Jane Addams Unit
Sandi Peterson
Marsh Elementary
5th grade
July 13, 2007
Students will use these web sites: www.webster.edu/-woolflm/janeaddams.html and www.uic.edu/jaddams/hull/urbanexp
Lesson 1: Establishing the Purpose for Reading (ERT)
Objective: Students will read the section on Jane Addam’s
Childhood and discover significant facts about her childhood.
1. Students will read section on Jane’s childhood.
2. Students will answer the questions: Explain how Jane
felt about her father? How do you think her father influenced
her life?
3. Students will work in groups of 3 and record answers on
chart paper and share with class.
Lesson 2: Highlighting
Objective: Students will read the section on Jane Addam’s Education and highlight the most important words.
1. Students will read the section and highlight only 20 words.
2. Students will write 2 higher order thinking questions.
3. Students will work in pairs.
4. Students will write questions on slips of paper.
5. Students will exchange questions with another group.
Lesson 3: Note Taking
Objective: Students will learn how to use cause and effect information with a double-entry method of note taking on the cause/effect relationship of Hull House.
1. Students will read section on Hull House and write information on the double-entry form.
2. Teacher will model example on overhead.
3. Students will work in pairs.
4. Students will write a cause/effect essay on Hull House explaining
the reasons for Hull House, and the effects it had on the community.
Homework: Students will research on line what Hull House is today and write a persuasive essay on why it should continue today.
Lesson 4: Daily Journal Entry
Objective: Students will learn from an excerpt of Jane’s diary what a day in her life was like and summarize in their own words.
1. After reading a day in the life of Jane Addams, students will create a daily journal entry for Jane Addams in their own words.
2. Students will record a second daily journal entry for their own life on journal entry paper.
3. Homework: Students will create a timeline of their own life with pictures or photos.
4. Students will view Jane’s timeline on website to see an example of a timeline.
Lesson 5: Who, What, Why, Where, When Chart
Objective: Students will learn how Jane contributed to peace efforts after
1. After reading about Jane and her contributions to the peace effort
after WWI, students will complete the 5 W chart.
2. Students will answer the question: How would Jane contribute to
helping restore peace in the middle east today? Students will record responses on class chart paper.
Lesson 6: Photo Examination: Website/ Hull House: Urban Experience in Chicago: Hull-House and its Neighborhoods, 1889-1963.
Students will choose from the following photo topics:
1. immigration and migration/Mexicans and the Hull-House Colonia
2. cultural space in the city and neighborhood/labor museum
3. recreational and public space/Where should children play?
4. Hull House Art School
Objective: Students will view photographs that represent the Urban experience in Chicago at Hull House 1889-1963. Students will analyze in pair partners what they observe using the 5 senses chart.
1. After the teacher presents and views the photos on line, students will select which photo he/she wants to study and interpret..
1. Students will record information on 5 senses graphic organizer.
2. Each pair will present their photo and organizer to the class.
3. Homework: Each student will design a poster that illustrates a social problem today that concerns children.
Lesson 7: Hull-House Timeline
Objective: Students will view the timeline on the computer. They will make a statement about each picture.
1. Students will click on picture and record on a sticky note one fact about each picture. On the back side of sticky note, students will write the number of the picture frame.
2. Teacher will copy and cut out pictures and display on bulletin board or chalkboard.
3. Students will put sticky note under the picture.
4. Extension activity: This could be made into a matching game.
Final project and assessment:
Objective: After students have read the information about Jane Addams and completed the lessons, students will need to do a final project.
1. Students may chose from the following ideas:
Game Board
Poem or Rap
Power Point
3 fold display board on her contributions with pictures
2. Students will be assessed on:
Completion of task: 25 points Oral presentation: 50 points
Color/creativity: 25 points