Ülkü Yetis
Date of birth: March 1st, 1958
Nationality: Turkish
Civil status: Married
Degrees Taken
1988Ph.D., Middle East Technical University (Turkey), Environmental Engineering
1982M.S., University of Pittsburgh, Chemical Engineering
1981B.S., Middle East Technical University (Turkey), Chemical Engineering
Present Position
Professor, Middle East Technical University, Environmental Engineering Department (Turkey)
Consulting Experience (Last 5 years)
- COWI A/S (Denmark), EU financed project, entitled “Technical Assistance for Environmental Heavy Cost Investment Planning-TR/0203.03/001”, Preparation of Directive Specific Implementation Plans for Hazardous Waste Directive, Water Framework Directive, Nitrate Directive, Bathing Water Directive, Incineration Directives, 2004-2005.
- Yeni-Yapı A.S, “Preparation of Water and Wastewater Master Plans for The Gelibolu National Park”, 2005.
- Urfa Municipality, “Preparation of Solid Waste Management Plan for the City of Urfa”, 2004.
- YUKSEL PROJE, “Taste-odor-turbidity problems in the Bursa Water Treatment Plant”, 2003.
- Thames Water Turkiye, “Wastewater Management in Thames Water Turkiye İzmit Water Treatment Plant- An Assessment”, 2001.
- Ministry of Environment-Directorate of Specially Protected Zones, “Evaluation of Pamukkale ve Akkoy Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects”, 2000.
- Beysehir Municipality, “Treatability of a well water to be used as water supply to Beyşehir”, 2000.
- Mersin Governorship, “Lanfill Site Selection”, 2000.
- Ministry of Environment- Directorate of Specially Protected Zones, “Evaluation of Pamukkale and Akkoy Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects”, 2000.
Research Projects (Last 5 years)
- Principal Investigator, “Adaptation of Textile Industry to IPPC Directive : BAT Applications in a Selected Plant”, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), $450,000 (2005-2007).
- Researcher, “Development of Tools and Guidelines for the Promotion of Sustainable Urban WW Treatment and Reuse, EU-MEDA , Euro 200,000 (2003-2006).
- Principal investigator, “Development of a Membrane Based Treatment Scheme for Color Removal from Textile Effluents”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK), $50,000 (2002-2004).
- Principal investigator, “Monitoring the Environmental Impacts of the İskenderun Energy Waste Disposal Site”, İSKEN, $70,000 (2003-2005).
- Principle Investigator, NOM removal by Membrane Filtration, $50,000 (2005-2006).
- Principle investigator, “Çubuk I Dam Reservoir - Water Quality and the Pollution Control”, Ankara Greater Municipality Water Water and Sewerage Authority, $12,500 (2004).
- Principle investigator, “Çamlıdere Dam Reservoir - Water Quality and the Pollution Control”, Ankara Greater Municipality Water Water and Sewerage Authority,$ 20,000 (2004).
- Principal investigator, “Monitoring the Surface and Groundwater Quality - The Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline Project –Lot C, $10,000 (2003).
- Co-investigator, “Effects of Extracellular Polymer Composition of Activated Sludge on the Removal of Hazardous Substances by Biosorption”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK) $55,000 (2001-2003).
- Co-investigator, “Pb (II) Removal Using Biomass from Anaerobic Digester Effluent ”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK), $2,500 (2002-2003).
- Principal investigator, “Examination of Surface and Groundwater Qualities at Kutlular, İnkoy, Esenli,Erikli, Murgul Mining Sites, $15,000(2002).
- Principle Investigator, “Preparation of Environmental Emergency Action Plan for the Marmara Region”, Ministry of Environment, $50,000, 2001.
- Principle Investigator, “Air, Wastewater Parameter Measurements and EIS Studies”, Mercedes-Benz Turk, $30,000 (2000).
- Co-investigator, “Disinfection by-products in the drinking water of Ankara City”, METU Research Fund,$20,000 (2000).
- Co-investigator, “ Gemlik-Orhangazi-İznik Basin Environmental Status Assesment , Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), $ 8430 (1999-2000).
- Coordinator, “Disinfection by-products removal from drinking waters”, DPT( State Planning Organization), $30,000 (1998-2000).
Short-Courses (Last 5 years)
Organization and the delivery of the short course on “Improving Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities”, financially supported by UNEP/GPA, Trabzon, August 2005.
Organization and the delivery of the short course on “Improving Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities”, financially supported by UNEP/GPA, Ankara, December 2005.
Participation in the delivery of the course on “Major Industrial Risk Prevention and Implementation of the SEVESO II Directive”, organised by TUBİTAK-INERIS (French National Institute for Industrial Risk and the Environment), “Marmara Region Industrial Pollution and Risk Management Action Plan”, 9-12 October 2001.
Professional Activities (last 5 years)
Reviewer for papers submitted for publication to:
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Waste Management,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Environmental, Science of The Total Environment and Experimental Botany, Residuals Science and Technology
Reviewer for research proposal submitted to:
Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Engineering Faculty of the Middle East Technical University.
Other Professional Activities (Last 5 years)
- Independent Auditor, "Conversion of Waste Mineral Oils to Fuel via Thermal Cracking”, Turkish Technology Development Foundation, 2004-2006.
- Independent Auditor, "Recovery of Waste Ceramics”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2005-2006.
- Independent Auditor, "Recycle of Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment –Compliance with the EU’s WEEE Directive”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2004-2006.
- Independent Auditor, "Conversion of Waste Mineral Oils to Fuel via Thermal Cracking”, Turkish Technology Development Foundation, 2004-2006.
- Independent Auditor, "Membrane Bioreactors in the Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters”, Turkish Technology Development Foundation, 2004-2006.
Refereed Journal Publications (last 5 years)
Huseyin Tekin, Okan Bilkay, Selale S. Ataberk, Tolga H. Balta, I. Haluk Ceribasi, F. Dilek Sanin, Filiz B. Dilek and Ulku Yetis, “Use Of Fenton Oxidation to Improve the Biodegradability of a Pharmaceutical Wastewater”, J. of Hazardous Materials, In press.
Capar, G., Yetis, U., Yilmaz, L. “Membrane Based Strategies for the Pretreatment of Acid Dye Bath Wastewater”, J. of Hazardous Materials, In press.
Capar, G., Yetis, U., Yilmaz, L. “Reclamation of Printing Effluents of a Carpet Manufacturing Industry by Membrane Processes”, J. of membrane Science, In Press.
Ozeler, D., Yetis, U., Demirer, G., “Life Cycle Assesment of Municipal Solid Waste Management Methods: Ankara Case Study, Environment International, In press.
Yukseler, H., Yetis, U., Tosun, I. “Current Status of Filtration Theory”, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 2005.
Tokmak, B., Capar, G., Dilek, F.B. and Yetis, U. “Trihalomethanes And Associated Potential Cancer Risks in the Water Supply in Ankara, Turkey”, Environmental Research, Vol. 96, pp. 345-352, Nov. 2004.
Qushsho’o, M., Ozgen, C., Yetis, U., “A Case Study For Control Structure Selection: Chlorination Stage in The Bleaching Process of a Pulp and Paper Plant”, Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 191. No.1, pp.87-104, Jan 2004.
Arıcan, B. and Yetis, U., “Nickel sorption by acclimatized activated sludge culture”, Water Research, Vol.37, No.14, pp.3508-3516, Aug. 2003.
Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., and Gokcay, C.F., “Water savings and sludge minimization in a beet-sugar factory through re-design of the wastewater treatment facility”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 327-331, May 2003.
Ozkan, M., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., and Ozcengiz, G., “Nutritional and cultural parameters influencing antidipteran delta-endotoxin production”, Research in Microbiology, Volume 154, No. 1, pp. 49-53, Jan.-Feb. 2003.
Tarlan, E., Yetis, U. and Dilek, F.B., “Algal treatment of pulp and paper industry wastewaters in SBR systems”, Water Science and Technology, Vol.45, No.12., pp. 151-158, Dec. 2002.
Tarlan, E. and Yetis, U., “Improvement of Primary Settling Performance with Activated Sludge”, Environmental Technology, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 363-372, 2002.
Tarlan, E., Dilek, F.B, and Yetis, U. “Effectiveness of Algea in the Treatment of a Wood-based Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater”, Bioresıurce Technology, Vol. 84, No.1, pp.1-5, Aug. 2002.
Arican, B., Gokcay, C.F., and Yetis, U., Mechanistics of Nickel Sorption by Activated Sludge”, Process Biochemistry, Vol. 37, No. 11, pp.1307-1315, 2002.
Capar, G. and Yetis, U., “Removal of THM Precursors By GAC: Ankara Case Study, Water Research, Vol. 36, No.5., pp. 1379-1384, 2002.
Dilek, F.B., Erbay, A., Yetis, U., “Nickel Biosorption by Polyporous versicolor” Process Biochemistry, Vol.37, No.7, pp.723-726, 2002.
Mutlu, S.H., Yetis, U., Gurkan, T., and Yılmaz, L., “Decolorization of Wastewater of a Baker’s Yeast Plant by Membrane Processes”, Water Research, Vol. 36 , No.3 , pp. 609-616, 2002
Haytoglu, B., Demirer, G. And Yetis, U., “Effectiveness of Waste Anaerobically Digested Dead Biomass In Adsorbing Heavy Metals”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 44, No.10, pp.245-252, 2001
Capar, G. and Yetis, U., “Removal of Natural Organic Matter and Trihalomethanes from the Drinking Water of Ankara City”, Turk. J. of Engin. Environ Sci, Vol.25, No.5, pp.527-535, 2001 (In Turkish).
Capar, G., Demirer, G.N., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., “Removal of Trihalomethane Precursors by Granular Activated Carbon”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 197-202, 2001.
Ceribası, H. and Yetis, U., “Biosorption of Ni(II) and Pb(II) by Phanerocheate chrysoporium from a Binary Metal System – Kinetics”, Water SA, Vol.27, No.1, 2001.
Yetis, U., Dolek, A., Dilek, F.B., Ozcengiz, G., “The Removal of Pb(II) by Phanerocheate chrysoporium”, Water Research, Vol.34, No.16, pp.4090-4100, 2000.