Student- Teacher Project Contract
Grade 8: Healthy Living
Students Name: Group Members:
At the end of the project student:
· students will demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well being
· students will demonstrate the ability to assess situation for potential danger and apply strategies for avoiding dangerous situations
Step 1: Choose a subject and formulate a question for your inquiry
Think about a social issue teens are faced with in today's society that you would like to learn more about, or that suggests problem solving solutions.
· some possible issues may include: drinking and driving; joining gangs; participating in violence; attending a party where alcohol or drugs are being used; peer pressure; cyber bullying; bullying; using cosmetic procedures or treatments that may cause potential health risks (diets, piercing, tattooing etc.)
· for other possible ideas talk to friends, family or the internet to explore teen issues
Formulate a question that will be the starting point for your inquiry
· ensure that your question will enable you to study you subject from a variety of different angles and not just one
· For example: How are gangs formed and organized to attract teens into joining?
Choose teen social issue:Question that you hope to answer:
Deadline Teacher's Signature Date:
Step 2: Formulate one possible answer to the question
Formulate a possible answer to your question before pursuing research that will either confirm your hypothesis or disprove.
Possible answer:Deadline Teacher's Signature Date
Step 3: Gathering of relevant information to answer question
Write the sources of information you consulted and the ideas you found in each. (at least 3 sources. More can be added using line paper and stapling loose paper to booklet). Each group member is responsible for reporting back to the group, one source and documenting the ideas of what they found.
Source Name: / Ideas found:Source Name: / Ideas found:
Source Name: / Ideas found:
· Possible sources include:
o internet sources, books, journal articles, magazines and newspaper clips
Deadline Teacher's Signature Date(1 week)
Step 4: Prepare your report on inquiry question
The report that you will prepare will be in a Poster Presentation format which you will later present to your classroom peers in a 'Gallery Walk' around the classroom. Each student in the group must be responsible for a section of the final Poster Presentation.
Please ensure that your Poster Presentation includes the following:
O title stating your inquiry question
O sub titles that state your three possible answers to your questions
O group members names under the section responsible for
O pictures or illustrations (ensure they are labelled)
O statistics that are relevant to answering your inquiry question
O what was your hypothesis?
O what new questions were raised as you completed your assignment?
O acknowledge your references by providing a Bibliography
I will provide you with poster board, construction paper and glue. This assignment is to be completed at school. All research can be done at home or during Media Time; however, the final poster presentation will be done in class. I will also be providing you with two computer lab periods where together as a group, you research together to find out the answer to your inquiry question.
Deadline Teacher's Signature Date(2 weeks of in class time)
Step 5: Evaluating your group members
On the attached handout provided, evaluate your efforts as a group member. On the bottom of the evaluation you are asked to reflect and provide a letter grade that you believe your group deserves. Justify your letter grade by providing me with 3 reasons as to why your groups deserves that grade.
Evaluating Your Group Work
Group Members 's Names:
My Name:______Date:______
O I listened to others while they were speaking
O I offered my own ideas and information
O I asked others for their ideas
O I shared the materials and supplies
O I asked my group for help when I needed it
O I helped someone in my group
O I took my turn and encouraged others to take their turn
O I praised someone in the group
Letter Grade: ______
Three reasons why I think my group deserves this grade:
3. ______
(Schwartz, Susan & Mindy Pollishuke. Creating the Dynamic Classroom: A Handbook for Teachers. Pearson: Education Canada. 2005. pg. 38.
Deadline Teacher's Signature Date(Final submission of Project)
Step 6: The Gallery Walk: Presenting your work
All presentations will be due on the same day; however, the presentations will be done over an entire week. Each group will sign up for a presentation day (4 presentations each day). Groups that are not presenting, are responsible for browsing the classroom and attending all presentations. Each group will be provided with a 15-20 minute time slot in which they will present. When 15 or 20minutes is up the groups will rotate and the group will present again to the next group. I will attend one of the four presentation times at which I will evaluate your group. Working as a team is key. Please make sure that you rehearse your presentation prior to presenting to make sure that each of your group members knows their responsibility, what each is presenting on and to ensure that all the areas of the project are covered with detail. Your Poster Presentation will be handed in at the end of the presentation day, and will be handed back with the rubric assessment.
Presentation Day Preferred:Presentation Day Given: Group Number:
This Project Contract was adapted from the