ICAO ACP SG-N2/7 Minutes

Issue 1


Sub-Group N2 – ATN Air-Ground Applications

7th Meeting

27-29 June 2006

Eurocontrol HQ–Brussels, Belgium


1Meeting Organisational Issues

WP7/01 List of Attendees

WP7/02 List of WPs

The seventh meeting of the ICAO Aeronautical Communications Panel, Working Group N, Sub-Group N2 was held in Brussels, (Belgium) on the 27th through the 29th of June 2006. The meeting was chaired by Frédéric Picard and was attended by 7 experts, a list of the attendees is attached as Appendix C. There were 14 working and information papers presented, they are listed in Appendix B.

Eurocontrol HQ hosted the meeting in Brussels. A joint meeting has been organized with SGN4. The WGN/6 meeting took place the following week.

2Approval of the Agenda

WP7/00 Agenda

The agenda was presented by the SGN2 group and the meeting proceeded with the agenda attached in Appendix A.

3Agenda Item 2: Notes and Actions from previous ACP Meetings (Montreal, Canada, May 2005 and June 2005)

WP7/03 Report of SGN2/6 – Atlantic City March 2006

The actions issued from the last SGN2 meeting were reviewed.

4Agenda Item 3: Briefing from Relevant Meetings

4.1RTCA SC189/EUROCAE WG53 activities

WG53 has produced an ISF (Improvement Suggestion Form) to ED110A to include the protected mode CPDLC in the Baseline-1 profile. ED110B has been submitted to WG53/SC189 plenary and is under internal revision until 31st July. The FRAC process will start 1st August and last 60 days. The document will be finalized fist week of October.

PU-40 version M(Accommodation requirements for ED100A aircraft by ED110B ground systems) is aligned with ED110B. The sub-group has approved the document, which still need to be updated based on the results of the safety analysis performed by Eurocontrol.

5Agenda Item 4: SARPs and GM (maintenance) for Versions 1 and 2 Applications (CM, CPDLC, ADS and FIS)


WP7/8 Alignment of CPDLC with Doc 4444 (output OPLINKP/1)

OPLINKP/1 has endorsed a new CPDLC message set proposing support of new messages (e.g. ADS-B related messages or EXPECT messages), deletion of not used messages or modification of message intents. SGN2 initially produced a PDR to align CPDLC with this new message set but then felt that a PDR would destabilize or delay the publication of Edition 4 (a state letter is need to endorse such a change). WP7/8 has been produced instead to report WGN about the SGN2 analysis and the proposal to not modify the current message set, based on the rationale that there is no urgency expressed to support the new messages and regional operational profiling (as it was done for Baseline-1 services in ED110A) can restrict the message set without formal modification of Doc 9705.

The SG concurs with the conclusion of the WP. The recommendation section is modified to highlight the fact that the new messages can be added later on by maintaining the backward compatibility (either using the ASN.1 extensibility feature or assigning a new OBJECT IDENTIFIER to the ASN.1 description).

5.2Outstanding PDRs

SGN2 agree to close the two still open PDRs related to Editions 1 to 3 for air/ground applications:

  • M5080001: This PDR proposes editorial corrections to Doc 9705. The PDR was kept open until "publication" of Doc 9705 Edition 4.
  • M5080002: This PDR proposes corrections to the A/G application POICS pro-forma. The PDR was kept open until "publication"/"freezing" of the POICS pro-forma.

6Agenda Item 5: Protected Mode CPDLC (PM-CPDLC)


WP7/4 Open Sub-Volume II PDRs

Two new PDR issued since the last SGN2 meeting are presented:

  • M6060001: this PDR is related to the CPDLC message set. Message UM237 REQUEST AGAIN WITH NEXT UNIT appears in the ASN.1 description in the extension part of the message set (i.e. after the extension marker). As there is no reason to handle this message differently from the others, the PDR proposes to move the message definition before the extensibility market

The PDR is modified by SGN2 to indicate potential interoperability problem between a system implementing the change and a systemnot implementing it. SGN2 supports the change in Edition 4. The PDR will be presented for decision at AMSG.

  • M6060002: this PDR proposesto add a pre-defined uplink message UM238 CURRENT ATC UNIT IS to allow the CPDLC ground system to indicate the aircrew when the CPDLC link is operationally enabled (i.e. aircraft assumed, transfer of control performed). As the current CPDLC message set does not contain such a message, the UM183 FREE TEXT can be used instead but cannot be used by the avionics to automatically switch on the CPDLC capability (probability to have syntax errors in the free text is high).

