Tender Notice
Sub: Thermographic Inspection of Hot Oil Heater, Boiler & Insulated Pipe Lines, Equipments & Tanks
Enquiry No. HOC/MECH/22/Thermo.survey/ September 2, 2008
Sealed tenders are invited from registered contractors with HOCL, Kochi for Thermographic Inspection of Hot Oil Heater, Boiler & Insulated Pipe Lines, Equipments & Tanks in our Plant.
The scope of work include but not confined to
1. Preparation of schedule of thermographic survey in consultation with HOC.
2. Carry out the thermographic survey using infrared thermal imaging camera and related software where by hot spots and welded area of hot oil heat shell and bottom floor can be recorded, Boiler & Insulated Pipe Lines, Equipments & Tanks.
3. Preparation of preliminary report of the survey giving details of the exact location of hot spot marked on real colour photograph. probable extent of damage and recommend for corrective action.
4. Submission of final report in triplicate including one set of colour thermography and its normal colour photograph with analysis and recommendations.
5. HOC will provide necessary scaffolding if required.
6. Your quoted rate should be inclusive of all taxes, duties except service tax. Service tax and education cess applicable will be paid only on production of service tax registration number and other details to HOC.
7. Your quoted rate shall be inclusive of all travelling and boarding expenditure. HOCL will provide only the guest house accommodation and lunch when your Engineers are working in the plant.
8. All measuring instruments, tools, tackles etc. whatever required for the job has to be brought by the contractor.
Completion Period
· Submission of preliminary report - 10 days from the date of completion of survey
· Submission of final report - 20 days from the date of the survey
However, the entire job has to be completed within 30 days from the date of issue of work order.
Payment Terms
§ 50% payment will be made on completing the field survey and submitting preliminary report.
§ 50% payment will e made after submission of final report
Liquidated Damages
In case the contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated period, contractor shall be liable to pay a penalty of ½% (half percent) of the contract value per day of the delay or part there of subject to a maximum of 5% (five percent) of the contract value.
1. This tender aims for already enlisted contractors for this work with HOCL Kochi Unit. Any new contractor who wish to empanel for this type of work may submit the credentials as detailed below so that they will be evaluated and pre-qualified and shall be considered for similar future work.
Credentials to be submitted for the pre-qualification.
1. Details of the Organization and the works carried out
2. Work Order copies of the work executed showing the order value for the last 3 years.
3. Man Power Organogram
4. Solvency Certificate from a Nationalized Bank
5. Annual Turn over for the last 3 Years.
Application should reach the office of Chief Personnel & Administration Manager, Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited, Ambalamugal, PIN – 682 302, Ernakulam on or before 24/09/’08.