meeting and with this letter is to discuss specific examples of concerns and ongoing expectations for sustained improvement needed for you to successfully complete your probationary period.
Area of concern 1
Specific example of incident regarding area of concern 1
Area of concern 2
Specific example of incident regarding area of concern 2
You began your probationary period with UW-Madison [Division] on [Date] with an anticipated probationary period end date of [Date]. In order for you to successfully completeyour probationary period, you must meet the expectations outlined in this document [by Date/prior to your probationary period end date]. It is important for you to understand that your failure to meet these expectations, or to make consistent progress towardssatisfactory [performance/behavior] could result in you not passing your probationary period and the termination of your appointment with UW-Madisonat any time prior to your probationary period end date.
My expectations are as follows:
To assist you in meeting these expectations I have identified the following [training, webinar, conference, resources, etc.] to support you in meeting these objectives:
I sincerely hope that we can work together to improve your [behavior/performance]. I am willing to work with you in any manner that will help you to meet these expectations. We will meet [weekly/bi-weekly] over the remainder of your probationary periodto discuss your [performance/behavior], or until such time as you have achieved sustained, satisfactory [behavior/performance]. Please let me know if there are additional resources or training that you feel would assist or support you in meeting the aforementioned objectives.
I encourage you to consider contacting the UW-Madison Employee Assistance Office to see if there is any assistance they can provide. You can call them at 263-2987 to schedule an appointment. All conversations you have with them will be held confidential. You can find more information about the office at:
If there is an underlying medical problem that may be affecting your performance, I encourage you to consider requesting leave under FMLA or requesting an accommodation. The UW Madison Disability Accommodation Policy and Accommodation Request Form are available from or from the Division DDR (Name)at (Phone Number).
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the information outlined in this letter.
(Supervisor name and contact information)
cc:Division Human Resources
Office of Human Resources personnel file
Workforce Relations Updated 11/5/2015