Minutes of the Meeting of the

Patient and Public Involvement Reference Group

Held on Wednesday 17th July 2013 in Disraeli House at 14.00


Jeremy Ambache (JA) CHAIR
Jason Edgington (JE)
Dr Sian Job (SJ)
Ricky Lucock (RL)
Sarah Rackham (SR)
Colin Smith (CS)
Kate Swinburn (KS)
Carol Varlaam (CV)
Joan Robinson (JR)
Vicky Diamond (VD)
Harvey Heath (HH)
Mike O’Bryan (MB)
Christine Lewis (CL)
Andrew McMylor (AM)
Claire Frampton (CF)
Chris Rowland (CR)
Maria Vidal-Read (MVR)
Marian Endicott (ME)
Paul Dong (PD)
Derek Douglas (DD) / Patient and Public Involvement Lay Board Member
PPI RG Representative (Community and Voluntary sector)
PPI Clinical Lead
PPI RG Representative
PPI RG Representative (Community and Voluntary sector)
Patient and Public Involvement Manager
PPI RG Representative
PPI RG Representative
PPI RG Representative
Locality PPI RG Representative, West Wandsworth
Locality PPI RG Representative, Battersea
PPI RG Representative
Healthwatch Representative
Director – Delivery and Development
Joint Wandle Locality Manager
Locality Manager Lead - Battersea
Communications Manager
Locality Patient Group Representative, Wandle
Locality PPI Group Representative, Battersea
Service Improvement Advisor, representing Wendy Morton
Siobhan O’Neill / Administration (minutes)

In attendance Anna Williams (AW), representing Annette Boaz (AB)

1. / Welcome and introductions
JA welcomed members to the meeting and invited them to introduce themselves to the group. JA indicated that other members would attend after the break to contribute to Agenda item 6:- Working with and supporting localities.
“Declarations of Interest” in case issues arose relating to agenda items: none
2. / Apologies
Apologies were received from Colin Smith, Sue Marshall, Sue Rolfe, Wendy Morton, Rebecca Willans
AM informed the members that CS is now semi-retired and will be working for the CCG for two days a week. It was noted that Engagement Manager Daisy Camiwet has been recruited and will be starting at some point in the Autumn to be confirmed. JA requested that the actual start date be circulated to the group once it had been agreed / CS
3. / Minutes and Matters arising
The minutes of the meeting dated May 15th 2013 were agreed as a true record.
Matters arising:
Reimbursement update: A written up to date statement was circulated from CS. A brief discussion ensued. To be followed up at the next meeting.
Planning All Care Together update (PACT) A very brief report was given by AM. We noted that we were at the end of the first quarter for Planning All Care Together. A brief discussion took place on PACT which included the following areas
·  Information Transformation
·  Working closely with Community Services.
·  Social Care Integration and Service Redesign.
·  Lack of Older People’s Strategy in PACT.
We noted that the commissioning of research company Finnamore will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of PACT, including the Wandsworth Self-Management Programme.
Wandsworth Self-Management updates (PACT) A written statement was supplied by CS. It was noted that numbers on the waiting list for the Expert Patient Self-Management Programme were low. CL raised the issue of carers and families needing Self-Management in the context of their caring role just as carers self-managing themselves.
CCG Website update MVR gave a verbal report on the current status of the website and reported back to members on the website user group testing and the invaluable contribution they had made to the content and design.
An improved website will be launched mid-August, It was noted that the technical team will need to ensure that the website is fully accessible not only in terms of auxiliary aids and services for those with disabilities, but that the content is also devised so that it can reach its broadest audience.
Update on Healthwatch JE gave a verbal report on Healthwatch, commissioned by the Government and operational since April 2013, and is an independent Health and Social Care watchdog from a community perspective. A discussion followed which included the following:
·  Healthwatch priorities.
·  Strategic development.
·  Proposed consultations.
·  Personalisation and Dementia focus.
We noted the intention of Healthwatch to have representation on key boards/committees in Wandsworth.
Matters arising:
Newsletter: KS asked if our newsletter had been linked to the Wandsworth Borough Council E- Circular. MVR responded that nothing would be happening on this until August. Public Health also has a level of involvement. JA requested that MVR update members at the next meeting
Request for PPI RG involvement: JA had two requests from Lucie Waters asking for PPI RG members to contribute to two areas of work
·  One or two PPI members to help develop the approach to strategic commissioning/commission strategy, CL and CV agreed to this
·  Procurement Management Group – RL agreed to be involved
Research proposal on PPI update A brief verbal report was given by AW (representing AB) to the group. RL and KS represent this group in advising the research team / CS
4. / Equality and Diversity
·  Thinking Partners Minutes from the meeting on 14th June were circulated.
We noted that SJ chaired this meeting and she provided verbal feedback on actions.
SJ reported the need to ensure that Equality and Diversity underpinned work right across the CCG and there was a need to ensure communication pathways from the Thinking Partners Group to the CCG also.
·  Equality Objectives
We noted that Equality Objectives for Year 1 were being finalised.
SB suggested that PPI should be the advocate for Equality and Diversity within the organisation.
·  Men’s Health project
A written report was circulated. It was noted that there was low attendance at the Men’s Health Project meeting
5 / CRG Workshop
SJ gave a verbal update regarding the CRG workshop (relating to PPI involvement in CRGs) and thanked people for their contributions to the structure aims and outcomes of the workshop via email.
Depending on the venue, the workshop will take place September/October lasting 2-3 hours and its core focus will be about patient and public involvement in CRGs.
During the ensuing discussion the following points were raised:
·  There was a need for good practice models but these may take different shapes in different CRGs.
·  That the CRG workshop should not be hierarchical and that patients who are experts by experience and healthcare professionals are equal partners participating and contributing to ensure even representation
·  That PPI doesn’t accurately reflect all patient groups in Wandsworth and that we still need to enlist support from areas such as Seldom Heard Groups to truly represent Wandsworth Borough
·  That there was no patient consultation during the creation of PACT
SJ and AM indicated that papers and minutes from Board meetings and CRG meetings are available on the website.
6 / The Francis Report – for discussion
An executive summary of the Francis report was circulated to the group and introduced to its members by AM, with a specific request that the PPI Reference Group consider the report and the learning for Wandsworth CCG. The following points were made:
·  The CCG must able to respond to issues raised in the Francis report
·  Changing the culture of dealing with quality so that it is more transparent
·  To be able to communicate effectively on issues in Wandsworth around Quality and Safety
During the discussion the following issues were raised:
·  The patient response needs to be included alongside the Clinical Service.
·  The need for clarity on the CCG’s relationship with hospitals (secondary care).
·  Staff was also unhappy with the Francis report and staff views should be considered also.
7 / Working with and supporting localities
The group were joined for this session by CS, ME, PD and CF
A mini-workshop took place to understand the relationship between locality PPI and the PPI Reference Group and best the PPI Reference Group could support locality working.
A number of questions were posed:
1.  What works well?
2.  What works less well?
3.  Suggestions
Working in pairs the group were asked to provide recommendations for better working practices with localities. These recommendations are provided as an appendix to these minutes.
8 / Any other business
No other business offered
The next meeting of Patient and Public Involvement Reference Group will take place on Wednesday 18 September.at 2.00pm in the Training Room, Ground Floor, Disraeli House, Adelaide Road, London SW18.

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