Students’ Association Minutes

October 15, 2015

Meeting commenced: 9:32pm

Dining Services with Joy Kimmel

  • A few weeks ago in Open Forum we discussed some dining concerns, which were relayed back to Joy, who is here to talk about changes in dining services and follow up on the issues raised last time. She was grateful for the feedback, overwhelming though it was. She wants to stress that her door is always open and that it’s more efficient if issues are raised immediately instead of waiting until there is a laundry list of problems. One of her biggest concerns is that some station workers in the Dining Center seem to be turning students away for seconds, thirds, etc. – to clarify, it’s all you can eat, and you’ve paid for that service, so no one should be turned away. Another problem is onThe Pit side, where there is no way to ring some items up, resulting in students being charged either too much or too little. (One example of this is the regular Caesar salad – you should not have to pay for a Chicken Caesar and then ask to take off the chicken). Menu items can and will change based on demand.Some simple things have already been changed, such as the cereal station – the transition from General Mills to Kellogg’s products is complete. If you miss an item that is no longer being carried, talk to Joy! Fresh fruits and veggies are being reintroduced into Pit – they are selling fast, and each time they sell out, the order is increased. But they will only be sold if the quality is good (no moldy berries, for example). As always, if something is not up to par, talk to someone – do not pay for bad quality! If you don’t have time at the moment, remember the details and come see Joy later. Dining wants you to feel like you are getting value for your money. Always feel free to tell us what we are doing wrong (and what we are doing right)!
  • There has been a problem with morning register service, namely a very long wait before anyone is there. Joy will follow up and the staff will work to be more diligent. Special effort will need to happen the night before, to restock and prep so that Carol can just work the register.
  • Is it possible for The Pit to open at 6:30am to better accommodate early morning practicers(this may not be a big number)? In order for such a change to be enacted, it would have to be brought up in discussion with the union. Any permanent change in hours could be very complicated. A temporary change (maybe during finals week) would be much easier.
  • A recurring problem is the shortening of Lunch and Dinner service (stations being closed early). In an attempt to combat this, the doors will remain open until 1:40 for lunch and 7:10 for dinner. If those coming later are consistently finding stations not full or taken down, they need to talk to Joy and she will work on it.
  • Is it possible for a menu to be posted outside the DC? The answer is yes.Of course, people can always ask whomever is working the register just to look around before deciding.
  • There was a discussion about having a larger breakfast on weekends – this has been an ongoing conversation. As there are never more than a dozen students in attendance, it doesn’t make sense to add much. Hard-boiled eggs can be added, as per student request.
  • With regards to eggs and chicken:The recent Avian flu epidemic does not affect chicken breasts, only liquid and whole eggs. This is why scrambled eggs have not been at the home station for brunch. They are still available at grill. In future, dining will try to offer them at the home station some weeks as well.
  • The oil substance used in the Pit is a soy-based liquid margarine. No peanut oil is used (because of allergies). The fryer oil is a zero trans-fat vegetable oil. Anyone can always ask to see any label.
  • A clarification: gluten free bread is always available! Soy milk is no longer available in the milk dispensers, but bottles of soymilk and rice milk are available in both the DC and the Pit. For soymilk, small bottles of plain are no longer available, but chocolate and vanilla are.
  • There is no Exhibition station on Friday night. Perhaps there could there be a sandwich station at dinner some nights?
  • The possibility of Middle Feastern was raised. At the moment, it could be difficult, as Marwan no longer works here. But last year he came back to do it. Evan will send a follow-up email to Joy to see about this.
  • Are there ways to incorporate student recipes into the menu? Absolutely – all Joy needs are the recipes. Brief plug for the Halloween Dinner at the end of the month.

SA Initiatives

  • Earlier in the semester we discussed a community serviceinitiative. Before we jump into the hours goal we wanted to test the waters by having a number of smaller events. The first Service for a Slice event was a big success, and there are two more such events planned for November. The first Community Collectionbin (clothing drive) was also successful, so stay tuned for info on future collection drives. Trips out into the community for service are also in the works. If anyone (or any student organization) has an idea for a service program or would like to co-sponsor something, please contact the SA Executive Board.
  • Future events could happen in Lowry Hall or elsewhere in the main building, to attract a different audience, with the caveat that there would need to be people manning the tables!
  • Service events are currently non-musical, to avoid overlap with pre-existing programs and/or Mu Phi and SAI.


  • Dani has passed out a brief questionnaire for each group to provide information for the creation of group websites. Please fill it out and return it to her so she can expand your web presence.
  • Constitutions are well past due! Hard copy templates are available, and you can download them from the Student Life website. Funds will be frozen until constitutions are received.

Open Forum:

  • Volunteers are needed for “A Series of EPIC Events” Fright Fest, from 4:00-10:00 on Halloween. There will be a costume contest with faculty judges, a ghost story teller, and a Halloween themed dinner, among other fun events. The Eastman Cinema Clubis showing Silence of Lambs. Catholic Newman is sponsoring the “Trip to the Abbey”. If you can help, contact Madeleine.

Meeting adjourned:10:07pm