Lobsterfest is an annual fundraiser by Grace Episcopal Church to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Calhoun County. 2017 is the 21st consecutive year. To date, over $160,000 has been donated to Habitat. Each year around 1200 lobsters are pre-sold and a large majority of the ticket buyers eat on site.
Events begin at 12:00 noon and end at 7:00 P.M. on October 21. Events include lobster dinners, live musical entertainment, children’s activities, a huge bake sale and art/craft/plant vendors. Habitat for Humanity hosts a booth selling hot dogs, soft drinks, etc. the day of the event.
· Grace Church will provide the space for a “booth” for $20.00 and the church will receive 10% of the participant’s total sales. All proceeds will be given to Habitat for Humanity. There is no limit to the amount of space for an outside “booth”. However, you will need to provide your own tents, tables, chairs, etc. for your set-up. Indoor space will be in classrooms inside the church education wing. You may start setting up after 10:30 A.M.
· Exhibitors are responsible for making their tents sturdy against wind, rain, etc. Grace Episcopal Church nor Habitat for Humanity will be held responsible for lost, damages or stolen property.
If you are interested in participating this year, please respond no later than October 13, 2017 with your completed reservation form and check made payable to Grace Episcopal Church for “Lobsterfest Booth”. If interested, Lobster Dinner Tickets are available. Please indicate how many to reserve. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to call Kerry Aleccia: 256-283-3981 or the church office: 256.236.4457. Hope to see you at Lobsterfest!
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: _________________ Items to be sold: ________________________________________
Your Email Address:_____________________________________________________________
I prefer to set-up: _____Indoors _____Outdoors # Lobster Dinners ________________
I cannot participate this year, but please contact me for 2018 _____________________________
Name & phone of a friend who may want to participate: ________________________________
Please mail to: Lobsterfest 2017
c/o Grace Episcopal Church
P O Box 1791
Anniston, AL 36202
*Physical location of Grace Church is: 1000 Leighton Avenue, Anniston