Rev. Date: 3-07-2006 /
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COVER PAGE / Sec. 0.1 Page 1 of 1
Quality Manual
Electrical Quality Assurance Group
Provision of Diagnostic, Commissioning and Acceptance Testing Services of Electrical Equipment, SCADA, Communication, Protection Settings and Revenue Metering.Reviewed by / Approved by
Designation /
Management Representative
/Head of Department
Signature / SignatureDate / 3-07-2006 / Date / 3-07-2006
Rev. No.: 05
Rev. Date: 3-07-2006 /
/ Doc. No: EQA-QM-01Page No. 1 of 57
TABLE OF CONTENTS / Sec. 0.2 Page 1 of 1
/Section Description
/ ISO 9001:2000Clause / No. of Sheets / Rev. No. /
Rev. Date
0.1 /Cover page
/ 1 / 05 / 03-07-060.2 / Table of Contents / 1 / 05 / 03-07-06
0.3 / Revision Record / 1 / 05 / 03-07-06
0.4 / Foreword / 1 / 01 / 02-01-04
0.5 / List of Controlled Copy Holders / 4.2.3 / 1 / 05 / 03-07-06
0.6 / Company Profile / 10 / 05 / 03-07-06
0.7 / Important Definitions / 1 / 01 / 02-01-04
0.8 / Abbreviations / 1 / 01 / 02-01-04
0.9 / Scope / 1.0 / 1 / 01 / 02-01-04
1.0 / Control of the Quality Manual / 4.2.3 / 2 / 01 / 02-01-04
2.0 / Authorisation for Use / 1 / 01 / 02-01-04
3.0 / List of Procedures / 4.2.3 / 2 / 04 / 13-09-04
4.0 /
Quality Management System
/ 4. / 6 / 05 / 03-07-065.0 /
Management Responsibility
/ 5, 5.3, 5.5, 5.5.2, 5.6 / 14 / 05 / 03-07-066.0 /
Resource Management
/ 6. / 2 / 02 / 02-01-047.0 /
Product Realisation
/ 7. / 6 / 02 / 02-01-047.1 / Planning for Product Realisation / 7.1 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.2 / Customer Related Processes / 7.2 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.3 / Design and Development / 7.3 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.4 / Purchasing / 7.4 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.5 / Production and Service Provision / 7.5 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.5.3 / Identification and Traceability / 7.5.3 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.5.4 / Customer Property / 7.5.4 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.5.5 / Preservation of Product / 7.5.5 / 02 / 02-01-04
7.6 / Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices / 7.6 / 02 / 02-01-04
8.0 /
Measurement, Analysis & Control
/ 8.1,8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 / 6 / 04 / 13-09-04Rev. No.: 05
Rev. Date: 3-07-2006 /
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Revision Record / Sec. 0.3 Page 1 of 1
Rev.No. / Rev. Date /
/ Reviewed byMR / Approved by
00 / 01-11-02 /
First Time issued for QMS
/ MR / DAS01 / 10-05-03 /
Sections 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 3.0, 5.0 revised due to the addition of new procedures and improvement.
/ MR / DAS02 / 20-06-03 /
Sections 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, revised to incorporate the pre-assessment findings and comments.
/ MR / DAS03 / 02-01-04 / All sections revised to take into account inclusion of SCADA and Communication sections. / JKT / SGPK
04 / 13.09.04 / Sections 3.0, 4.0, 8.0 revised to incorporate auditors comments / JKT / SGPK
05 / 03-07-06 / Sections 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5,0.6,4.0,5.0 revised due to change in organisation structure and appointment of new MR
Rev. No.: 01
Rev. Date: 02-01-2004 /
/ Doc. No: EQA-QM-01Page No. 1 of 57
Foreword / Sec. 0.4 Page 1 of 1
This Quality Manual (QM) of Electrical Quality Assurance Group – The TATA Power Company Ltd. has been prepared to meet the requirements of the Quality Management System as laid down in the latest IS / ISO 9001:2000 standard and the Company’s Quality Policy and Objectives.
A controlled copy of this QM is available in the Electronic Media and is accessible to all employees having log-in access. They in turn ensure that the concerned employees working in their respective areas are trained in the applicable sections of this Manual.
