To:[Supervisor name]

From:[Your name]

Date: [Insert date]

Subject: Attending PLUGS® Summit 2018

Hi [Supervisor Name],

I am requesting your approval to attend the Patient-centered Laboratory Utilization Guidance Services’ (PLUGS) annual CME/CEU Accredited conference. ThePLUGS Summit will be held June 13th-15Th, 2018, in Seattle, Washington. With an expected attendance of 250+ laboratory professionals,this conferencewill provide opportunities to network and learn from peers who experience the same challenges that we face. Through conference attendance and networking withpeers, I will gain valuable insight regarding how to:

  • Start and sustain a laboratory stewardship program
  • Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of particular lab stewardship strategies such as provider report cards, algorithms, “nudging” behaviors, collaboration with pathologists or genetics counselors, insurers and computerized ordering templates and other interventions based on information technology.
  • Choose and implement one or more effective lab stewardship strategies for specific scenarios.
  • Maximize the likelihood that an insurance claim for a medically necessary test will be accepted by the insurance company.
  • Effectively collect and analyze data to drive change and improvements in the laboratory.
  • Overcome and navigate common cultural and communication challenges when implementing changes within the laboratory.

I understand that my attendance at PLUGS Summit 2018 is an investment of both time and money. Below are my expected out-of-pocket expenses:


Event Registration*$550

Flight $

Lodging $269/night

Other Meals$

Transportation $


Total $

*Registration fee includes materials, two lunches,Thursday night networking banquet.

The PLUGS Summit program is available at I am confident that attending the PLUGS Summit will provide me with best practices and strategic solutions I can share with our team immediately. The opportunities to network with other laboratory leadersand learn from laboratory stewardship experts isan appropriate use of both our training and education budget, as well as my time away from work.

If there are specific items you would like me to explore while I am at PLUGS Summit 2018, please let me know – there are so many resources at this conference, I am sure I can find answers to almost any laboratory stewardship question.

Please let me know if there is any other information you need to include these items in our 2018 budget. I look forward to sharing my learning with you and the rest of our team.


[Insert name here]