- FIELD:Services
Sub-Field:Wholesale and RetailRetail and Wholesale
- ISSUE DATE:1 June, 1999
- REVIEW DATE:May, 2001
This unit standard is intended for entry level occupations within the wholesale and retail sector and those individuals people who are responsible for applying a given instruction by marking merchandise and maintaining displays. . Persons credited with this standard function under general supervision and carry out established and familiar procedures in familiar environments.
Persons credited with this unit standard can maintain displays by replenshing merchandise, change displays according to display instruction , mark stock and/or merchandise displays whilst maintaing safety and minimising lossesmaintaining merchandise. This function also includes basic processing of readily available information.receive stock in a wholesale/retail organisation, implement security procedures to prevent shrinkage and losses and enhance the efficiency of the supply chain by recording required information on stock being received.
Persons credited with this unit standard are able to mark prices on merchandise and on display units. They are also able to display merchandise in display units.
It is assumed that the learner has completed the following unit standard RW/F/CALC/2 areas of learning before attempting this unit standard.
Numeracy and Literacyskills at the equivalent of ABET 4
It is also assumed that the learner has achieved competence against the Wholesale and Retail unit standard Maintain a Safe and Secure Wholesale and Retail Environment before attempting this the equivalent of NQF 1
Specific Outcome 1
Display merchandise given a display instructionPlace and arrange merchandise
Assessment criteria
1.1Display instructions are interpreted as required by the organisation
1.2Merchandise is unpacked according to the store’sinstruction
proceduresRange: Instruction includes but not limited to verbal instruction, planogram, layout, organisational procedures
1.3Merchandise is displayed using the appropriate display fixtures and fittingsplaced according to the store’s procedures.
Range: Display fixtures and fittings includes but not limited to floor, fixtures, sshelves or display unitsunits, fridge. Gondola ends,
1.4Merchandise is displayed in accordance with the store’s display policy
Damaged, soiled or out of date/range stock is identified and corrective measures are taken as required according to the store procedures
Stock is rotated according to stock requirements and store procedures
Stock presentation conforms to special handling techniques and other display requirements
Merchandise handling techniques are based on stock characteristics and instruction
Correct handling, storage and display techniques are used according to stock characteristics and store’s requirements
Specific Outcome 2
Mark merchandise with labels, tickets and signage Display labels, tickets, price and promotional signage
Range: Merchandise is marked using equipment such asSpecialised Techniques include price marking guns, computers, and equipment to print and attach labels, manual ticketing and price marking, stencils
Assessment criteria
2.1Price Llabels and tickets, price promotional signage areare prepared used asaccordinginstructed and to store policy
Tickets manually or electronicallyaccording to stock characteristics
2.2Promotional signage is used according to promotional brief
Range: Window, wall or flooraccording to store policy and design specification
2.3Soiled, damaged, illegible or incorrect labels/tickets are identified and corrective actions are taken
2.4Tickets/labels, price and promotional signage are visible and correctly placed according to the store policy
Range: includes window, wall or floor
Labels /tickets are replaced according to store policy
Correct pPricing and information is checkedmaintainedand actioned according to organisational store policy
2.5Price changes are actioned according to instruction
Specific Outcome 3
Maintain displays and layouts
Range: Display maintenance include but is not limited to in stock, replenishment, merchandise maintainance principles
Assessment criteria
3.1Displays are maintainedMerchandise is arranged/faced up as according to instructiondirected and stock characteristics
Range: maintenance includes sold outs, damaged goods, customer purchases/or according to layout specifications
3.2Merchnadise displays and layout are Unsuitable or out of date displays are identified, reset and/or removed changed as instructed
Range: Unsuitable, unsalaeable and out of date merchandisedirected by the store
3.3Incorrect dispalys and layouts are identified and corrective action taken
Stock is replenished according to store policy before sold o
Specific Outcome 4
Maintain safety and housekeeping whilst marking and displaying merchnadise in merchandise and merchandise areas
Assessment criteria
4.1Display areas and merchandise are maintained in a clean and tidy manner
4.2Display are area is kept safe for customers in storeaccording to store’sorganisation’s safety requirements
4.3Display units are assembled and arranged as required by the store
Display and marking equipment are handled in a manner that minimises damage and maintains safety of staff and customers when displays are re-arranged
Specific Outcome 5
