Neighborhood Nominations of Unbuilt Rights of Way
for possible future trails

Don Baack founder of SW Trails, Inc.

Board Member Attendance: Robert Lennox, James Leno, Sam Pearson, Lynn Pearson, John Holderness, Scott Richmond, Carol Porto

23 neighbors attending

Minutes submitted by Carol Porto

Meeting called to order.

Introduction of board members, establish a Quorum 6 voting, 7 board members present

Motion: Approve meeting agenda

Move: John

Second: Sam

Yes: 6

No: 0

Abstain: 0

Motion: Approve Novembermeeting minutes

Moved: John

Second: Lynn

Yes: 6

No: 0

Abstain: 0

Motion: Approve Emergency Meeting Minutes from Jan

Move: Carol

Second: Sam

Yes: 6

No: 0

Abstain: 0

A nominating committee will need to be formed for the May election
There are a log of open positions available. If interested, contact Robert for now. Positions include board members, land use, parks, safety, communications, watershed, equity representatives

Committee and SWNI Rep reports

Land Use: Sam –There has been no meetings due to weather conditions

Financial : Lynn- no changes have occurred. We have $1,807.28.

Transportation- Scott

The committee has not met for 2 months.

SW Pdx: the SW corridor plan is in EIS stage was discussed ( environmental impact statement).

Metro has formed a community advisory committee called CAC. SWNI has one representative on CAC.

We have been waiting on SWIM ( SW in motion) active transportation- bicycle and pedestrian, a 20-year plan.

Short term projects: 5-10 yr. projects include Taylors Ferry Rd – one side sidewalk.

As far as the SW Corridor plan, we requested a study for a connection bridge to light rail near SW 13th on Barbur. They are looking from 11th or 12th across Barbur and connect to Multnomah.

Recommendations on the SW Corridor Plan will have some. Joint neighborhood presentations.

Q. Federal funding question.

A. Now there is some funding for a study that is going forward.

Statement: PBOT has a survey out about deficiencies in the neighbor. This is posted on Next Door or Portland bureau of transportation website.

Nomination of Unimproved Right of Way for Trail - Don Baack,founder of SW Trails, Inc.

Passed around brochures. See following page.

PBOT process for establishing a trail is difficult.

There is an exception to that process that involves approval from city council.

There are a few trails in Burlingame.

Next steps: identify in each neighborhood , connections for new trails.

Example in Hillsdale shown. Liability issue depends on permit and who does maintenance. Trails needs permit.

The PBOT manager will change and project will be delayed 2 months. New manager is familiar with SW.

Tryon-Stephens Plan – Scott had map marked out with a proposed trail.

Q. Who is person to contact to look at proposed trails?

A. Scott Richmond. Scott will put something on next door.

Talk to Scott about working on these and looking for proposed trails.

Statement: One advantage for these trails here in S Burlingame is that they provide a safe way for pedestrians to get around.

Macadam Ridge

A Special Committee will be formed

The Plan for development is available. Copies are on Next door. Talk to Robert if you want info.

Motion: Write a letter of response

Moved Sam

Second Scott

Yes: 6

No: 0

Abstain: 0

The Committee to write a letter: Robert, Mike, Carol Lidberg, John H. ( after meeting Anita volunteered)

Donations would be accepted at any time.

City has 90 days or so to address responses. We could see a June hearing – open for public testimony.

It is time to start organizing with other related groups, organizations and individuals for hearing.

To join the SBNA, please Sign up on membership

New SWNI Bylaws . One item includes a conflict of interest. You need to tell SBNA if you have a conflict of interest.

Good of the Order.

There is a 6th and Terwilliger Cleanup, Sat Feb 11 near the S Burlingame monument. Maybe 9 am.

After ice storms, 4th and Taylors ferry, Laurel bushes impeded vision, across from Fire Station looking downhill. Be aware that property owners have liability.

Neighbors on 4th asked folks to use their driveways to allow Waste Management trunks to get through. It is narrow down on 4th.


  1. Nominations will be for segments of existing unbuilt rights of way, use colored tape on the provided 2’ x 3’ maps to indicate nominations.
  2. It is not important to determine if an existing stair is maintained by the City of Portland as city staff will review the nominations and determine if a nomination is already city maintained.
  3. If the neighborhood seeks to have a new Neighborhood Greenway or Urban Trail route identified, that will be considered by staff as well. Put them on the map along with text explaining them.
  4. SWTrails will work with each neighborhood to produce a set of nominations, but anyone can nominate an unbuilt right of way for consideration for a trail during this process. We will assist with any technical assessments that the city requests.
  5. Next steps after the nominations are complete at some to be determined date the package of nominations and alternative route designations will be delivered to Rich Newlands, SWIM project manager, to have them included in the process he is leading to price out and set priorities on all of the likely projects to be undertaken in the next 20 years.
  6. At some point there will be open houses where the nominated projects and routes will be reviewed by the public for comment.
  7. After staff review of the comments, a recommendation of the connections to be included in the presentation will go to the Portland City Council.
  8. Once the City Council approves the final set of candidate trail routes on unbuilt rights of way, the next step will be for any interested nonprofit to obtain the proper permit for the trail construction. We expect this may take years to accomplish.

The benefit to the adjacent property owner to have a nonprofit obtain a permit and build a trail is that the provisions regarding reducing liability provided in Oregon State law will apply.