Basic Lab Safety Rules

Accidents happen a lot in everyday activities. Most accidents happen at home or while driving a car. Very few accidents happen in the classroom. However, in order to decrease the chances of accidents in our class and lab, ALL STUDENTS AND VISITORS are required to follow the safety procedures listed below. You are expected to follow all of these rules in every lab. Special reminders are in each lab for your benefit.

  1. Horseplay, running, pushing, shoving and practical jokes are a serious hazard in a science

lab. There are many glass objects and chemicals that could injure you or be damaged. Such behavior is not permitted!!!!!!

  1. Never eat or drink in the lab or from lab equipment. Also during labs, chewing gum will not be permitted.
  1. Never taste chemicals for any reason!!!! It may be the last thing that you taste.

4. Never perform an experiment without permission. Many chemicals produce dangerous

gases or may explode if mixed.

5. Never conduct labs alone. Mrs. Hicks must be present.

6. Only those laboratory activities where instructions and permission have been given by Mrs. Hicksare permitted.

7. Only materials and equipment authorized by Mrs. Hicks are to be used.

8. Tie back long hair and do not wear loose clothing in the lab. Shoes that cover the foot are

required at all times during labs.

9. Goggles must be worn at all times. Points will be deducted from your lab grade each time you have to be reminded to put them back on.

10. Never allow the open end of a heated test tube to be pointed toward anyone.

11. All work surfaces in the lab should be cleaned after each use.

12. Never touch any heating equipment or recently heated glassware. It may not look hot, but it

could burn you badly.

13. Make certain that all hot plates and burners are turned off before leaving the lab.

14. Broken glassware should not be used.

15. Never try to pick up broken glass. It should be swept up carefully. Notify Mrs. Hicks and

she will get it swept up.

16. Broken glass in sinks should be promptly removed as it presents a serious hazard to all

using the sink. Notify Mrs. Hicks and she will put it in the broken glass box.

17. Take great care in observing odors and smells. Use a waving motion of the hand. Never

put a bottle to your nose and breathe deeply. This may be your last breath.

18. Consult Mrs. Hicks before placing any chemicals into the sinks. We cannot dump

hazardous chemicals into our environment.

19. Good housekeeping is essential in maintaining a safe lab. Keep your desk and floor clean.

A piece of paper on the floor can be very slippery and could result in a fall.

20. Know where all exits, fire blankets, eye wash stations, fire extinguishers, sinks and showers

are located.

21. Report all injuries to Mrs. Hicks immediately. Do not be afraid to report an accident

because you made a mistake. The threat of infection or other side effects of the accident

is more important than any reprimand that Mrs. Hicks might give you.

22. In case of an emergency, do not run!!!! Leave your books and other possessions at your

desk and leave by the nearest safe exit. Do not scream or yell unless no one else is aware

of the emergency. If everyone knows of the problem, screaming will only create confusion.

Always notify Mrs. Hicks!

23. Always be ready for instructions from Mrs. Hicks.

24. Upon first entering the laboratory on lab days, students are not permitted to touch

equipment until directed to do so.

25. Students are NOT permitted in the laboratory storage room unless directly instructed to do