An uncontrolled copy of this QM is given to our customers whenever required for reference. This is the Apex Document in the Quality Management System. The respective Sectional Heads have prepared their Procedures and Work Instructions, which describe the Quality Management System adopted by them in their area of control based upon the guidance given in this Apex Quality Manual.
This Manual is used for purposes such as:
- Communicating the Group’s Quality Policy, Procedures and requirements.
- Implementing an effective Quality Management System.
- Providing improved control of work practices and facilitating Quality Management System activities in their business operations.
- Providing documented base for auditing the Quality Management System.
- Training personnel in the Quality Management System requirements to improve performance continually.
- Presenting the Quality Management System for external purposes.
Rev. No.: 05
Rev. Date: 03-07-06 /
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List of Controlled Copy Holders / Sec. 0.5 Page 1 of 1
Copy No.DesignationLocation
1.Head of DepartmentHOD’s Office
NOTES:1.Master copy of QM would be with the MR.
- Except the above two, all other copies would be soft copies.
Rev. No.: 05
Rev. Date: 03-07-06 /
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Company Profile / Sec. 0.6 Page 1 of 10
The Tata Power System came into existence with the commissioning of the Khopoli Hydro Generating Station in 1915. It was the translation of the dream of a visionary Jamshetji Nusserwanji Tata, the founder, into reality. Two other Hydro Generating Stations were established at Bhivipuri in 1922, at Bhira in 1927 and one Thermal Generating Station at Trombay in 1956.
Tata Power has a secure power Transmission and Distribution network in and around Mumbai and has installed state of the art technology systems for quick 'Islanding-operation' from the Western Grid in case of severe disturbance. Because of it's uninterrupted and reliable power supply to Mumbai consumers, "TATA POWER IS SYNONYMOUS WITH MUMBAI POWER."
The core strength of Tata Power is in it's highly skilled workforce, experienced and dedicated Engineers & Officers, efficient and forward thinking management, who are ready to accept the challenges arising out of the changing business environment.
Electrical Quality Assurance Group is a central service group located at Trombay with a strong workforce of Electrical /Electronics Engineers and technicians specialised in Power Plant, Power system commissioning, Protection of power equipment and system, Revenue Metering, Acceptance Testing, Failure analysis, commissioning and maintenance of SCADA and Communication system , etc. It performs the role of Quality control and contributes in maintaining power plant / system reliability and security. The group is headed by AGM / DGM (HOD) reporting to General Manager Technical services GM (TS).
Acceptance Tests:
Acceptance Tests are carried out on new relays, meters, instrument transformers, test instruments and other electrical equipments in the laboratories. The relay and metering laboratories are provided with conventional test facilities, micro-processor based Dynamic Relay Test equipment, automatic meter test bench to test relays, trivector and energy meters. The high voltage Laboratory is
Company Profile / Sec. 0.6 Page 2 of 10provided with HVAC/DC, Partial Discharge, CT/PT accuracy test facilities to test electrical equipment and test instruments.
When new relay, meter, instrument transformers or instrument is purchased by any division, the same is sent to EQAG Labs for acceptance tests. Evaluation of new products, investigation on defective relays, meters, instruments &equipments are carried out in the labs along with their in-house repairs.
SCADA and Communication equipment acceptance tests are carried out in the factory and after installing at the specified location , local testing and commissioning checks are done
Breakdown Maintenance Assistance:
Engineers at the divisions, the respective SHs, relay setting engineers and HOD provide necessary assistance to the division for any interruption caused by the relay action and restore the normalcy. All such occurrences are analysed, root causes identified, corrective and preventive actions initiated. Any equipment failure is analysed and remedial measures are taken to prevent recurrence.
In-case of problems related to SCADA and Communication system, SCADA and Communication engineers provide necessary assistance.
Calibration of critical meters and test instruments is carried out at laboratories against the masters which are calibrated at accredited laboratories. The engineers at the divisions carry out calibration or verification of meters and instruments in their respective divisions against the instruments that are calibrated in EQAG laboratories. The meters and instruments whose calibration can be disturbed manually are provided with self check calibrators (instant check) and the engineer checks the calibration before its use. The instrument or meter that fails self check is rejected, returned to EQAG laboratories for the repairs and calibration. Such failed instrument or meter is not used to carry out the test till the same is duly calibrated.
