SCNC Board Agenda (cont.)

Committee Members: Lisa Sarkin (Chair), Nanita Miller (Secretary), Gail Steinberg, Richard Niederberg, Marilyn White-Sedel, Mike Farrell, Kristina Hope, Joann Deutch, Paul Samek, Mel Scott Randall, Dean Cutler, Jeffrey Carter, Ben Neumann (ex-officio)

  1. Call to Order 7:00pm. Roll Call: Lisa Sarkin, Nanita Miller, Gail Steinberg, Richard Niederberg, Marilyn White-Sedel, Kristina Hope, Joann Deutch, Dean Cutler (arrived 7:04pm), Jeffrey Carter. Excused: Mike Farrell, Paul Samek, Mel Scott Randall. 9 members present. Need 7 to pass motion. X stakeholders in attendence.
  1. Approval of May 12, 2010 Land Use Committee meeting minutes. MOTION: Niederberg; Hope seconds. VOTE: 8-0-0
  1. Land Use Committee Update by the Committee Chair.

--Colfax Bridge update: DWP letter incorrectly states that work starts at 8:30am Monday to Friday. Work actually starts at 7am and ends by 4pm with Saturday workdays.

--Luxe@Colfax: the property is up for sale; appears that project is not moving forward.

--RFA proposal: next proposal review at 7/19 Planning meeting at Marvin Braude center.

--Carwash: Owner did not appeal decision that mural is not per the Specific Plan. Mural remains covered.

--Ventura/Cahuenga Blvd. Corridor Specific Plan: signage restrictions in Section 8. DBS and Planning Review Board has created pamphlet to be sent to business owners outlining/clarifying sign ordinance. Joann Deutch, Dean Cutler, and homeowner Richard Adams to research issue in subcommittee. Marilyn White-Sedel noted that Bureau of Street Services is responsible for dealing with illegally posted signs and passed out pamphlet re same.

--Gail Goldberg is retiring as Director of Planning on 7/16.

  1. Public Comments on non-agenda items within the Committee's jurisdiction. None.
  1. Response(s) to public comments by Committee Members. None.
  1. Presentation, discussion, Ventura/Cahuenga Blvd. Corridor Specific Plan Design Advisory Committee approval and possible motion with respect toconstruction of a new commercial building to be used as a health/fitness club, permitted shared parking and additional maximum height of 33 feet [DIR-2010-1000-SPP] located at the Sportsmen’s Hotel 12825/12833 Ventura Blvd. – Steve Afriat, Aaron Green, JJ O’Brien.

--O’Brien explained that Sportsmen’s Lodge name will remain as brand for development (Equinox at Sportmen’s Lodge). Equinox is an upscale brand fitness club. This location would be for both club members and hotel patrons. The Equinox building will be owned by Richard Weintraub, the owner of the Sportsmen’s Lodge Hotel and Event’s Center, and leased to the operator, Equinox. According to O’Brien, the aesthetics of the renovation of Lodge will carry on to new fitness club. According to Green, this project is fully compliant with VCBC Specific Plan; they are not applying for variances. Project site is currently surface parking. Existing driveway (across from Goodland) would be maintained as 2nd floor overhangs drive aisle. Maximum parapet height is at 28’-6” on Ventura Boulevard frontage because the grade drops as property continues north toward the LA River at the back of the property. Therefore, the building height is 33’-0” max at the rear of the building. They are applying for a Project Permit Adjustment (to allow for max building height of 33’-0” which is greater than 30’-0” allowed by Specific Plan, but within the 10% increase permitted by a planning administrator) and Shared Parking Agreement (with hotel and banquet facilities).

--Richard Adams, homeowner, has concerns: PetCo intersection (x Goodland) has been the location of many accidents; Boulevard already has a lot of traffic at peak times; there is an existing bus stop near the existing driveway that makes it difficult to enter/exit the property safely. Adams would not have problems if the gym were for just hotel guests since there wouldn’t be increased traffic. He also notes that film crews and events also bring a lot of traffic to the area (Ventura x Coldwater Canyon).

--Mort Allen, friend of Richard Weintraub: Notes that this lot is actually not part of the Lodge; it is a separate lot. He notes the redevelopment of the lodging, eating, and drinking aspects of the Lodge and supports the complementary addition of the gym to the site.

--O’Brien responds: Hours of operation will be 6am-10pm, every day. Security is limited to lighting right now; stationed guard is not currently planned. Equinox states that peak demand is 6-9am Mon-Thurs; outside of hours that Lodge would be busy (majority of events will be at night and on weekends). Further, Equinox can request members to use specific entrances/exits when entering/leaving the site. The café/juice bar is part of Equinox, and not to be subleased. Construction is estimated to last 12 months. Equinox expects to create new jobs with 25-50 people working on site.

--Neiderberg states concern that some surface parking is leased from LA River. O’Brien has not heard this before and does not believe this to be true.

