Becoming a Student ‘Voice’ Representative (SVR)

What is this job about?

The University believes that students’ input to the management and development of their coursesis of singular importance and it has invested in a scheme of ‘Student Voice Representatives’. This has been running for four years and has been enormously successful with visitors coming to Glamorgan from other universities who are keen to copy our success! SVRs are an exciting supplement to the Course Reps system, and the elected Executive Team in the Students’ Union. SVRs can be described as a liaison role between students and Course Reps, faculty staff, and the Students’ Union.

The job is supported by a comprehensive training programme and you’ll also be able to access other student support mechanisms of the University (such as Student Services, Faculty staff, the Students’ Union Officers, the Advice Shops etc) and you will also have access to the network of other SVRs across the University.

The role will be rewarded with a scholarship payment which you can claim at the end of the academic year. You’ll also be automatically included in the GlamEdge scheme. GlamEdge is a University scheme to recognise that some students pick up additional skills and work-related experience during their time at University. These are attributes which are in addition to your academic subject expertise and they are extremely highly valued by employers. The certification you’ll get at the end of the year will give you the edge over many others when compiling your CV and applying for jobs.

The Person Description

1 / You will be committed to the principle of the ‘Student Voice’ (i.e. students’ involvement) in the managementand running of their courses.
2 / You will be a good communicator and be able to use a variety of communication methods to suit the range of students in your faculty.
3 / You will be confident, or believe your confidence can be developed to communicate effectively with University staff.
4 / You will be good at managing your time and be confident that you’ll manage the commitment needed for both your course and the SVR role.
5 / You will have an organised approach to basic record keeping.

The RoleDescription

1 / Liaise with students and Course Reps to identify issues of concern,or good practice,which can be taken forward with appropriate members of staff, groups and committees.
2 / Inform the student body of the results of issues raised on their behalf at faculty level groups.
3 / Liaise with the representativesof the Students’ Union, where a need arises, onstudent-related issues.
4 / Attend appropriate faculty or University groups in order to fulfil the tasks of the role.
5 / Contribute to a University-wide group of Student Representatives in similar roles in all faculties.
6 / Keep appropriate evidence and termly reports of activities to substantiate claims for payment.

The Scholarship Scheme and Payment

Glamorgan has invested in scholarship payments to SVRs because much more is expected of these student reps than is normally the case and, if our expectations are met, then SVRs will have done an excellent job and the University and students will have gained a lot from their input. The scholarship payment varies to reflect the amount of representation which is likely at the different levels based on the number of students enrolled. The University offersup to:

  • £350.00 to Research Student Voice Reps
  • £400.00 to postgraduate (taught courses) Student Voice Reps
  • £750.00 to undergraduate Student Voice Reps.

Scholarship payments are merit-based. This means it is based on how well you represent students and how often you attend meetings. SVRs will be given very clear guidance on the amount of input which is expected of them, and SVRs have ample opportunity to meet with a Students’ Union colleague or the Project Officer to talk through any problems you may have with the level of commitment needed.

As you work through the academic year, you’ll gather evidence to support your scholarship (for example, the minutes of meetings you’ve attended, case notes, e-mails etc). In June 2013, you’ll submit this evidence as a portfolio to demonstrate that you really engaged well with the role. In a VERY FEW cases, the University will offer a SVR less than the full scholarship. This could be, for example, where a SVR has needed to drop out of the role during the academic year or those who have done substantially less representation than others (although it is completely normal for SVRs to miss a meeting occasionally e.g. because of illness or a timetable commitment). So, be assured that it is normal for the University to pay the whole of the scholarship payment, for example, in 2011-12 only two SVRs who submitted their end of year portfolios received LESS than the full scholarship. Payment is made in June, at the end of the year.

Support for Student Voice Reps

The University offers SVRs all the support needed for the role. This includes a ‘Basics – getting started’ training session which will be held on Tuesday 16th October 2012, starting at 5.00pm (with a buffet meal). This session takes a couple of hours. A series of 4 short, ‘bite-sized’ sessions of 1 hour each will be offered during the rest of the autumn and spring terms. Social events or get-togethers are planned at least once a term. And the Students’ Union officers, faculty staff, and Directorate’s Project Officer are all available to answer questions as a need arises. In addition, in previous years, each group of SVRs in a faculty has worked together as a team and provided each other with friendship, advice and support.

Student Reps Awards Evening

Again, quite unusually among universities, Glamorgan holds an annual ‘Student Reps Awards evening’, normally in the early part of the summer term. Awards are made to the best Course Rep from each faculty, the best Course Rep in the University, the award of SVR Team of the Year, and the single SVR of the Year. They are nominated by students and by staff and it is a special celebration of what students can do to help each other. If you become a Course Rep or SVR, then aim at one of these awards!