Prevent shrinkage and losses whilst marking and displaying metrchandiseStack, rotate and off-load stock using pallet-jacks, trolleys, ladders and hysters for lifting and transporting packed merchandise received into stock by retail/wholesale outletsMark and maintain stockMaintain the stockroom
Assessment criteria
3.1Stock is marked using a variety of techniques according to the organisations specifications
Stock is coded according to the brand name and the organisations specifications
Housekeeping techniques are used to keep the stock clean and in good condition
5.1The concept of shrinkage and how it impacts on organisation is explained
5.2Way in which shrinkage and losses occur is explained in relation to the marking and maintain displays
5.3Shrinkage and loss prevention measures are implemented in the stockroom
5.4Stock is rotated and unsaleable stock removed from display according to stock requirements and health and safety procedures
Range: Unsaleable stock includes but is not limited to damaged stock, expired stock, dented/damaged packaging, blown stock
5.5Stock is handled in such a manner that minimises losses
Range: Losses include but not limited to breakage, wastage, spoilage, incorrect price marking, stock rotation
Specific Outcome 6
Maintain stock in the stockroom in order to enhance efficiency of the supply chainStack, rotate and off-load stock using pallet-jacks, trolleys, ladders and hysters for lifting and transporting packed merchandise received into stock by retail/wholesale outletsMark and maintain stockMaintain the stockroom
Assessment criteria
3.1Stock is marked using a variety of techniques according to the organisations specifications
Stock is coded according to the brand name and the organisations specifications
Housekeeping techniques are used to keep the stock clean and in good condition
6.1The impact and functioning of the supply chain on the organisation is explained
6.2Stock flow through the organisation/business is explained
6.3Stock is maintained so as to enhance the supply chain following organisational procedures
Programmes leading to the award of credits from this unit standard will be accredited by the Wholesale and Retail SETA in its ETQA role. Anyone assessing a learner against this unit standard must be registered as an assessor with the Wholesale and Retail SETA ETQA.
Internal Moderations will be performed by the Accredited Providers whilst the specific ETQA will perform external moderations of assessments across the Accredited Providers according to the moderation guidelines in the relevant qualification and the agreed ETQA procedures.
This section makes reference to range statement/s used within this Unit Standard.
Your reference:
- Specific outcome 1 Assessment criteria 1.2
- Specific outcome 1 Assessment criteria 1.3
- Specific outcome 2 Assessment criteria 2.2
- Specific outcome 3
- Specific outcome 3 Assessment criteria 3.1
- Specific outcome 3 Assessment criteria 3.2
- Specific outcome 5 Assessment criteria 5.4
- Specific outcome 5 Assessment criteria 5.5
A demonstrated understanding of the following embedded knowledge as it applies to merchandise marking and display function:
- Housekeeping standards for maintaining merchandise displays
- Techniques for handling different categories of stock
- Legal requirements and manufacturer’s specifications relating to the use of equipment handling if applicable to use of equipment within the organisation
- Verbal instruction or planogram procedures for arranging merchandise on display units in wholesale/retailoutlets
- Techniques for preventing losses whilst price marking and displaying merchandise
- Techniques for erecting signage for merchandise display
- Health and Safety regulation applicable to the function of marking and displaying merchandise
- Principles of merchandising in terms of the stock carried by the particular organisation
Store’s procedures for arranging merchandise on display units in retail/wholesale outlets
Store’s housekeeping standards for maintaining merchandise displays
Packing and presentation techniques for arranging different categories of merchandise on display units
Techniques and equipment for marking prices on products and/or display units
Techniques for arranging merchandise on display units
- Interpret display instructions
- The terms shrinkage and losses
- The effect of shrinkage and losses on profit and employees
- Causes and preventative methods for shrinkage and losses whilst marking merchnadise and maintianing displays
- The supply chain and the roles of the various players
- Organisations procedures while marking merchandise and maintaining displays for maintaining stock records for the supply chain
The critical cross field outcomes relevant to this unit standard are listed below and the table below shows the relationship to the specific outcomes and assessment criteria:
Critical Cross Field Outcomes / Specific Outcomes / Assessment CriteriaSolving problems / SO#2, 3 / AC#2.3, 3.3
Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information / SO#1, 3 / AC# 1.1, 1.4, 3.2,
Organise oneself and ones activities / SO#4 / All
Understand the world as a set of related system / SO#5, 6 / AC#5.1, 6.1
Maintian the environment / SO#5 / AC#5.4
Use science and technology effectively when moving and stacking stocks of merchandise so that merchandise is protected against damage and there is no danger to the immediate environment.
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