From: Commanding Officer
To: Distribution List
Ref: (a) MCO 5300.17
(b) OPNAVINST 5350.4d
(c) BO 5300.13D
(d) MARADMIN 364/14
(e) MARADMIN 709/12
(f) MARADMIN 523/13
(g) Activity Policy Letter 1-14
1. Purpose. To set forth policies and procedures in regards to the substance abuse urinalysis testing as prescribed by the references. This policy reiterates Marine Corps policy and reinforces its applicability to this Command.
2. Background. Substance Abuse is detrimental to the good order and discipline of the Navy and Marine Corps. Substance Abuse is defined as the use of any drug, legal or illegal, the use of which has an adverse impact of the readiness, welfare or operations of a command or individual. The term “Substance” includes alcohol and illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or hashish. Illegal drug use and prescription drug misuse are incompatible with Marine Corps service because of their negative effects on individual, unit, and family readiness. We will reduce the negative impact of illegal drug use and prescription drug misuse by establishing and maintaining an aggressive, random drug testing program.
3. Policy. The urinalysis program within this Command will be structured in such a way as to provide a consistent random selection throughout the month. All testing will be in strict accordance with the provisions of the references.
a. Urinalysis Program
(1) The Substance Abuse Control Officer (SACO) shall conduct an aggressive periodic program of urinalysis with the goal that each individual be tested at least twice each year and that 10 percent of the unit’s personnel be tested each month. This program will combine various types of urinalysis screening, to include command directed, voluntary, random, unit sweeps, and other service-directed testing.
(a) Testing using the random (IR) code will be conducted using two percent of those present for duty on Monday Wednesday and Friday of each week. This should account for approximately two Marines being selected upon each day.
(b) Testing using the other service-directed (OO) code will be conducted as needed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to ensure that all unit personnel are tested within 72 hours of arrival/return to the unit when reporting in from Permanent Change of Station (PCS), Unauthorized Absence (UA), or leave periods exceeding five days. It is the responsibility of the Marines that meet these criteria to report to the SACO for testing on the first available work day after their return.
(c) The unit will provide two Marines per week, one male and one female to act as observers for all testing that is conducted during the week. These observers will report to the SACO by 0800 on testing days listed in paragraph 3.a and will be released to their work sections after the testing has been completed for the day.
(d) The SACO will disseminate the Marines selected to provide random samples within 45 min of the morning report being published.
(e) The Marines selected to provide a sample will report to the SACO within 30 min of being notified. These Marines will not leave this Command until a sample has been provided.
(2) Random testing will be conducted on all Marines regardless of grade or position.
(3) All personnel directly responsible for the collection/shipment of urine specimens will undergo a urinalysis test using the Service-Directed and Other Service-Directed (OO) code on a randomly selected date within 30 days of the conducted test, per the references.
b. Urinalysis Collection. Only the Commanding Officer or a Medical Officer may direct that a urine sample be taken to test for drug presence.