The requirement for such a message is agreed. However, there is a need to ensure that the support of this new message is endorsed by all parties (ANSPs, aircraft manufacturers). The OPLINKP has discussed the issue several times without taking any firm decision. The SG thinks it is not in a position to work on the introduction of this message before a formal endorsement is made by OPLINKP. It will be proposed to the AMSG to keep the PDR open until the message is formally approved. The PDR will be discussed at AMSG and if required at WGN.

6.2PM-CPDLC Specification – Doc 9705 Edition 4

WP7/5a PM-CPDLC Specification – Proposed V2.0

The current version of the Engineering Version is the “Proposed Version 2.0 – Input WGMMay 2006". This version which has been presented to WG/M is the version that must be published. It includes all RESOLVED PDRs associated with PM-CPDLC

6.3PM-CPDLC POICS Pro-forma

WP7/5b PM-CPDLC P/OICS Pro-forma

An initial version of the P/OICS Pro-forma for PM-CPDLC was presented to WG/N5 in May 2005 by the SG. The P/OICS Pro-forma have been completed by the SG, with the active support of the Eurocontrol team working on the updated version of ED110 “Interoperability Requirements Standard for ATN Baseline 1” supporting the PM-CPDLC application. The ED110B document uses the P/OICS Pro-forma to specify the operational profile for the ATN Baseline-1 services.

6.4Guidance Material

WP7/5c PM-CPDLC Guidance Material – Doc 9739

The SG has produced the guidance material associated with the Edition 4 CPDLC application. It is a redline version against standard CPDLC guidance material which contains the rationale for an application-level checksum and describes how the checksum is to be used by the CPDLC-users and ASEs.

The SG reviews this material for the fist time.

6.5PM-CPDLC Validation

The EEC Air and Ground Test Tools were upgraded to PM-CPDLC, so now the LINK2000+ Test Facility supports both PM-CPDLC and CPDLC. Successful tests were performed against DSNA/DTI (Charme ES PM-CPDLC prototype implementation) and also initial tests against Rockwell Collins upgraded CMU 900.

The test sessions with DSNA have first allowed to correct several defects in the developed software (e.g. invalid coding of the RELATIVE OIDs). Then, the full interoperability has been demonstrated. These tests allow to increase the validation level to ‘a’ (Two or more independently developed interoperating implementations validated by two or more states/organizations). The validation report should be updated accordingly.

7Agenda Item 6: Protected-Mode FIS (PM-FIS)

7.1PM-FIS Specifications

The material for PM-FIS was developed by AIRBUS France. The validation work for PM-FIS has been sponsored by Eurocontrol.


CORE SARPs. A version of the CORE SARPs supporting PM-FIS has been produced. It should be discussed along with the ACP Secretary changes to CORE SARPs (See WP7/14).

WP7/7a PM-FIS Doc 9705

Doc 9705 (SV-I and SV-II). The current version of the PM-FIS specification (Sub-Volume I and Sub-Volume II) is presented to the SG as “Proposed Version 0.4”. More than 30 comments have been received on the previous version (SGN2/6, March 2006, Atlantic City).

The main change compared to the previous version is the capability for the FIS-users to negotiate a checksum for each contract, whereas previously the checksum was negotiated for the dialogue lifetime and therefore was applicable to all contracts operated over this dialogue. It appeared that this was difficult for the FIS-user to track the actual end of the dialogue (closed on timeout by the air-ASE transparently for the users) and this would have required the user to maintain a data context with the algorithm identifier between two occurrences.

Another technical decision was to keep an Application Entity Qualifier for each FIS data link services (instead of only one for D-FIS), as it already was in Editions 1 to 3. This is justified by the need at logon time to give aircraft and ground system to identify and negotiate the type of data link services they support.

The other changes are more or less editorial.One major editorial change is still to be made (replacement of PM-FIS by FIS everywhere).

As the validation work is not fully completed, this version of the specification cannot be presented for publication yet.

WP7/7c PM-FIS P/OICS Pro-forma

P/OICS Pro-forma.

The P/OICS pro-forma have been produced and aligned with “Proposed version 0.4” of the PM-FIS Specifications. They are presented to the SG.

WP7/7b PM-FIS Guidance Material

Doc 9739 (Guidance Material).

Guidance material has been produced for PM-FIS. This is the first time this material is reviewed by the SG. This is a redline version against edition 3 guidance material.

The document is reviewed by the SG. Some minor modifications are done (e.g. update of the table of references).

7.2PM-FIS Validation Activities

WP7/12 Current Status of PM-FIS Validation

This document presents the approach and the technical platform set up to validate the PM-FIS specification. The project has been founded by Eurocontrol and performed by Sofréavia with the support of French DSNA. The protected mode functionality has been implemented in two existing ATN End Systems (RRI and CHARME) and interoperability test performed between both platforms. This allows to reach a validation level ‘b’ (2 implementations by one state or organisation).

