Adam Lail


SED 374

Subject and Setting

Wilbur is a Caucasian male with the label BED and in the seventh grade. His behavior observed has been good to date. I have not seen him behavior inappropriately for any of my observations besides some talk-outs. Regarding his academics, he is behind in math and writing. Mr. Zuckerman states he is starting to progress nicely behaviorally, socially, and academically. This classroom is a self-contained IBS classroom at Noble Middle. There is one teacher and one to two teacher assistants working in the classroom throughout the day. There are five main areas to this classroom. The cubby area is for the students to complete work that involves no instruction. There are two lecture are for the staff to give instruction. The teacher instructs at one while the teacher assistant instructs at the other. This allows the staff to instruct to their learners that are on different grade levels. The class also has one big table for learners to sit together at for instruction. There is a time-out room, which the teacher has not had to use this year. The classroom has a couple of book selves with textbooks, three computers, two dry-erase boards, and one television.


Talk-out: a vocalization or noise, examples include laughs, grunts, and giggles, made to self or others, which can be heard by the observer, initiated by the student not in response to the teacher or peers; Talks-outs are separated by a breath, a five-second interval, or a change in topic, while not counting appropriate questions or comments to teacher or peers. Appropriate questions or comments consist of vocalizations stated related to the content of the lesson in an appropriate manner.

Goal and Objective

Goal- Wilbur will reduce the frequency of talk-outs displayed in math class when completely independent assignments.

Objective- When given an independent assignment in math class, W will reduce talk-outs by only displaying 3 or less during the assignment.

Measurements and Data Collected

Frequency Recording was completed on these dates in the IBS self-contained classroom. I tallied the talk-out by the definition on these dates and these times.

Intervention Plan- Reduction of Talk-Outs

Reinforcement Interview- Complete an interview which would discover interest and possible reinforcers for the learner.

Reinforcement Schedule- At first, the learner will be reinforced every three minutes that he does not talk-out during independent assignments and math class. With progress, the reinforcement schedule will become more relaxed. The learner will receive a stamp on a reinforcement card which adds up points for a reward and social praise.

Reinforcement for Class- Reinforcement will occur for students that ignore the learner’s talk-outs. The function of the talk-outs is too gain attention from peers, so the class will be prone to decrease the reinforcement to the learner.

Self-Monitoring- Teach the learner to record the frequency of the talk-outs. This will allow the learner to visually track and be responsible for his behavior. Set up reinforcements for a decrease in trend.

Written Rules- Have a written and displayed rule stating that the class should ignore disruptive behaviors. Reinforce and discipline consistently when this rule is followed or broken.

Public Posters- Disruptive behaviors will be tallied for the whole class and displayed on a poster. The learner will receive reinforcement for the decrease with their disruptive behaviors.

Behavioral Contract- Have the learner write a contract stating that he will improve his talk-outs during the problematic settings. Include reinforcement schedule, penalty clause and a bonus clause. The learner will receive top reinforcement with high success rate.

Note to Parents- The parents receive progress reports each week and the parents should reinforce with success.

Math Buddy- Place a strong math peer beside the learner for guidance. Buddy will help with questions and can pre-check assignments before the learner turns them in.

Modification of Math Work- Allow extra time for math, breaks, shorter assignments, and more teacher assistance.

Documentation of Progress- All teachers record the frequency of talk-outs to show trend of the intervention.

This graph shows that the intervention has caused a decrease in the trend. The intervention seems to be helping the talk-out behavior.