Company Profile / Sec. 0.6 Page 3 of 10Commissioning:
EQAG engineers study all electrical drawings (control, protection and metering), SCADA and Communication drawings, review and assist the Engineering division to finalise the drawings, carry
out commissioning of new Electrical / SCADA / Communication equipment in power plant, receiving stations, consumer substations, and Power Projects through commissioning tests. After the successful
commissioning of the project or new equipment, the engineer marks up the drawings and assists the division in obtaining the “as built drawings”.
Diagnostic Testing:
Condition monitoring of in-service equipment through diagnostic tests is another major service. This assists the maintenance engineer to carryout appropriate maintenance, ensure trouble free operation of the equipment and minimise failures in service. In case of equipment failure, service worthiness of the repaired equipment is ensured by diagnostic tests before it is put in service. The group has gained expertise in the latest diagnostic testing techniques like Tan , partial discharge, DC absorption measurement and High Voltage Tests.
In case of power system disturbance in the grid, the islanding scheme isolates Mumbai region from rest of the grid and supply reliability is maintained. Maintenance of this islanding scheme is one of the priority protection requirements. These schemes are tested once in six months.
In case of SCADA and Communication, the respective sections themselves carry out the maintenance and condition of in-service equipment is assessed as per the master schedule.
Protection Setting:
Power system protection plays important role in minimising the damage to plant equipment by continuous monitoring, identifying and fast isolation of faulty equipments. When faults occur in power system faults, the protection systems are co-ordinated to minimise the disruption in power supply. The protection setting function includes selection of right relaying technology, products, formulation and application of protection philosophy, review of schemes, occurrence analysis, trouble shooting, relay setting & co-ordination, etc. In order to improve protection performance and exploit maximum use of technology, numerical relays are inducted and successfully deployed. The data capturing and
networking capabilities of these state of the art relays are utilised for remote reading from these devices, leading to faster occurrence analysis and restoration of equipment. Digital fault disturbance
recorders are installed at all major stations to aid faster analysis . Also sophisticated software packages are used for network analysis, fault calculations and relay setting.
Quality Control:
The group plays the role of quality control by reviewing the equipment specifications for procurement, review of protection, control, metering, SCADA & Communication schemes. EQAG engineer from one division is deputed to another division to carry out third party inspection on all new equipments before their energization. The engineers are also deputed to witness factory tests to ensure quality at the factory level.
Revenue Metering:
Revenue meters are the cash registers of any power utility. Maintaining accurate, reliable and tamper free metering system is another function of EQAG. Revenue metering function includes formulation of metering philosophy to suit the tariff schedule, selection of products, acceptance testing and commissioning of meters, periodic testing of meters, maintenance of statutory records related to revenue metering, assistance for Licensee billing (computation of coincidence demand) and attending to meter related customer complaints. Maintaining the accuracy of metering system is vital to keep the commercial losses to the minimum. The old electromechanical meters have been phased out and replaced with new static meters with numerical technologies. This has enabled in maintaining accurate metering system and keeping the commercial losses to a low value. Company has used remote meter reading technology for reading revenue meters using fibre optic and microwave network.
Periodic energy balance at each station is carried out to ensure proper registration of energy. SCADA system helps to expedite energy balance.
The Group’s office at Trombay houses Administrative & Accounts office, Communication section, High Voltage lab, Meter lab, Relay Lab, Metering section, Protection setting section, SCADA section and Stores. The automatic meter test facility is strategically located at Saki for testing of large number of revenue meters due to the expansion in LT distribution. The Protection setting section
Company Profile / Sec. 0.6 Page 5 of 10performs system studies, relay setting/co-ordination and occurrence analysis. The metering section sends the site testing crew for diagnostic and commissioning testing of revenue meters, on daily basis. Communication and SCADA engineers are located at Trombay and they visit divisions for regular maintenance and commissioning activities.
Resident Engineers located as in Table-1, carry out the actual work at divisions with the help of maintenance crew in line with the maintenance schedule and also offer prompt emergency assistance. The essential test instruments deployed at generating, .receiving & sub-stations to carry out testing activities avoid transport delays and improve cycle time thus providing better customer services. The engineers posted at Saki and Borivili take care of consumer sub-station activities and work in co-ordination with consumer groups. Engineers are also deputed to various project sites for the commissioning requirements of the project group, and remnant life studies for Power Plant Refurbishment Group of TTPS.
