Subcommittee Minutesfor March 17, 2015 Meeting

Subcommittee Minutesfor March 17, 2015 Meeting

Subcommittee Minutesfor March 17, 2015 meeting.


Mary Page Bailey (DAG)

Paul Beane, DelARF

Ava Briggs, DVI

Thomas Cook, Member, (DelARF)

Doyle Dobbins, Member (Chair)

Debbie Harrington, Member

Dan Madrid, Member, (DVI)

Michelle Mirabella, Member, (Chimes)

Dean Stotler, Member (GSS)


Jayson Crouch, Member

D. Dobbins called the Subcommittee meeting to order.

Discussion on Central Non-Profit Agency (CNA)

Senator Nicole Pooremet with some members of the commission and her suggestion to make a decision on whether the Regulations will have multiple CNA(s) or continue with DelARF as the CNA need to be finalized. The Joint Sunset Committee (JSC) meeting is approaching quickly. Thisneeds to be determined for the reviewer to see that everything is in order before submission to the JSC.

Currently, DelARF is named the sole source provider in the regulations. Discussion ensues to change the wording to include multiple CNA(s)that would be reviewed every 3 – 5 years. Dan Madrid, DVI, suggested changing the wording for 501 (c) (3) status under state and federal tax codes is reflected in the Regulations. DVI is a state agency and is exempt, but it can be opened up to other state agencies that are interested in employment for those with disabilities as long as they meet the requirements under CRP.

Tom Cook, DelARF, presented a draft Proposed Language for Selection, Accountability, and Funding of CNA(s) that would have flexibility for more CNA(s) or nonprofits to be added, outlining the selection process or closing if it didn’t meet the requirements that are specified. Accountability would be measured by annual reports on how they have fulfilled their responsibilities. If there continued issues monthly monitoring by the commission with plan of correction that must be approved by the commission. He is open to changes and submitting to the Deputy Attorney General for review.

Doyle Dobbins expressed that he felt more discussion is needed on the structure to the process with the full commission to make sure that the Regulations are clear and concise for the JSC before submission. Recommendationof expanding the commission by two more to make the quorum and voting process easier and changing paragraph (a) on DelARF’s draft, CNA may apply to renew its designation for another five year periodto three years.

Tom Cook, DelARF, expressed that he was opened to revise or change wording with the DAG’s review, and motioned the prosed language recommended with changes be submitted to the full commission for review. Dan Madrid seconded this motion with changes as suggested.

Michelle Mirabella, Chimes, questions currently the only CNA in place is DelARF and if for any reason they are closed who would then handle the responsibilities? Tom Cook, DelARF responded that it would go back to DVI since they are a state agency for administrative needs.

Further discussion ensues, Dean Stotler, GSS, concerned if CNA completed through RFP process what is due process to appeal if they lost their designation? The commission would evaluate periodically, but Deputy Attorney General is present and stated she would review his concern.

Doyle Dobbins, asked for a motion again on submitting DelARF’s draft for review to the full commission for incorporation inRegulations. Dean Stotler seconded the motion again and all agreed.

Doyle Dobbins asked that another meeting is set up within the next week or so to review after the full commission meeting and before submission to JSC.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Ava Briggs

This meeting has been recorded.