Student Services Finance Committee - 13th Session
Wage and Base Salary Policy Paper
Title: Policy for the Establishment of Base Salary Guidelines for Funding Hearings for UW-Madison student employees for the Fiscal Year ‘07-08 and beyond.
Whereas, traditionally, the issue of student salaries have been discussed highly during the SSFC funding hearings;
Whereas, some guidelines can be set to help establish some consistency during funding hearings;
Whereas, The Campus Wage Policy outlines that “student jobs should be incidental to the students’ purpose here on campus”;
Whereas, our Chancellor has said that Student Salaries from Student Orgs should not be used as supplemental Financial Aid;
Whereas, the SSFC minimum wage is already $1.57 above the Campus minimum wage which is an additional $1.80 above the Federal Minimum Wage (3.37 tot.);
Whereas, since student groups are to be treated as equally as possible, positions with similar duties between different GSSF groups should have similar wages;
Whereas, setting guidelines prior to the start of the Funding hearings will aid the SSFC immensely during the hearing process;
Therefore be it resolved, that during the 13th session budget hearings no student position shall be budgeted for more than 20 hours per week; and
Be it further resolved, that student salaries be budgeted at $9.19 except in the case of the following:
1) If the student is returning to his/her same position for a second consecutive year, that a $.15-$.25 per hour increase can be givenupon a favorable evaluation for that student or for the previous year’s work
2) If the position is considered an executive position (highest leadership), a $.25-$.50 per hour increase can be allowed.
3) SSFC could by a majority vote consider students whose educational discipline, where that discipline is directly related to the position in the SSFC funded organization, be paid at a higher rate than the SSFC minimum funded position;
Be it further resolved, that this policy must be enforced without revision for the Fiscal Year for which it was adopted; and
Be it further resolved, that an organization can be put on probation if they violate this policy, and
Be it further resolved, that this be the start of the SSFC Policies and Procedures which are to be revised annually by a majority vote (unless otherwise specified) of the SSFC, and
Be it finally resolved, that exceptions to this policy can be approved by SSFC with a 2/3rds vote of the SSFC