Lesson 1

3) Discuss the arguments advanced in favour of the regional continuity model of human origins, Do u think it provides a convincing explanation of the archeological evidence? Give reasons for your answer

4) Which of the following do you think is best documented in the archeological record (a) Gatherining (b) Tool making (c) The use of fire

5) discuss the extent to which a hunting and b constructing shelters would have been facilitated by the use of language. what other modes of communication could have been used for these activities

Lesson 2

1) why do we say that it was not natural fertility and high leavels of food production that wrere the causes of early urbanisation

2)which of the following were necessary conditions in which the causes of early urbanisation, and which would youy say were the outcomes of the growth of ciies (a) Highly productive agriculture (b) Water transport (c) The lack of metal and stone (d) the division of labour (e) the use of seals (f) the militrary power of the kings that made labourcompulsary?

3)why were the mobile animal herders not necessarily a threat to town life ?

4)why would the early temple have been much like a house ?

5)of the new institution that come into bieng once city life had begun, which would have dependedon the initiative of the king


Q-contribution of mesopotamiancivilisation


Q1- if you have lived in the roman empire , where would you rather have lived- in the towns or in the countryside? explain why

Q2- imagine that you are a roman housewife preparing a shopping list for household reqwuirements. what would be on the list?

Q3- what do you think the roman goverment stopped coining in silver? and which metal id it begin to use for the production of coinage?

Q4- go through the chapter carefully and pickout some basic features of roman society and economy which you think make it look quite modern.

extraques- social classification of roman society ?

lesson ;4

Q1- what were the features of the lives of the bedouins in the early seventh century ?

Q2- what is the meant by term "abbasidrevelution"?

Q3- give examples of the cosmopolitan character of the states set up by arabs, iranians and turks ?

Q4- what were the effects of the crusades in europe and asia?

Q5-how were islamic architectural forms diffrent from those of the roman empire ?

map work-page no. 84


Q1- why was trade so significant to the mongols?

Q2- why did genghis khan feel the need to fragment the mongol tribes into new social and military groupings?

Q3-how do later mongol reflections on the yasa bring out the uneasy relationship they had with the memory of genghis khan?

extraques- achivement of genghis khan ?


Textbook ques. Q1, 2, 3, 4, 6





MAP WORK : Pg. no. 2:Harappan civilization.

Pg. no. 30: Mahajanpada

Pg. no. 45: Sachi, Amravati,nagarjunkunda,Ajanta. (Pg.95)

  1. Would you agree that the drainage system in Harappa cities indicates town planning? Give reasons for your answer.
  2. Describe some of the distinctive features of Mohenjodaro.
  3. Discuss how archaeologists reconstruct the past.
  4. Discuss the functions that may have been performed by rulers in Harappan society.
  5. Discuss the evidence of craft production in Early Historic cities. In what ways is this different from the evidence from Harappan cities?
  6. Describe the salient features of mahajanapadas.
  7. How do historians reconstruct the lives of ordinary people?
  8. List some of the problems faced by epigraphists.
  9. Discuss the main features of Mauryan administration. Which of these elements are evident in the Asokan inscriptions that you have studied?
  10. This is a statement made by one of the best-known epigraphists of the twentieth century, D.C. Sir car. There is no aspect of life, culture and activities of the Indians that is not reflected in inscriptions. Discuss.
  11. Discuss the notions of kingship that developed in the post-Mauryan period.
  12. To what extent were agricultural practices transformed in the period under consideration?
  13. Explain why patriliny may have been particularly important among elite families.
  14. Discuss whether kings in early states were invariably Kshatriyas.
  15. In what ways was the Buddhist theory of a social contract different from the Brahmanical view of society derived from the Purushasukta?
  16. Discuss whether the Mahabharata could have been the work of a single author.
  17. How important were gender differences in early societies? Give reasons for your answer.
  18. Discuss the evidence that suggests that Brahmanical prescriptions about kinship and marriage were not universally followed.
  19. Were the ideas of the Upanishadic thinkers different from those of the fatalists and materialists? Give reasons for your answer.
  20. Summarise the central teachings of Jainism.
  21. To what extent does knowledge of Buddhist literature help in understanding the sculpture at Sanchi?
  22. Discuss the development in sculpture and architecture associated with the rise of Vaishnavism and Shaivism.


MAP WORK: Imp. Places related to Bhati or Sufi movement. 5 place each. 2 temple of mother goddesses, lord Vishnu and lord shiva.

