Name ______Period ______
I. Complete the table.
Element/ion / Atomic number / Atomic mass / Mass number / Protons / Neutrons / ElectronsC
II. Answer the following:
1. Calculate the average atomic mass of lithium, which occurs as two isotopes that have the following atomic masses and abundances in nature:
Li-6 7,30%; Li-7, 92.70%
2. Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for the isotope oxygen-17.
3. What is the approximate atomic mass of a nuclide of thorium that has an atomic number of 90 and that has 144 neutrons?
4. What is the average atomic mass of the element copper if it is composed of 69.5% of an isotope of atomic mass 62.93 amu and 30.5% of and isotope of atomic mass 64.93 amu?
III. Introduction to Periodic Table of elements
Click on the first website listed.
1. Click on Alkali Metals (left bar) and answer the following questions.
a. What is the group number? ______
b. Are these metals reactive? ______
c. Do these metals occur freely in nature? _____
f. Are these metals soft or hard? ______
g. Name the two most reactive elements in this group? ______and
h. What happens when they are exposed to water? ______
2. Go back and click on Alkaline Earth Metals (left bar) and answer these questions.
a. What is the group number? ______
b. Are these metals reactive? ______
c. Do these metals occur freely in nature? _____
3. Go back and click on Transition Metals (left bar) and answer these questions.
a. How many elements are in this group? ______
b. What are the group numbers? ______through ______
c. What are valence electrons? ______
e. Name the three elements in this family that produce a magnetic field.
4. Go back and click on Other Metals and answer these questions.
a. How many elements are in this group? ______
b. What are the group numbers? ______through ______
c. How are these other metals similar to the transition metals?
d. How are these other metals different to the transition metals?
e. List three physical properties of these other metals.
5. Go back and click on Metalloids to answer these questions.
a. Metalloids have properties of both ______and ______.
b. The only element that is not a metalloid (instead is classified as “other metal) that touches the line is ______.
c. Define semiconductor. ______
d. Name two metalloids that are semi-conductors. ______and ______
6. Go back and click on Nonmetals to answer these questions.
a. What are the group numbers? ______through ______
b. List four characteristics of ALL nonmetals.
c. What two states of matter do nonmetals exist in at room temperature?
______and ______
7. Go back and click on Halogens to answer these questions.
a. What is the halogen group number? _____
b. Are halogens metals or nonmetals? ______
c. The term "halogen" means ______and compounds containing halogens are called ______.
f. What state of matter are the halogens in at room temperature?
8. Go back and click on Noble Gases and answer these questions.
a. What is the group number? _____
b. Why were these gases considered to be inert or stable?
9. Go back and click on Rare Earth Elements and answer these questions.
a. How many Rare Earth elements are there? _____
d. The Rare Earth metals are found in group _____ and periods _____ and _____.