Topic 14
Placement Stability and Permanence
Biehal N, Ellison S, Baker, C and Sinclair I (2010) Belonging and Permanence: Outcomes in long-term foster care and adoption. London: BAAF
Boddy, J. (2013) Understanding Permanence for Looked After Children: A review of research for the Care Inquiry. London: The Care Inquiry
Brown R and Ward H (2013) Decision-making within a Child's Timeframe. London: Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre, Institute of Education
Clarke H (2006) Improving Effectiveness in Foster Care Recruitment: An interim report of the Innovation in Foster Care Recruitment Study. London: The Fostering Network
Davies C and Ward H (2012) Safeguarding Children Across Services. Messages from research. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
DCSF (2010) The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Volume 2: Care planning, placement and case review. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families
DfE (2013) Children Looked After in England (including Adoption and Care Leavers) Year ending 31 March 2013. (Statistical First Release: SFR 36/2013) London: Department for Education
Farmer E, Lipscombe J and Moyers S (2005) ‘Foster Carer Strain and its Impact on Parenting and Placement Outcomes for Adolescents’ British Journal of Social Work 35 (2) 237-253
Farmer E and Lutman E (2010) Case Management and Outcomes for Neglected Children Returned to their Parents: A five year follow-up study. (DCSF-RB214) London: DCSF
Farmer E and Moyers S (2008) Kinship Care: Fostering effective family and friends placements. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Harber A and Oakley M (2012) Fostering Aspirations: Reforming the foster care system in England and Wales. London: Policy Exchange
Hunt J, Waterhouse S and Lutman E (2008) Keeping Them in the Family: Outcomes for children placed in kinship care through care proceedings. London: BAAF
Hunt J (2009) ‘Family and Friends Care’ in Schofield G and Simmonds J (eds) The Child Placement Handbook: Research, policy and practice. London: BAAF
Munro E and Hardy A (2006) Placement Stability: A review of the literature. Loughborough: Loughborough University
Nandy S, Selwyn J, Farmer E and Vaisey P (2011) Spotlight on Kinship Care: Using Census microdata to examine the extent and nature of kinship care in the UK at the turn of the twentieth century. Bristol: University of Bristol
NSPCC (2012) Returning Home from Care: What's best for children. London: NSPCC
Rees G, Stein M, Hicks L and Gorin S (2011) Adolescent Neglect: Research, policy and practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Selwyn J, Farmer E, Meakings S and Vaisey P (2013) The Poor Relations: Children and informal kinship carers speak out. Bristol: School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol
Selwyn J, Wijedasa D and Meakings S (2014) Beyond the Adoption Order: challenges, interventions and adoption disruption. London: Department for Education
Schofield G and Beek M (2005) ‘Providing a Secure Base: Parenting children in long-term foster family care’ Attachment and Human Development 7 (1) 3-26
Schofield G, Beek M and Ward E (2012) ‘Part of the Family: Planning for permanence in long-term family foster care’ Children and Youth Services Review 34 (1) 244-253
Selwyn J, Frazer L and Quinton D (2006) ‘Paved with Good Intentions: The pathway to adoption and the costs of delay’ British Journal of Social Work 36 (4) 561-576.
Sinclair I (2005) Fostering Now: Messages from research. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Sinclair I, Baker C, Lee J and Gibbs I (2007) The Pursuit of Permanence: A study of the English child care system. Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Sinclair I and Wilson K (2009) ‘Foster Care in England’ in Schofield G and Simmonds J (eds) The Child Placement Handbook: Research, policy and practice. London: BAAF
The Care Inquiry (2013) Making Not Breaking. Building relationships for our most vulnerable children. London: Nuffield Foundation
Thomas C (2013) Adoption for Looked After Children: Messages from research. An overview of the Adoption Research Initiative. London: BAAF
Thomas N (2009) ‘Listening to Children and Young People’ in Schofield G and Simmonds J (eds) The Child Placement Handbook: Research, policy and practice. London: BAAF
Triseliotis J (2002) ‘Long-term foster care or adoption? The evidence examined’ Child and Family Social Work 7 (1) 23-33
Wade J, Biehal N, Farrelly N and Sinclair I (2010) Maltreated Children in the Looked After System: A comparison of outcomes for those who go home and those who do not. (DFE-RBX-10-06) London: DCSF
Wade J, Biehal N, Farrelly N and Sinclair I (2011) Caring for Abused and Neglected Children: Making the right decisions for reunification or long-term care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Ward H (2009) ‘Patterns of Instability: Moves within the care system, their reasons, contexts and consequences’ Child and Youth Services Review, 31 (10) 1113-1118
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