Study Guide Exam 3 - Principle’s – p 56 # 10, p 58 # 10G, p 66 # 20, p 68 # 23, p 74 # 2, p 74 # 3, p 76 # 5, p 78 # 7, p 80 # 10,

p 96 # 5, p 98 #6, P 98 # 7, p 110 # 23, p 124 # 12, p 140 # 12

Movies: Know the notes from Food Inc. (link is on website under handouts) How has control of the meat market changed? What has happened to the USDA’s control over shutting down meat plants? How many inspections are conducted? During the Bush Administration, Where are the heads of the major watchgroups (USDA, FDA) from? What company owns the gene patent for Soybeans? How much meat does the average American eat a year? How much of U.S. land is used for planting corn? What products include corn? How much of processed food has been genetically modified? How many Americans born after 200 will contract early onset diabetes? How fast is organic farming growing in the food segment?

Lectures: Wildlife Sanctuary: What is fresh water? Drinkable water? What are the two species of plants that indicate fresh water? What was the hazardous chemical dumped in the swamp? What city dumped it? Why did we give up part of the wildlife sanctuary? Who was responsible for this? What did we get in return? What was the red stuff taken off the cactus? What company got in trouble for using this and why? What were the non-native species pointed out in the sanctuary and where do they come from? What was the name of the fish found in the bodies of water? Where are they actually from? How much did they cost? What is island Biogeography? What is an animal corridor? What is the keystone predator in the sanctuary? What is primary succession? Secondary succession? What is occurring in our local areas due to the fact we humans have tried to limit succession?

Websites: Know the site for Better World Shopper? It is linked on my website under “links” if you want to check it out again)

Chapter 10 –What is a food desert? How many people in the U.S. live in such areas? What is food insecurity? What is the root to the cause of this situation? Know the following terms: Undernourished, Malnourished and Overnourished. What is the difference between industrialized and traditional Agriculture? What is organic agriculture? On labels, what is the difference between 100% organic, organic, made with organic ingredients and natural? What was the green revolution? What are the three steps involved? If we view productivity not as yield per area of land but as the number of people we feed per acre, which countries are more productive than the U.S.? How much grain is fed to livestock in the U.S.? How much do low-income people in less developed countries typically spend on food (%)? How much do the poorest spend (%)? The U.S. (%)? What is the difference between artificial selection (cross breeding) and genetic engineering? What are GMO’s? What is a feedlot? What is aquaculture? How much of our ocean fisheries are being harvested at full capacity? How many are being overfished? How many fossil fuel energy units is it taking to put one energy food unit on an American table? What has happened to the amount of energy it takes to raise one calorie of food in the U.S. Why? What is top-soil erosion? What are the three major harmful effects? What is desertification? What is accounts for 70% of the water humanity uses? What is soil salinization? How much is land is affected in the U.S.? What are the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified crops? What is integrated pest management? What are the alternative to synthetic pesticides? How can we improve food security?

Chapter 8 – Sustaining Biodiversity: The Species Approach–What is happening to the honey bees? During this century, how many species do scientist project will become extinct due to human activities (in a fraction)? What is biological extinction? Mass Extinction? Background extinction? What do biodiversity researchers project predict the current annual rate of species extinction to be? What is an endangered species? A threatened species? What is HIPPCO? How much of Hawaii is at risk? What is habitat fragmentation? What is the Kudzu Vine? Why is it considered a menace? What happened with the Argentine fire ant? How much of the normal ant populations can they kill? What has happened with snakes in Florida? What is the zebra mussel? What is the best way to reduce threats from invasive species? What is overexploitation? What is bushmeat? What is causing 70% of the world’s bird species to decline? How many in the U.S.? What is CITES? What is the Endangered Species Act? What is probably a better way to save species?

Chapter 9 – Sustaining Biodiveristy: The Ecosystem approach - Know the following terms: Old growth forest,Secondary-growth forest and Tree plantations. According to Costanza’s study, theforest provides us with ecological services worth how much? How much more is this worth over its economic value? How much deforestation has taken place? What are the causes of tropical deforestation? What is the problem with reintroducing the Gray Wolf to Yellowstone National Park? What have the effects been to the park? Why has Costa Rica been considered a Global Conservation Leader? What are the four ways to protect ecosystems? What is a global hotspot? Which one is in California?

Chapter 12 & 13 –Resources - Terms:core, Asthenosphere, Mantle, Lithosphere, crust. What is a mineral? Rock? What are the three classes of Rock? How are rocks recycled? What are reserves? What is depletion time? Where do most of the Rare Earth Metals come from? What country produces most of the rare earth metals and oxides? Why? Why is California not mining its large rare earth metal mine? What are the different types of mining? What is the real cost of gold? What is net energy Yield? How is it calculated? What are fossil fuels? What are the three largest users of commercial energy? How much is nonrenewable? How long will supplies of conventional crude oil last? What is OPEC? What countries are members? How much of the oil do they control? How much oil does the U.S. use? How much does it produce? How much does it import? What is the advantages and disadvantages of using crude oil? What is heavy oil? What are the disadvantages of developing tar sand? What is Natural Gas? LPG? LNG? Is it a cleaner fuel? What is fracking? What is coal? Who are the largest users? What are the problems of using coal? How does a Nuclear Fission reactor work? What are the problems with dealing with the high level radioactive wastes? How are we dealing with it in the U.S.? What are the three worst nuclear power plant accidents? What is energy efficiency? How much can this save the U.S.? How can we reduce energy waste? (In vehicles, In buildings) Why are we still wasting money and energy? What are the three reasons renewable energy isn’t being used more today?