Table-1: Location of Resident Testing EngineersSite / Operating area
Trombay / Trombay Thermal Power station & Chembur receiving station
Bhira & Khopoli / Bhira Hydro Power station
Khopoli Hydro Power stations, Walvan, Kundli, Pumping Stations
Kalyan / Kalyan, Ambernath, Panvel, Bhivipuri Power station
Salsette / Salsette, Kolshet, Saki receiving stations.
Saki, Borivali, Distribution group / Saki Zone Consumer sub stations, Borivili zone consumer sub stations South Mumbai Consumer Substations, Bandra Kurla complex
Borivili / Borivili, Malad, Versova receiving stations.
Dharavi, Vikhroli, Mankhurd / Dharavi, Vikhroli & Mankhurd receiving stations
Carnac / Carnac, Parel, Mahalaxmi, Grant road, Back bay receiving stations.
Company Profile / Sec. 0.6 Page 6 of 10
The Sectional Heads located in EQAG, Trombay perform the role of co-ordinators for all the site activities in their respective zones. They also interact with all other divisions of the company, manufacturers of electrical equipments, relays, meters, SCADA and Communication equipment for their day to day functioning.
The group’s workforce comprises of highly qualified engineering graduates and post graduates in Electrical / Electronics Engineering and technicians skilled in handling Relays, Meters and Electrical, Communication and SCADA equipments, support to laboratories and field testing activities.
Professional approach and safety consciousness has helped in managing highly specialised jobs with accident free record.
Work in Electrical Quality Assurance Group is divided amongst the following main sections:
3Consumer Sub-Stations / Projects
2.4.1 Protection
The diagnostic and commissioning tests on all electrical equipment at generating / receiving stations are carried out by this section. This section provides breakdown emergency assistance and helps generating / receiving stations’ Electrical Maintenance Department in restoring normalcy in case of any interruption caused by relay operation. The test instruments attached to respective stations are maintained by the section. This section carries out the fault calculations and advises the necessary relay settings. The system occurrences are analysed and reported with the necessary corrective and preventive actions. The acceptance tests and or calibration / verification of relays, instruments, printed circuit boards and other equipment are carried out in the lab.
Company Profile / Sec. 0.6 Page 7 of 102.4.2. Metering:
The diagnostic and commissioning tests on revenue meters are carried out on all consumer meters across the company. This section also attends to the meter related customer complaints and inputs the necessary billing related data to the Consumer Relation Division. The acceptance tests and / or calibration / verification of meters are carried out in the lab.
2.4.3 Consumer Sub-Station / Projects
The diagnostic and commissioning tests on electrical equipment at consumer sub-station are carried out by this section. This section provides breakdown emergency assistance and restores
supply to the customer in co-ordination with maintenance engineer in case of any interruption caused by relay operation. The deployed test instruments are maintained by the section.
Technical support for project installation and commissioning is rendered by deputing competent employees.
2.4.4 Communication
The diagnostic and commissioning tests of communication equipment are carried out by communication section. This section provides break down emergency assistance and restores communication back to normal in co-ordination with maintenance engineer.
2.4.5 . SCADA
The diagnostic and commissioning tests of SCADA equipment are carried out by SCADA section. This section provides break down emergency assistance and restores SCADA back to normal in co-ordination with maintenance engineer.
2.4.6. Stores
Stores is the custodian of spare relays, tri-vector and energy meters for the company. The instruments of the group are stored and preserved in the stores. New electrical equipments like relays, meters, instruments, instrument transformers, etc. for the company are received for acceptance tests and sent back to the respective divisions after the tests. Normal store transactions are carried out through the integrated ERP SAP/R3.
Company Profile / Sec. 0.6 Page 8 of 102.5. Knowledge Sharing:
Learning and experience sharing is a continuous process in Electrical Quality Assurance Group. The learning & experiences from all possible sources are shared through co-ordination meetings such as Engineering Co-ordination meeting, site co-ordination meetings etc. On every first Thursday of the month Technical meeting attended by all the engineers is held at Trombay.
In the Technical meeting experiences are shared, the performances are reviewed. Head of other division attends the meeting as chief guest along with few divisional operation and maintenance engineers. The meeting is used to interact and share each other’s expectations. A monthly staff meeting is held as a two-way platform for communication and interaction. Weekly Manager’s meeting is held to review weekly performance and discuss other issues.