Subject: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from National Day of Application for ILEAD USA

Kristen Edson:I'm here Joan!

Carrie - Utah:Carrie Valdes - I am the Director of the Grand County Public Library in Moab, UT.

Monique:monique shore. drake community library in iowa. just me.

Kristen Edson:Kristen Edson Chicago Public Library 1

Jet Kofoot:Jet Kofoot - Iowa

Dana DeJong-Boots - Colorado:Dana DeJong Boots from Douglas County Libraries in Colorado

Jeanne:Jeanne Hamilton- Charleston Carnegie Public Library- IL

Stephanie Stocking:Stephanie Stocking - Pitkin County Library in Aspen, Colorado

Dorothy Hemmo:Dorothy Hemmo - University of Illinois Springfield

Christine Barth, Iowa:Christine Barth, Scott County Library System, Eldridge, Iowa

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Christine Kreger and Kris Johnson--Colorado State Library

Angie:Angie Martin-Schwarze - Director of the Kendall Young Library in Webster City, Iowa,

Erin Davis:Erin Davis from Utah State University

Cheryl Walters:Cheryl Walters, Utah State University

Lesley Zavediuk:Lesley Zavediuk-WebJunction Illinois

Debbie Crane - ILS:Debbi - Iowa

Susan Blythe:Susan Blythe, Conrad Public LIbrary Iowa

Mary from Perry:Mary Murphy -Iowa -Perry Public Library

Candice:Candice Smith--Iowa City Public Library,

Sheila Kerber:Sheila Kerber and Elizabeth Kelsen Huber Douglas County LIbraries, Colorado

Nancy Dolan:Nancy Dolan, Quincy Publcic Library, Illinois

Alysia Peich - Iowa:Alysia Peich, Iowa Library Services

Karen Burns, IA Library Services:Karen Burns, District Consultant in SW Iowa

Gunther Keim:Gunther Keim, Upper Arlington Public Library, Ohio - 1

Sarah Willeford - Iowa:Sarah Willeford from Ankeny Public Library, Iowa

LaVonne - Iowa:LaVonne Sternhagen - Director Beaman Community Memorial Library - Iowa

Eunice - Iowa:Eunice Riesberg - Iowa Library Services

Dona Gay:Dona Gay and Pam Vaughn-Springville, Utah

Skaden/Iowa:Anne Skaden Washington County Public Libraries

Ashlee from Ohio:Ashlee Clark, State Library of Ohio, just me on my computer. Katie is participating by hers.

Matt McLain-Utah:Matt McLain from the Utah State Library

Frankie Hannan Iowa:Frankie Hannan Missouri Valley Iowa

ISL test 3:Sheri Vaughan-Illinois

Cheryl Walters:At some point this morning, could you perhaps give some examples of projects done previously under this program?

Christine Barth, Iowa:For the teams - do you have to have 5 people? Or can you apply as 1/2 people and get put on a team? - Perhaps this will be addressed in depth later.

ISL test 1:Christine Barth- YES, you need 5 people on a team. 3 members can come from one library.. Does that answer your question?

Alysia Peich - Iowa:Christine Barth -

ISL test 1:Anne will give some qexamples of previous team projects.

Alysia Peich - Iowa:Sorry! There is a form on the webjunction site where you can tell us your community need and we can matchmake with other interested participatns.

Christine Barth, Iowa:So you have to find your own team?

Cheryl Walters:When you apply, is it enough to just provide the community need and not have a project in mind yet that will meet that need?

Christine Barth, Iowa:Thanks Alysia

Cherryl Walker 2:Alysia will work with you Christine concerning your questions - ther is a form on each state's page that will allow you to put your name in the hat if you do not have enough team members. This perhaps will allow you to hopefully connect with someone with a shared community need and join your team.

ISL test 1:Christine - each partner state has a "Be a part of a Team' form you can fill out and become part of a team.

Christine Barth, Iowa:Cool - we will look for that!

Christine Barth, Iowa:Thank you

Christine Barth, Iowa:Do we fill out the Be a Part of a Team form before we look at the rest of the application?

Becky Iowa:.

cswansen:Web junction URL was posted

ISL test 1:Christine - you can fill out the 'Be a part of the Team' form prior to the team formation

ISL test 1:Christine - this will help you find team members and then complete the full Tam application

Christine Barth, Iowa:That makes sense. Thank you!

ISL test 1:welcome - pleae do not hesitate to contact your own state leader. You are also welcome to contact Gwen or Debbie with questions. All email addressess will be posted on upcoming slides.

ISL test 1:wHarrison

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Colorado also has a Gogle doc for those looking for teams

Katie Campbell- Ohio:In Ohio, you can use the form on WebJunction, you can also enter your name into the Google Document at:

Matt McLain-Utah:To Cheryl Walters: It is best if teams have a project in mind when they apply, but it will almost certainly change in scope over the course of the first session/first couple of months

ISL test 2:Debra Aggertt

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Colorado's apps are also fillable PDF's

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Colorado folks can contact Christine at

Monique:iowa's app doesn't have that first requirement. can you tell us what the IA requirement for team makeup is in terms of library type

Alysia Peich - Iowa:You're right Monique. Iowa's application is a little different, and multitype libraries aren't required but they are definitely encouraged.

Angie:Could your team have a member from a museum?

Katie Campbell- Ohio:Angie, what state are you from?

Angie:I'm from Iowa

Christine Barth, Iowa:If we have members from multiple communities working on one project, do we need to identify a community user from each of those communities?

ISL test 2:Partner states please feel free to respond to the chat request if it originates from your state please

Alysia Peich - Iowa:Angie, let's discuss more - the project is inteded for librarians, but I'd like to hear more about what you're thinking. Can you email me at ?

Alysia Peich - Iowa:Christine - each team member has to have a community user, so yes, there should be a community user from each of those represented.

Jeanne:If you have 2 library types from the same city, do you expect some overlap in the statement of need?

cswansen:If your team members are from other communities ...should we focus on the needs rather than each community?

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Hello Charlene! On the individual application you describe your community....but as a group try and find a common community need all can address...


Bill Erbes, Illinois:Do we need one community representative for the project or one for each individual team member?

ISL test 2:Bill at Bensenville - do you have a question?

ISL test 2:You need a community rep for EACH person

Bill Erbes, Illinois:Thanks.

ISL test 2:If you have a question- please chat at any time. We are here to andwer your questions

ISL test 2:a sandbox in which you are encouraged to play and ask questions

ISL test 2:food and more food

cswansen:Will the mentor be tech savvy?

ISL test 2:The mentor does not necessarily have to be tech savy...

ISL test 2:the mentors role is guidance

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Good question Charlene! We will be looking for mentors who want to stratch thier leadership skills...our technology instructors will be tech savvy

Katie Campbell- Ohio:Much of the technical instruction will come from the instructors who will be avaliable for help during the in-person sessions.


Christine/Kris (Colorado):Those interested in applying as mentors need not be super techie

Angie:Alysia, I am sending you an email. Thanks.

Alysia Peich - Iowa:Great, Angie.

Ashlee from Ohio:What was the question? We couldn't quite hear...

Katie Campbell- Ohio:If three of the team members are from the same community can they share a community rep?

ISL test 2:The question was if two or more team mebers are from the same insitution, due they each need their own community rep?

Ashlee from Ohio:Ok - thanks!

Skaden/Iowa:can the community rep. be retired?

ISL test 2:Skaden - YES, the community rep can be retired.

ISL test 2:A community rep does not need to be in the library field - maybe communications...

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Community rep...just ne4eds to be part of the community. Someone who would benefit from your project...



LaVonne - Iowa:Does each state have a certain number of pages. For the individual application we only have 7 pages, not 10 pages?

Karen Burns, IA Library Services:Lavonne, each state's application is a little different..

Alysia Peich - Iowa:LaVonne - each state's applications are slightly different.

ISL test 2:LaVonne - each state may have different number of pages - please check with your own state.

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Each state tweaked the apps a page numbers maybe different...

Alysia Peich - Iowa:For instance, we do not provide CPDUs for teachers because we don't have that program in Iowa.

Dona Gay:Pam Vaughn is

Cheryl Walters:Cheryl Walters: maybe will apply as mentor

ISL test 2:We do have mentor apps available....

ISL test 2:any questions? please text in...

ISL test 2:there are instructor applications available - if you have an expertise...

Cheryl Walters:When and where does this instructor do training? In the in-person sessions? On call for teams to contact?

ISL test 2:The instructors need to be present at all the in-person sessions. They may also teach at intercessions.

Christine/Kris (Colorado):In Colorado, the instructors will be selected for the class...may be in person , may be online.

Matt McLain-Utah:Cheryl--both. In person sessions will have 5-10 breakouts where we will need instructors and as specific requests for the teams...webinars , or even additional in-person sessions

ISL test 2:please check for the instructor requirements for each state...

Christine/Kris (Colorado):In Colorado the instructorms may not need to be at all 3 sessions...depends on what they teach.

ISL test 2:no MLS to participate in part of a team

Cheryl Walters:I need to sign off now, but thanks so much for this information!

Matt McLain-Utah:Thanks for attending, Cheryl.

ISL test 2:Cheryl Walters - watch for the link to the chat history and archive

Katie Campbell- Ohio:Gwen, what will the link be for the recording?

Christine Barth, Iowa:Thank you very much!

Monique:can we find info online somewhere about some of the projects being done in IL?

Gwen Harrison:The link will be on WJIL!

ISL test 2:the link will be established after today's session and posted to all who registered to attend and posted to WebJunction

Katie Campbell- Ohio:Thanks Gwen!

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Colorado wiil point people to the link to todays session when available :)

Gwen Harrison:Yes, you can look at previous projects completed on WJIL - ILEAD U pages

Katie Campbell- Ohio:WJIL- ILEAD USA:

Dorothy Hemmo:Thank you

Katie Campbell- Ohio:Thanks Gwen!

Stephanie Stocking:Thanks to everyone!

Alysia Peich - Iowa:Thanks so much!

Frankie Hannan Iowa:Thank you!

Dana DeJong-Boots - Colorado:thank you!

Christine/Kris (Colorado):Thanks!

Monique:thanks. sounds like a great thing. hope i can be involved!

Dona Gay:Thanks for the information

Karen Burns, IA Library Services:Thanks!

Ashlee from Ohio:Thank you!

Nancy Dolan:Thank you.

Sue Biederman:Thanks!

Gwen Harrison:Bye for now!