The interoperability tests have started last week with success (50% have been passed yet). The formal validation report and test documentation will be presented at the next SGN meeting.

8Agenda Item 7: Protected Mode ADS (PM-ADS)

8.1PM-ADS Specifications

WP7/11White Paper on PM-ADS

No progress can be reported on PM-ADS. The white paper produced by DSNA describes what the problems are with PM-ADS and identifies 3 alternatives: (a) introduce the PM mode with no change to the current ADS protocol, (b) introduce the PM mode with modification to the ADS protocol (as per FIS) and (c) revisit the ADS application.

The SG recognizes that it cannot progress the work on PM-ADS any further. WGN is requested to provide guidance on the way to proceed.

The SG is informed that the DLSG (ICAO Data Link Steering Group) has established an ATN Accommodation Working Group (ADG) to assess the feasibility of accommodating ATN aircraft in a FANS-1/A environment. This group is considering work on ADS as a part of convergence work, moving towards a single air/ground datalink system covering oceanic and continental airspaces.

It is proposed that a joint ADG/SGN2 meeting be organized to clarify the new requirements on ADS, if any, and to ensure consistency between the ACP WGN approach and ADG activities.

8.2PM-ADS Validation Activities

The PM-ADS validation is delayed until selection of the solution and availability of the associated specification.

9Agenda Item 8: Other Technical Matters

WP7/09 WP Strategy for the publication of protected mode applications

This paper recommends the following approach for the publication of the PM applications: (1) to publish CPDLC Edition 4 (PM mode), (2) that work on PM-FIS should continue and results reported at the next SG/WG meetings, (3) that work on ADS should be coordinated with the ICAO EUR/NAT Datalink Steering Group, (4) to leave the current ADS and FIS specifications in Edition 4 and (e) publish doc 9705 as separate parts, (5) to envisage the publication of Doc 9705 as separate parts to facilitate the maintenance of each sub-volume.

It is agreed with RW that the SG would provide him the engineering version of Edition 4 Doc 9705 for Sub-Volume II.

RW informs the SG that the Edition 4 manualhas first to be approved by the ACP secretary (before September 06) before to be sent to the ICAO editors for publication. The approved Edition 4 manual will be made available for internal ACP usage on the ACP web site. He will welcome the review by the ACP editors of this material to ensure completeness and correctness. Any editorial change can be requested at any time before publication. ICAO editors are authorized to fix editorial errors by themselves.

The SG is informed by that both AIRBUS and BOEING accept that (PM)CPDLC be published first (Edition 4), whereas (PM)ADS and (PM)FIS would wait the next publication round.

The SG discusses the need to publish standard FIS and ADS in Edition 4, whereas it is already know that this material will be fully replaced by PM-FIS and PM-ADS. It is proposed instead that the placeholders for ADS and FIS in section 2.2 and 2.4 are kept with a short functional description of the applications and a editing note saying standard ADS and FIS are available on the ICAO Website pending the availability of new material being produced for PM-FIS and PM-ADS.

Concerning the publication process of Doc 9705, RW says that he would consider the publication of each sub-volume as separate part (Doc 0705 Parts 1 to 9).

IP7/01New sections for Edition 4 2.2 (ADS) and 2.4 (FIS)

The new sections 2.2 and 2.4 are developed by SGN2. This material will be presented to WGN.

WP 7/13 Applications in the ATN/OSI and the ATN/IPS

This WP recalls the main principles of the application architecture in the ATN and IPS worlds. It shows that the IPS applications encompass the functions of OSI layers 5, 6 and 7.

The discussion is deferred to WGN.

WP 7/14 Annex 10, Chapter 3 - Proposed amendments to incorporate IPS & update existing SARPs in accordance with ANC guidelines

This WP proposesdraft amendments to the current Annex 10, Chapter 3 to be in line with the IPS architecture and ANC guidelines on SARPs (e.g. only high level stand-alone definitions use for regulatory purpose and not for description purpose).

A joint SGN1/2/3/4 meeting is organized to review the comments with the Secretary.

10Agenda Item 9: Input to Working Group N Meeting

WP 7/10 SGN2 Report to WGN

The following documents will be presented to WGN:

  • WP6/xx SGN2 Report to WGN
  • WP6/xx Alignment of CPDLC with Doc 4444 (output OPLINKP/1)
  • WP6/xx Open Sub-Volume II PDRs
  • WP6/xx PM-CPDLC Material
  • WP6/xx PM-FIS Material
  • WP6/xx White Paper on PM-ADS
  • WP6/xx New Edition 4 sections 2.2 (ADS) and 2.4 (FIS)

11Agenda Item 11: A.O.B.

No A.O.B is discussed.

12Agenda Item 12: Future Work and Date of Next Meetings

No meeting is planed yet.