  • Map Work- Pg.214: Mughalempire.
  1. Write a note on the Kitab-ul-Hind.
  2. Compare and contrast the perspectives from which IbnBattuta and Bernier wrote their accounts of their travels in India.
  3. Discuss the picture of urban centres that emerges from Bernier s account.
  4. Analyse the evidence for slavery provided by IbnBattuta.
  5. What were the elements of the practice of sati that drew the attention of Bernier?
  6. Discuss Al-Biruni s understanding of the caste system.
  7. Discuss the extent to which Bernier s account enables historians to reconstruct contemporary rural society.
  8. Explain with examples what historians mean by the integration of cults.
  9. To what extent do you think the architecture of mosques in the subcontinent reflects a combination of universal ideals and local traditions?
  10. What were the similarities and differences between the be-shari aand ba-shari asufi traditions?
  11. Discuss the ways in which the Alvars, Nayanars and Virashaivas expressed critiques of the caste system.
  12. Describe the major teachings of either Kabir or Baba Guru Nanak, and the ways in which these have been transmitted.
  13. Discuss the major beliefs and practices that characterised Sufism.
  14. Examine how and why rulers tried to establish connections with the traditions of the Nayanars and the sufis.
  15. Analyse, with illustrations, why bhakti and sufi thinkers adopted a variety of languages in which to express their opinions.
  16. How were the water requirements of Vijayanagara met?
  17. What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of enclosing agricultural land within the fortified area of the city?
  18. What do you think was the significance of the rituals associated with the mahanavamidibba?
  19. Discuss whether the term royal centre is an appropriate description for the part of the city for which it is used.
  20. What does the architecture of buildings like the Lotus Mahal and elephant stables tell us about the rulers who commissioned them?
  21. What are the architectural traditions that inspired the architects of Vijayanagara? How did they transform these traditions?
  22. What are the problems in using the Ainas a source for reconstructing agrarian history? How do historians deal with this situation?
  23. To what extent is it possible to characterise agricultural production in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries as subsistence agriculture? Give reasons for your answer.
  24. Describe the role played by women in agricultural production.
  25. Discuss, with examples, the significance of monetary transactions during the period under consideration.
  26. Examine the evidence that suggests that land revenue was important for the Mughal fiscal system.
  27. To what extent do you think caste was a factor in influencing social and economic relations in agrarian society?
  28. How were the lives of forest dwellers transformed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?
  29. Examine the role played by zamindars in Mughal India.
  30. Discuss the ways in which panchayats and village headmen regulated rural society.
  31. Describe the process of manuscript production in the Mughal court.
  32. In what ways would the daily routine and special festivities associated with the Mughal court have conveyed a sense of the power of the emperor?
  33. Assess the role played by women of the imperial household in the Mughal Empire.
  34. What were the concerns that shaped Mughal policies and attitudes towards regions outside the subcontinent?
  35. Discuss the major features of Mughal provincial administration. How did the centre control the provinces?
  36. Discuss, with examples, the distinctive features of Mughal chronicles.
  37. what were the distinctive features of the Mughal nobility? How was their relationship with the emperor shaped?
  38. Identify the elements that went into the making of the Mughal ideal of kingship.


  • MAP WORK: 1857 revolt places
  • 5 places related to Mahatma Gandhi .
  • Chori-chora, three colonial cities, dandi,champaran, Sabarmati, khada, badoli.
  1. How did zamindars manage to retain control over heir zamindaris?
  2. How did the Paharias respond to the coming of utsiders?
  3. Why did the Santhals rebel against British rule?
  4. What explains the anger of the Deccan ryotsagainst the moneylenders?
  5. Why did the mutinous sepoys in many places turn to erstwhile rulers to provide leadership to the revolt?
  6. Discuss the evidence that indicates planning and coordination on the part of the rebels.
  7. Discuss the extent to which religious beliefs shaped the events of 1857.
  8. What were the measures taken to ensure unity among the rebels?
  9. What steps did the British take to quell the uprising?
  10. Why was the revolt particularly widespread in Awadh? What prompted the peasants, taluqdarsand zamindars to join the revolt?
  11. What did the rebels want? To what extent did the vision of different social groups differ?
  12. What do visual representations tell us about the revolt of 1857? How do historians analyse these representations?
  13. To what extent are census data useful in reconstructing patterns of urbanisation in the colonial context?
  14. What do the terms White and Black Town signify?
  15. How did prominent Indian merchants establish themselves in the colonial city?
  16. Examine how concerns of defence and health gave shape to Calcutta.
  17. What are the different colonial architectural styles which can be seen in Bombay city?
  18. What were the concerns that influenced town planning in the nineteenth century?
  19. To what extent were social relations transformed in the new cities?
  20. How did Mahatma Gandhi seek to identify with the common people?
  21. How was Mahatma Gandhi perceived by the peasants?
  22. Why did the salt laws become an important issue of struggle?
  23. Why are newspapers an important source for the study of the national movement?
  24. Why was the charkha chosen as a symbol of nationalism?
  25. How was non-cooperation a form of protest?
  26. Why were the dialogues at the Round Table Conference inconclusive?
  27. In what way did Mahatma Gandhi transform the nature of the national movement?
  28. What did the Muslim League demand through its resolution of 1940?
  29. Why did some people think of Partition as a very sudden development?
  30. How did ordinary people view Partition?
  31. What were Mahatma Gandhi s arguments against Partition?
  32. Why is Partition viewed as an extremely significant marker in South Asian history?
  33. Why was British India partitioned?
  34. How did women experience Partition?
  35. How did the Congress come to change its views on Partition?







Q1- Why is it necessary for a country to have a clear demarcation of power and responsibilities in the constitution ?

whatwwould happen in the absence of such a demarcation?

Q2-Why is it necessary for a constitution to place limitation on the rules? can there be a constitution that give no power

at all to the citizen?

