Student/ Supervisor Meeting Record
Student NameStudent Number
Title of the Research Project
1. Summary of Progress since the Last Meeting(to be completed by the student before the meeting)
2. List of Items to Discuss(to be completed by the student before the meeting)
3. Record of Discussions and Agreed Targets for the Next Stage of the Work
Main points / By whom? / By when?
4. Further Notes(if applicable)
5. The attendance and engagement of the student is: / ExcellentSatisfactory
Unsatisfactory (please provide further details and a set of remedial actions to address the issues in the Draft Agenda for the Next Meeting)
6. Draft Agenda for the Next Meeting7. Date, Time and Venue for the Next Meeting
Please email the completed form to
Supervisory Meetings and the Research Meeting Record
- The student and supervisor(s) must hold regular supervisory meetings to address the need of the student for advice andguidance, and to review progress and agree targets for the next stage of the work. The frequency of meetings will vary depending on factors such as the stage reached by the research or the supportneeded by the student. The minimum frequency is once per month but a higher frequency is typically required.
- The UK Quality Code for Higher Education (Chapter B11) states that both students and supervisors are responsible for ensuring regular andfrequent contact.The student and supervisor(s)are expected to take the initiative to arrange appropriate supervisory contact. Failure by any party (student or supervisor) to maintain regular andfrequent contact should be reported to the Head of the Graduate School.
- The purpose of the Research Meeting Record is to document these meetings and therefore build up a record of progress throughout the project. There will be one Record for each supervisory meeting that is on the agreed schedule of regular meetings. No Record is required for other meetings except when there is important information to be recorded.
- The student should prepare for the supervisory meeting by deciding what to discuss with the supervisor(s) and what progress has been made since the last meeting, and noting these in the relevant sections of the Research Meeting Record, to be provided to the supervisor prior to the meeting.
- It is the responsibility of the student to complete sections 1 and 2 prior to the meeting. Sections 3 to 7 must be completed by the student and supervisor during the meeting. The student should keep a copy of the Record and must ensure that (s)he also sends a copy to each supervisor and to