F. Picard

Chairman, ACP WGN SG N2

Brussels, Belgium. 29June 2006.

Appendix A



THE 7th MEETING OF ACP WGN/SGN2 (Air/Ground Applications)


EUROCONTROL HQ, Brussels, Belgium.

27 – 29 June 2006

  1. Approval of Agenda
  1. Notes and Actions from previous ACP Meetings (SGN2/6 – AtlantlicCity, U.S.A, March 2006)
  1. Briefings from Relevant Meetings –

RTCA SC189/EUROCAE WG 53 activities

ACP WGM/11 (ICAO, Montreal, Canada, 31st May/ 2nd June 2006)

  1. SARPs and GM (Maintenance) for Versions 1 and 2 Applications (CM, CPDLC, ADS and FIS)

Open PDRs

M5080001: Edition 4 Editorial Fixes

M5080002: P/OICS Editorial Fixes

Support of New Message Set

  1. Protected Mode CPDLC (PM-CPDLC)

5.1Open PDRs

M6060001: UM237 after extensibility marker

M6060002: New UM238 message

5.2Doc 9705 Edition 4 (Proposed V2.0 - WGM)


5.4First Review of PM-CPDLC Guidance Material


  1. Protected Mode ADS (PM-ADS)

6.1Review of the SGN2/6 Flimsy and White Paper on ADS

6.2Future work organisation

  1. Protected Mode FIS (PM-FIS)

7.1Review of Proposed Specifications (Airbus)

7.2Validation Activities (Eurocontrol)

  1. Other Technical Matters
  1. Input to Working Group N Meeting, 3-7 July 2006, Brussels
  2. Deliverables
  1. AOB
  1. Date of next meeting


Appendix B: List of Working Papers

WP number / Agenda item / Title / Author
WP 7/00 / Agenda / SGN2 Chair
WP 7/01 / List of Attendees / SGN2 Chair
WP 7/02 / List of Working Papers / SGN2 Chair
WP 7/03a / 2 / SGN2/6 Meeting Report (March 2006, Atlantic City – New Jersey, U.S.A.) / SGN2 Chair
WP 7/03b / Draft flimsy on future direction for PM-ADS / SGN2
WP 7/04 / 4 & 5.1 / Open Sub-Volume II PDRs / F. Picard
WP 7/05
c / 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 / PM-CPDLC Material (V2.0)
- Doc 9705
- GM
- POICS / F. Picard
WP 7/06
d / 7 / PM-FIS Material (Proposed V0.4)
- Doc 9705
- GM
- CORE SARPs / L. Emberger
WP 7/07 / Reserved
WP 7/08 / 5.2 / Alignment of Doc 9705 CPDLC with Amended doc 4444 / F. Picard
WP 7/09 / 8 / Strategy for the publication of protected mode applications / N. Fistas
WP7/10 / 9.1 / SGN2 Report to WGN / SGN2 Chair
WP 7/11 / 6.1 / White Paper on PM-ADS / F. Picard
WP 7/12 / 7.2 / Current Status of PM-FIS Validation Project / F. Picard
WP 7/13 / 8 / Applications in the ATN/OSI and the ATN/IPS / ACP Secretary
WP 7/14 / 8 / Annex 10, Chapter 3 - Proposed amendments to incorporate IPS & update existing SARPs in accordance with ANC guidelines / ACP Secretary
IP number
IP 7/01 / - / Invitation / SGN2 Chair
FL 7/01
WP 7/MM / Minutes of Meeting / SGN2 Chair


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ICAO ACP SG-N2/7 Minutes

Issue 1

Appendix C

ACP WGN SGN2 – Atlantic City, USA – 6th– 10th March 2006

Attendee List



ADNAMS, Martin (part-time) / EUROCONTROL / Rue de la Fusée, 96
B-1130 Brussels
EMBERGER, Luc / AIRBUS / 316, route de Bayonne
31035 Toulouse Cedex 1 France / +33 5 61 93 06 48
+33 5 61 18 51 55 /
FISTAS, Nikolas (part-time) / EUROCONTROL / Rue de la Fusée, 96
B-1130 Brussels
KERR, Tony / EUROCONTROL / CIVAL Consulting Ltd
50 Crondall Lane
Farnham GU9 7DD UK / +44 1252 724386
+44 1252 724384 /
PICARD, Frédéric / AIRBUS/Sofréavia / Bât Le Naurouze – Quartier Grande Borde – rue Carmin – BP262 – 31677 Labège Cedex, France / +33 5 6224 5614
+33 5 6224 4964 /
VAN ROOSBROEK, Danny (part-time) / EUROCONTROL / Rue de la Fusée, 96
B-1130 Brussels
WITZEN, Robert (part-time) / ICAO

*** END ***

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