--Sarkin restates concern over left turn exiting onto Ventura, especially at Goodland Ave. O’Brien notes that right turn only lane will be provided 150 feet to intersection within road dedication. He also notes that Lodge would not want to create congestion problems with movie crews to adversely affect guests/members. At the moment, hotel occupancy is low and banquet center is also quiet after reopening, so this is not an issue.

--Hope, White-Sedel, and other board members have issue with the design of the building as illustrated in current renderings. They believe that the design is too modern and cold (with glass and metal) and does not follow the aesthetic of the rest of the Lodge complex or the neighborhood.

--Issue tabled. Subcommittee created to discuss design and other issues (height, shared parking) with Equinox—Dean Cutler, Gail Steinberg, and Richard Adams.

  1. Presentation, discussion, Ventura/Cahuenga Blvd. Corridor Specific Plan Design Advisory Committee approval and possible motion with respect to 1,862 square feet of additional restaurant area, change to full line alcoholic beverages with live entertainment and additional signage [DIR-2010-1630] at Raphael’s 11612/11616 Ventura Blvd. – Mike Ayaz.

Mike Ayaz is the attorney for the Raphael family and restaurant. He requests a CUP to allow for the planned expansion onto the existing 1,985 sf restaurant and the upgrade to Type 47 full liquor license (from current Type 41 beer and wine only license). Notes that applicant has permitted signs. In addition, the previous permit allowed the restaurant to have 2 musicians without amplified instruments; they would like to keep that option. The restaurant has ample parking; will have valet parking across the street as already approved by DOT. Cutler notes that property across the street could be developed and would impact the lease agreement. Last seating is 10:30pm weekdays. Raphael’s is asking for extension to 1:30am weekends (Friday and Saturday). Steinberg notes that Transportation Committee has heard issues with neighboring business, R Lounge. She notes that neighboring residents have requested permit parking due to inconsiderate actions by drunk patrons on nearby sidewalks, but DOT is unwilling to process permit parking requests at this time due to budget and staffing problems. Karo from Krekorian’s office notes that DOT does not want to increase permit parking areas (along with enforcement). Krekorian’s office is still working on this issue. Sarkin notes that Officer Mike stated that there have not been any problems from crime due to alcohol.

MOTION: The Board of the SCNC supports the application as presented [DIR-2010-1630] for Raphael’s at 11612-11616 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City. Motion by Niederberg, Hope seconds. VOTE: 7-2-0

  1. Presentation, discussion and possible motion with respect to on-site sales of beer and wine in conjunction with food sales [ZA-2010-1698-CUB] at Caioti Pizza Café 4344/4346 Tujunga Avenue – Al Avila and Carrie LeDoux (owner).

Al Avila, advocate for Caioti Pizza Café. History: the restaurant allowed patrons to BYOB without a valid liquor license. This is against code; cited by ABC. Avila notes that Police state this is a low crime area; Councilman’s office supports the license. Liquor license requires that establishment also sell alcohol, not just BYOB.

MOTION: The Board of the SCNC supports the application as presented [ZA-2010-1698-CUB] for Caioti Pizza Café 4344/4346 Tujunga Avenue, Studio City. Motion by Niederberg, Hope seconds. VOTE: 8-1-0

  1. Adjournment of Land Use Committee 9:00pm. MOTION by Neiderberg, Carter seconds. VOTE: 9-0-0
  1. Call to Order 9:01pm of Ventura/Cahuenga Blvd. Corridor Specific Plan Design Advisory Committee.
  1. Ventura/Cahuenga Blvd. Corridor Specific Plan Design Advisory Committee approval of a proposed exterior renovation for Wasteland Clothing [DIR-2010 -630-SPP] 12144 Ventura Blvd. – Ken Korman (architect) and Cheryl Cohen (owner)

Location at old Ann Taylor space. Cheryl Cohen described the aesthetic for Wasteland as appropriate for Studio City neighborhood/community—warm dark wood and glass with the use of natural materials. Interior is bright and white. They will recreate rear entry to store via the existing parking lot. There are three pre-existing approved signs; they plan for only replacement signs, no new signage. Signage lettering is typical of company; open edged lettering with splash of red. Signage does not blink. Steinberg worries that red on signage is too bright for neighborhood. White-Sedel and Carter voiced support of the design. Advisory Committee reviewed proposed design against Specific Plan and will forward approval to Priya Mehendale in the Planning Department.

  1. Adjournment of VCBCSP 9:19pm. MOTION by Niederberg, White-Sedel seconds. VOTE: 9-0-0
  1. Call to Order of Land Use Committee 9:20.
  1. Comments from Members on subject matter within the Committee’s jurisdiction. None.
  1. Closing Comments by the Committee Chair. None.
  1. Adjournment 9:31pm. MOTION by Carter, Cutler seconds. VOTE: 9-0-0