Q3-The japanese constitution was made when the US occupation army was still in control of japan after its defeat in the

second world war. thejapanese constitution could not have had any provision that the US government did not like.

do you see any probleeem in this way of making the constitution? In which way was the Indian experience different

from this?


Q1- An activist working amoung the poor says that the poor don't need fundamental rights. what they need are directive principaal

to be made legally binding. Do you agree with this ? Give your reasons?.

Q2-Whuch of the fundamental right is in your opinion the most important right ?summarise its provision and give arguments to show

why it is most important.


Q1-What is the different between the system of reservationof constitution and the system of separate elecorate? Why did the constition

makers reject the latter?

Q2-Indian eloctoral system aims at ensuring representation of socially disadvantaged section . However we are yet to have

even 10 percent women members in our legislatures . what measure would you suggest ti improve the situation.

Q3-Indian democracy in now ready to shift from a crude first past the post system to a system of proportional representation .

Do you agree with this statement ? Give your reasonds for or against this statement.


Q1-Why do you think is the advice of the cuncil of minister binding on the president? Give yourt answer in not more than 100


Q2-The parliamentaly system of executive vest many power in the legislature for controlling the executive. Why do you thik

is it so necessary to controle the executive

Q3-Write an essay of 200 words on the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed administration.


Q-1Why can the loksabha control the executive more effectively than the rajyasabha can?

Q-2 Rather than effective control of the executive the loksabha is a platform for the expression of popular sentiments and

people's expectations. Do you agree? give reasons.

Q-3 How has the system of parliamentary commitee affected the overseeing and appraisal of legislation by the Parliament?



Q-1 In what way can public interest litigation help the poor?

Q-2 Do you think that judicial activism can lead to a conflict b/w the judiciary and the executive? why?

Q-3 How is judicial activism related to the protection of fundamental rights? has it helped in expanding the scope

of fundamental rights?


Q-1 List four features of the indian constitution that give greater power to the central goverment than the state goverment.

Q-2 Why are many states unhappy about the role of the Governor?

Q-3 What are the demands raised by states in thier quest for greater autonomy?

Q-4 Should some states be governed by special provisions?dose this create resentement among other states? Dose this help in

forging greater unity among the regions of the country?


Q-1 Suppose you are entrusted to evlove a local goverment plan of a State,What powers would you endow to the village panchayats

to function as units of self-goverment?Mention any five powers and the justification in two lines for each of them for giving those power.

Q-2 What are the provisions for the reservation for the socially disadvantaged group as per the 73rd amendmeeent? explain how these

provision have changed the profile of the leadership at the village level.

Q-3What were thev main different between the local governments before 73rd amendment and after that amendment.





Ch1-Challenges of Nation Building: Q 6, 7, 8, 9

Ch2-Era of One-party Dominance: Q4, 5, 6, 7

Ch3-Politics of Planned Development:Q5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Ch4-India’s External Relations:Q3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10

Ch5-Challenges To and Restoration of The Congress System:Q7, 8, 9

Ch6-The Crisis of Democratic Order:Q4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Ch7-Rise of Popular Movements:Q3, 6, 7, 8, 9

Ch8-Regional Aspirations:Q3, 4, 6, 9

Ch9-Recent Developments in Indian Politics:Q4, 5, 6





Solve the questions from question bank : Chapter 10 (Haloalkanes and Haloarenes)

Test from chapter 1 to 11, 15&16 after autumn break.

Chapter 11 ( Alcohols , Phenols and Ethers)



  • Prepare working model for Science Exhibition ( Group Project)
  • Solve the exercises and intext questions of Chapter 7 (Equilibrium)
  • Learn chapter 6 and 7 : class test after autumn break.



  1. Draw well labeled diagrams of the following in scrap book or file :

(Individual Project)

  • Metamorphosis
  • Binary fission in amoeba
  • Budding in hydra
  • Male reproductive system
  • Female reproductive system
  1. Exercises of chapter 9: Reproduction in animals
  2. Collect information about mines in india and shoe them on the Map of India.
  3. Learn chapter 9 : Class test after autumn break.




  1. 2.Make a power point presentation on “PROPERTIES OF PARALLELOGRAM”,giving one example each.
  2. 3.Prove that the diagonal drawn in parallelogram,devides the whole area in 2 equal triagles.
  3. 4.Prove MID POINT THEOREM for triangles.
  4. 5.Construct a line parallel to the line AB=5cm at a distance 7cm from that line

शरद्कालीन गृह्कार्यम

कक्षा – नवमी

विषय- संस्कृतम

1.हलन्त शब्द:- राजन शब्द

भवत शब्द

आत्मन शब्द

विद्वस शब्द

गच्छत शब्द

2. आत्मनेपद धातु:- सेव धातु

लभ धातु

रुच धातु

मुद धातु

याच धातु

(लोट लकार , विधिलिंग लकार)

3.तरवे नमोस्तु – हिंदी अर्थ

प्रश्न उतर

4.परियोजना कार्यं- दशहरा वर्णनम (सचित्रम)

१० श्लोक (विधार्थी जीवने आधारितं)