Academic Level / If there is a problem in your class status, you should contact the Registrar’s Office.
Note: Results of make-up exams are not considered in defining class status.
ReservedCapacities / Course reserve capacities for different student groups will be announced on the web page of Registrar’s Office.
ReservedCapacities / You should request consent from the instructor or the Dean’s Office via KUSIS homepage for courses with limited capacity.
You should plan alternative courses for the courses you cannot enroll in.
Course Retakes / -You can enroll to previously failed courses (with grades F, W, L).
-You can enroll to successfully completed courses on the last day of add drop period if there are available seats in the class.
Course Consent / You cannot enroll to a course if you have not completed the pre-requisite. For exceptions, you can apply for consents via KUSIS.
Course Consent / If you receive a consent for a class for which you are currently on a waitlist, you need to drop the course from “My Confirmed Enrollments” page and plan & enroll again.
Time Conflicts / If the “discussion session” of a law subject area course conflicts with another course you want to enroll in, you should enroll in the other course and request to be enrolled in the law course administratively by the Registrar’s Office.
If CPAP 100 conflicts with another course you want to enroll in, you should request to be enrolled to the CPAP 100 section administratively by the Registrar’s Office.
Enrollments in other conflicting pairs of coursesare not allowed.
Dropping Courses / You can drop a course you enrolled in from “My Confirmed Enrollments” page, not in “My Planned Enrollments” page.
Section of ALIS and UNIV courses can only be changed by requesting an administrative change from the program coordinator, it cannot be done on KUSIS.
Dropping Courses / In order to view a general elective course that was previously dropped, you need to click on the green arrow under General Electives group in the “My Course Planner” page.
My Course Planner / The courses which cannot be seen under “Freshman 1st Semester” group can be seen under “Other Semesters” group.
My Course Planner / The courses ACWR 101/ 106, HIST 300/ 100, TURK 100, ALIS 100, UNIV 101, CPAP 100 can be seen under “Common core” group or “Freshman 1st Semester” group.
My Planned Courses / It is recommended to check the “Wait list if class is full” option when you are selecting the section of the course.
It is also recommended to check the LAB and PS selections when you are selecting the main lecture for the course.
Class Search / To search courses in the Class Search page:
Course Career: Undergraduate
Select Subject: the four letter course code (like ECON)
If you check “Show Open Classes Only”, you can see only the courses with available seats; otherwise you can see all the courses even if they are full.
To see all the sections, click “View All Sections” option.
My ConfirmedEnrollments / Current waitlist position can be seen by clicking on lecture, lab, ps etc. section in “My Confirmed Enrollments” page.
Number of Remaining Courses / A pdf report for completed and outstanding courses can be found in “My Progression Report” page.
If you see any mistakes in this report you need to summit a petition to Registrar’s Office under “General Request to Registrar” category or send email to
Overload / Thefollowingstudents can overload (overloadingmeanstaking an additionalcoursethat has 2 ormorecredits):
  • Studentswhose GPA is at orabove 2.70/4.00 (*),
  • Studentswhohavecompletedtheprevioussemester (Fall or Spring) with an SPA of 2.70 orabovewith at least normal courseload,
  • Studentswhoareabletograduatebyoverloadingbyonecourse in additiontotheirregularcourseloadfor at mostthreesemesterswithone of thosesemestersbeing a summersemester,
  • DoubleMajorstudentswhoserequesttooverload is relatedtotheirDoubleMajor program.
Students do not pay an extrafeeforoverloading in Fall and Spring semesters.
However, studentswhosatisfyoneormore of theoverloadcriterianeedto pay theadditionalcoursefeeforthethirdcoursetheytake in Summer term.
(*) Note: College of Engineeringstudents at Freshmanstatus, whosatisfyoneormore of theconditionsabove, mayonlyoverloadwiththeapproval of theiradvisor.
1-Credit Courses / Fromthe 1-credit courses a student has takenduring his/her period of study, only a maximum of three 1-credit courseswill be countedtowardsthestudent’sgraduationrequirement as freeelectives.
In a semesterwhere a student has extracourseload in additionto his/her normal courseload (overload), he/she can onlytakeone 1-credit course in additionto his/her alreadyoverloadedcourseload.
CPAP 100 / Eachstudentforwhomthere is a CPAP 100 requirement in thetemplate, is requiredtocompleteeitherthe CPAP 100 examorthe CPAP 150 coursetowardsgraduation.
Students, whoprefertotakethe CPAP 100 examinstead of the CPAP 150 course, may do soany time duringtheirundergraduatecareer. However, studentsshould be awarethat CPAP 100 or CPAP 150 could be listed as a pre-requisiteforothercoursestheywishtotake.
Studentswhosuccessfullycompletethe CPAP 150 coursewill be exemptfromthe CPAP 100 requirement.
Studentswhohavesuccessfullycompletedthe CPAP 100 examwill not be allowedtotakethe CPAP 150 course.
Withdrawalfrom a Course / Aftertheadd-dropperiod is over, students can withdrawfrom a courseuntilthewithdrawaldeadlinestated on theacademiccalendar. Students do not receive a lettergrade on a coursetheywithdrewfrom, instead, theletter 'W' is recorded on thetranscript.
Studentswill not be reimbursedfor a coursetheywithdrewfrom.
Accordingtothedecisionmade inSeptember 2013AcademicCouncilmeeting, students can withdrawfrom at most 3 coursesthatweretaken as overloadcoursesduringtheirundergraduatecareer. Courses taken in exchangeprograms, coursestaken in summersemesters, andcoursestaken as part of the normal loadwill not be countedtowardsthis total. Also, coursescurrentstudentswithdrewfrombefore Fall 2013 semesterwill not be countedtowardsthis total.
Program Curricula / Most recent curricula can be accesses on KUSIS home page or via
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