/ Amherst Fire District /
Standard Operating Guideline
Number: / 1801 / Author / J. Gordon
Audience / FireFirst RespondersAmbulanceAll PersoinnelStaff Only
Effective Date / 7/21/97 / Approved By
Section / 1800 Building and Grounds / Subject / Building Use

Subject: Acceptable / unacceptable activities in building and on grounds

Scope: ALL

There are several benefits to having firefighters in an around the fire station, including quicker emergency response for example.

Acceptable activities include:

1. Recreation - such as watching TV, lifting weights and playing games such as basketball & ping pong.

2. Washing your car - acceptable, but please wash a fire truck too, if needed. Please be conscious of heat loss when opening the door and clean up when you are done.

3. Civic meetings - we encourage educating the public about fire prevention by the occasional hosting of a meeting here, but it must first be cleared with the Chief before scheduling.

4. Educational - such as hosting CPR training, fire prevention and other public safety promotions.

Unacceptable activities include, but are not limited to:

1. Personal vehicle maintenance.

2. Parties, reunions, and other social events, unless a fire dept. activity.

3. Alcohol consumption, unless approved in advance by the Fire Commission.

4. Any activity for personal gain or profit.

5. Personal use of washing machine, dryer or other fire department equipment.

6. Excessive personal use of telephone, no personal long distance calls are permitted.


1. Pets may be allowed in the building if they are in the presence of their owner.

2. If a meeting is taking place while the Pet is on the premises, the pet will be secured with a leash and not free to move about unattended.

3. If the pet makes a mess, the owner is responsible for cleaning the mess and or stain.

4. If the owner leaves the building on an emergency call, the pet shall be tied to a stationary object prior to leaving.

If you are unsure whether an activity is acceptable, contact one of the chief officers for assistance in advance. This is public property and we must be sensitive to how people view our activities.

This SOG will remain in effect until superseded.

Approved by the Amherst Fire Commission July 21, 1997

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