Job Description Learning Manager

Hours: 37 Hours per week – (FTC until 31/08/18 in the first instance)

Working Weeks: Term Time plus + 2 INSET days

Salary: Grade 6 (£23,398 - £25,951 pro rata)

Actual salary £19,343.61 - £21,454.49

Responsible to: Head of Academy and Vice Principal (Behaviour & Inclusion)

Main Purpose of the Job

The learning manager will be expected to develop and support the aims and objectives of the academy and to ensure that the Pastoral systems and year group priorities are effectively led and managed. They are responsible for the smooth running of the pastoral systems in school including attendance, punctuality, behaviour and safeguarding within their designated year groups.

They will work as part of a larger Pastoral Team and will be instrumental in the development and implementation of the attendance, behavior, safeguarding and year group systems and interventions.

Key Priorities

·  To develop a year group ethos and support the development of competitions and events.

·  To lead on attendance analysis and interventions within the year groups

·  Support the behaviour policy and interventions with students in the year groups

·  Support on safeguarding within the school and the year groups

Main duties and responsibilities/accountabilities.

The responsibilities attached to the post are as follows:

Lead person in school for a learning manager

·  Run year groups and be first port of call for parents

·  Provide pastoral care for pupils who require it

·  Support parent’s evenings where possible

·  Work with Vice Principal to improve attendance for pupils in the year groups

·  Work with Director of Upper school and inclusion to improve achievement for pupils in the year groups

·  Coordinate detentions for repeat offenders, i.e. late, poor punctuality, low level disruption

·  Support the detention rota and monitor detention attendance

·  Support Form Tutors to adopt the school’s values within the year group

·  Check all pupils have correct uniform and equipment as they enter school, if not contact parents

·  Monitor uniform, all pupils to wear correct uniform and adhere to uniform policy

·  Meet with parents re low level disruption and monitor via report

·  Monitor form teachers to make sure pupils are being placed on report

·  Have pupils on report and report back to staff any issues

·  Hold year group meetings for form tutors

·  Inform Safeguarding Coordinators if any concerns with pupils in the year group

·  Undertake behaviour modification with pupils in small group or on a 121

·  Contribute to improving punctuality and high standards of uniform by being on duty at changeover of lessons

·  Carry out pre, post and lunch duties daily, ensuring that you welcome students into school at the start of each day

·  Carry out lunch duties and break duties daily

·  Be around the corridors for 10 minutes at the start of every lesson to make sure pupils are

·  punctual to lessons and ensure that other members of staff do the same

·  Support year group assemblies

·  Encourage pupils to take roles of responsibility

·  Use SISRA and SIMS when needed to monitor pupil progress, attendance and behaviour

·  Maintain a display board promoting the news from your year groups

·  Develop and maintain a year group Council that feeds into the School Council

·  Undertake any other tasks as the Head teacher may reasonably require