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ENGEL and Borouge invite to automotive seminar in Bangkok

Innovative technologies create added value

Schwertberg/Austria – May 2014

Lower weight, more comfort and lower unit costs – such are the automotive industry's requirements for vehicle components. Integrated plastics solutions play a decisive role in meeting these requirements. During their automobile seminar on 24 and 25 June in Bangkok, the partner companies, ENGEL and Borouge, will present what this could look like in practice.

The event will take place at Novotel Bangna in Bangkok, close to the international airport Suvarnabhumi, and automotive experts not only from Thailand, but also from Malaysia, Indonesia and other South East Asian countries will be in attendance. "The automotive industry is our biggest market," says managing director of ENGEL Machinery (Thailand) in Bangkok, Gilles Lefevre. "ENGEL is already one of the leading suppliers in the region."

Lightweight construction and functional integration are growth drivers

Innovative technologies for injection moulding production as well as new polypropylene materials will be presented. The focus will be on the topics of process integration, lightweight construction, and functional surfaces. "These are the most important growth drivers in the automotive industry and the key for more efficient processes and a better ability to compete," Lefevre states. In collaboration with customers and partners ENGEL develops tailor-made system solutions for the respective application, based on a wide technology range. ENGEL will present the main technologies for the automotive industry to industry professionals in Bangkok:

  • ENGEL foammelt economises raw material and weight, while at the same time creating dimensionally stable, warp-free components. ENGEL offers integrated system solutions for MuCell structural foam moulding from a single source under the name of ENGEL foammelt.
  • At its own technology centre for lightweight composites and in collaboration with customers and partners, ENGEL develops efficient processes for serial production of innovative composite components, for example using the ENGEL organomelt technology or in-situ polymerisation.
  • With theDolphin and Varysoft technologies, ENGEL offers a wide range of extremely economical turnkey solutions for producing premium, soft touch surfaces for vehicle interiors. Compared with other technologies, the new Varysoft process, developed at Georg Kaufmann Formenbau, offers even greater softness while allowing undercuts in the mould design.
  • In order to produce particularly resistant, optically appealing surfaces, the ENGEL clearmelt technology floods thermoplastic pre-moulded parts with polyurethane. Moreover, functionality can be added to components through smart electronics in a single work step. In future, the vehicle cockpit will be controlled as comfortably as a smartphone thanks to this enhancement to the clearmelt process (Multifunctional Surface Technology).
  • ENGEL optimelt combines excellent optical quality with high cost effectiveness using multi-layer technology, for example in the production of LED Lenses. If the pre-moulded part is partly cooled outside of the mould, the cycle time can be reduced significantly.

Customer proximity reduces project running times

With a production volume of 2.4 million vehicles annually, Thailand is among the top ten automotive nations. Almost all major automotive producers and OEMs have their own works in Thailand. ENGEL has addressed this high market significance by establishing a Bangkok subsidiary. Furthermore, customers benefit from the ENGEL Group's global manufacturing network. Thanks to decentralised production of injection moulding machines in China and Korea, ENGEL is able to guarantee short delivery times and quick adaptation of machines, robots, and system solutions to specific local requirements also in Asia.

Innovations in processing and PP material for value-added automotive applications

Date: 24 and 25 June, 2014 (programme is the same on both days)
Place: Novotel Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand
Registration and further information: ,


Innovative technologies and materials are key factors in achieving lower unit costs and a higher degree of competitiveness. During their automotive seminar, ENGEL and Borouge will present solutions for applications in the field of lightweight construction, for functionalised surfaces, and the production of optical components.

Picture: ENGEL


ENGEL is one of the global leaders in the manufacture of plastics processing machines. Today, the ENGEL Group offers a full range of technology modules for plastics processing as a single source supplier: Injection moulding machines for thermoplastics and elastomers, and automation, with the assurance that individual components are also competitive and successful in world markets. With eight production plants in Europe, North America and Asia (China and Korea), and subsidiaries and representatives in more than 85 countries, ENGEL offers its customers the excellent global support they need to compete and succeed with new technologies and leading-edge production systems.

Contact for journalists:

Gerd Liebig, Group Marketing Director, ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH,
Ludwig-Engel-Strasse 1, A-4311 Schwertberg, Austria,
Tel.: +43 (0)50/620-3800, fax: -3009, e-mail:

Susanne Zinckgraf, Public Relations Manager, ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH,
Ludwig-Engel-Strasse 1, A-4311 Schwertberg, Austria
PR Office: Theodor-Heuss-Strasse 85, D-67435 Neustadt, Germany,
Tel.: +49 (0)6327 97699-02, fax: -03, e-mail:

Contact for readers:

ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH, Ludwig-Engel-Strasse 1, A-4311 Schwertberg, Austria,
Tel.: +43 (0)50/620-0, fax: -3009, e-mail: