Haverhill Recreation Department

2975 Dartmouth College Highway

North Haverhill, NH 03774

May 3, 2016

Meeting Minutes

Members in attendance were Sam Blanchard, Tom Friel, Lynn Wheler, Sherri Sargent, Angela Clifford and Jennifer West.

Members excused: Cindy Fagnant & Barb Dutile

Members from the Public:

Open time for Public Discussion: None

Approval of Minutes: 1st Jen, 2ndAngela

Directors Report:

Easter Egg Hunt – The hunt was held at the Clifford Memorial Building and went very well. The event was free to the public but donations were received in the amount of $208.21. There were about 300 plus people in attendance. The face painting was done by WHS and HCMS students. The suggestions in the meeting were to have a bunny money jar (like the CHAD dinosaur), a line for the bunny, and four different sections age groups for the egg hunt.

Teen Nights – The April teen nights for both High School and Junior High went well. The High School door fees brought in $150 with concessions of $65.75 & the Junior High fees brought in $305.00 with concessions of $103.00. The admission fee was $5. Sherri worked with Holly Ripple regarding the schedule for the summer months as we would like kids to be able to preplan for dates after school is out. The Gaga Court and Air Hockey Table did arrive at the Clifford Memorial Building and were utilized at both teen nights in April. To allow for preplanning for the students and volunteers dates for future teen nights are scheduled for May 13th for the Regional High School dance from 7 to 10pm and May 20th for Regional Junior High dance from 7-10pm. August dates are to be determined. The thought was to do a Step up night dance for the 8th graders going into 9th grade.

Railroad Park – The playground mulch will arrive next week and we will not need a work crew as the Grafton County Department of Corrections inmate work crew has stated they can come on May 12th. Rich Clifford will be replacing the wood frame around the swing set and slide as well as adding 2’ to the end of the slide landing per Primex. Walmart employees come and did a cleanup day at the park. There will be plants that will be plated near the river by the State of NH.

Pool – The chlorine tanks at the pool have arrived and preparations have been made this week to prepare the storage room for the new tanks. Rich Clifford removed the wall and did find that the bottom of the wall has some wood rot from the wall being directly built on the ground. Sherri obtained an estimate from Rich Clifford on the cost of concrete for about $673.00. Sherri requested a vote from the Recreation Commission to use the Turkey Plunge funds to pay for these repairs. It should be noted that chlorine and other pool chemicals that are store in the room can expedite deterioration of any metal that might be stored in the room. Angela will request a quote on the electrical for this room to be completed. The Recreation Commission voted that we may use the funds from the Turkey Plunge account to repair and expand a portion of the pool house provided we get permission from the precinct with a cap of $1,300. Lynn made a motion to approve the use of the funds. Angela seconded.

The pool is scheduled to be open on June 20th with HARP’s first day being June 26th. There have been 8 children register for HARP already.

New Business:

Railroad Park Concert & Chili Cook Off – The cook off is scheduled on May 21st from 5-7pm. The prizes will be Shaw’s gift cards, Everything But The Cook gift cards, and other gift cards donated by Angela Clifford. The chili drop off time will be at 4pm. The judges are already set for this year. Angela Clifford will be providing corn bread and rolls and Tom will maintain the hot dogs.

Dead River Donation – Dead River donated $2,500 to be used for Railroad Park. Sherri requested that the money be used for a movie projection system that will include the projector and the screen. The exact cost for this system is $2,500. The Recreation Commission suggested that we wait on this for a month before approving the use of the funds.

Bank of New Hampshire – Sherri was approached by the Bank of New Hampshire asking if we would like them to donate the Recreation Commission money. At this time, Sherri does not have the amount of what the funds will be.

Kaboom Grant Update – The Recreation Commission is very excited about this opportunity. At this time the commission is still waiting to hear from the VFW regarding approval of the land use.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52pm.

Minutes transcribed by Samantha Blanchard.