Sturgis Soccer Association

Meeting Minutes

Monday, September 18, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

Board Members Attending: Bryce Richter, P.J. Conover, Jessie Glodt, Scottie Bruch, Jeremy Reeve (1), Justin Foster, Alicia Salazar, Brenda Cassen, Kristi Ortiz, Melissa Bennett, Miguel Tobias, Bryce Lassle

Absent: Lindsey Duprel (2), Don Wolkenhauer (1), Katie O’Bryan (1)

The SSA Board meeting was called to order by Bryce R.

Motion to approve the Agenda was made by Alicia S. Seconded by P.J. Motion carries.

Motion to approve the minutes from the August 21, 2017 was made by Alicia S. Seconded by Justin F. Motion carries.

New Business

Bryce R reported on the Harvest Day Tournament coming up. He expects round 50 teams to sign-up. Once the new VP is assigned they will have say on the tournament and the board will help out too. No games on Friday due to homecoming. Volunteers will be need and help running score boards. Alicia will send out an email for help and volunteers. Melissa B. will work on finding field Marshalls- board members will help with this. BH Ortho will be there for field med and to help. Tournament rules can be found on the website- volunteers need to check it out. All Sturgis teams need to pay for the tournament, it wasn’t included in the registration fee this year. Teams can choose to play in the tournament or not. There has been an issue with dog poop on the fields, this will be addressed before tournament.

Director Appointment- Vice President position. Mark Rambow resignation from the board and VP position. Oct. 9th will be the deadline for collection nominations- a ballet will be put together –and voting will take place at the next board meeting.

Officer of VP—Nominations- Jessie G. nominated Justin Foster. Vote from the board. All in favor. Justin Foster is the new VP.

Open Directors position will be Uniform coordinator.

Set- up tournament committee – Justin, Don (scheduling), Jeremy (Director of Coaches), & Melissa.

There will need to be a replacement for Mark on the City committee. Bryce R. will step in for now.

Policy & Procedures - Motion to wave the 3 readings (email was sent out prior to meeting for the board to read through). Alicia seconded the motion. Motion carries.

PJ suggested on Policy #4 Rules of Conduct- Association Members - line 3) to insert Positive Sporting Conduct. Motion carries as Amended.

Policy #5 Conflict Resolution- Bryce R. combined 5 & 5.5 . Motion was made to wave the 3 day reading by Jeremy. Alicia seconded. Motion carries.

Policy #30 Indoor- Intent to create a team- process. Jeremy R. suggested that only the Executive Board votes on the team creation forms (change wording on pg 2- iv.) Once approved then send to Melissa to find placement or coach. Motion to wave the 3 readings was made by Jeremy. Seconded by Alicia. Motion carries.

Motion was made to amend- 1 a) and a v. change--- Amended. After completing indoor revisit policy #30 in full- Motion carries.

Melissa B. will post on the website and to SSA members about Indoor coming up. Bryce L. would like a referee tab added to the website.

Old Business

Don W. submitted a report on scheduling.

Bryce L. reported that people were upset with the league rules- State needs to mandate so we can have consistency. Plans to discuss further at AGM.

U 10- Reconsider off-sides- for build out line to goal – No other associations are following the rule- No motion was made.

Motion was made by Jeremy to change substitution rules- Not enough chances to sub right now- Change to unlimited- I FAB & corner kicks. Alicia seconded. Motion carries.

Miguel T. reported it would be $2,115 to purchase new goals for U10/12. Delivery time would be two weeks.


Treasurer- PJ C. reported that Justin F will need to go to the bank and get on the signature card to sign checks. Checking account is at $25,000, $12,000 in the money market and $10,000 in savings. Still waiting on the High School coaches and travel amount to come in.

President- Bryce R. reported that coaches are not receiving enough information and feel like their being left in the dark. As a group we need to communicate better. The best way is to get information to Melissa B. to get the work out—Tournament rules, registration info …etc. Also letting them know where to find the correct info. Scottie B. expressed an interest in heling put together coaches binders with all the information they need.

Director of Coaches- Jeremy R. reported that he is back from being gone for awhile and working on some changes.

Head Referee- Bryce L. reported that there has been a few glitches on the game officials, mics are working good, 2 Saturday’s in a row the goals haven’t been moved back after High School use.

Publicity- Melissa B. reported that people have been asking about getting gear with Sturgis Soccer logo on it—Justin is getting the info and will send it to her to share with membership.

There were bleachers at the field and now they are gone—Check with City. Weekly director of coaching submit- newsletter or link to skills to go out to the coaches.

HS girls coord- Brenda C. reported that the season is wrapping up. Adam the head coach did a great job. The gate money for games was a success- $700-$900/ night.

Fundraising- Scottie B. reported that the idea for the next fundraiser would be putting each team in charge of their own fundraising. There will be a goal amount figured by the number of teams for the season and that will determine the amount each team would need to raise. Teams can be as simple or creative as they want. Prizes for reaching the goal amount and top seller. This idea will wait to take place for this season.

Registrar- Alicia S. reported that we need to watch the coaches with having parents help on side lines (if they don’t have a background check done, they can’t be there). If a coach has a parent that wants to help they need to get in contact with Risk Manager, Katie O.

Uniform- Justin F. reported that the feedback on the jerseys has been positive. There were a couple hick-ups with the sizing but it’s been taken care of. Spirit wear will have a good selection from jackets/ T-shirts/ hoodies/ socks…etc. They also have the choice to have Sturgis soccer logo or Sturgis Scoopers. Ordering will be up soon.

HS boys coord- Kristi O. reported that the season ends on Thursday. She would like approval from the board for awards. Motion to allow Kristi to purchase awards, up to $200 budget was made by Justin. Miguel seconded. Motion carries.

Director of Field- Miguel T. reported that the pennies are a mess- two bags of them. He would like to order new ones that all are the same to help keep track of them. Jeremy would like a key to the shed to help out with inventory. Miguel would also like to purchase more balls.

Other business

High School sanctioning- possible early release- we have to wait and see where it goes.

Homecoming parade- Melissa is looking for a new committee to take it on and coaches or it won’t happen.

Motion was made to adjourn by Jeremy. Scottie seconded. Motion carries at 9:21 p.m.

SSA Meeting Minutes Submitted by, SSA Secretary Jessie Glodt