Student Services Council MeetingMinutes
Date: February 20, 2009
Present: K. Compton, TThompson, A.Finlayson, C. Hopkins, D. Maffett, D. Marshall, S. Henry, P. Dudley, T. Thompson, G. Thomas, & S. Wandschneider
Agenda / Discussion / Follow-up Action- Announcement
- Discussion with
III Website / A. District-wide Accreditation Leadership Retreat on 2/18-2/19
B. Accreditation Visit scheduled for March 9-12, 2009
Dr. Terry Burgess – Chair
Accreditation Self Study Team – Mr. Armando Ruiz, Randy Lawson, et al.
Staff Development/Professional Day is scheduled on Tuesday, 2/24/09. All certificated
- and classified employees are encouraged to attend on this important meeting concerning accreditation at 8:30a.
A. Items that were discussed:
- Website – this is an excellent tool to use for disseminating information.
- COA Organizational chart needs to be updated
- To check for any errors on the web site page for Student Services
- Three (3) departments (F/A, Transfer and Matriculation) want (Shirleen S) to update web pages. However,the majority of the council wantaccess and training, if available. These individuals include Saundra Henry, Trulie Thompson, Angelita Finlayson, et al. Patricia Dudley will handle her own page and offer assistance toCamille Hopkins. Request/s should go to Dr. Compton first.
Website updates to KC by 2/20/09.
IV Accreditation / Hand-outs were distributed to all members concerning Comprehensive Evaluation Visit Team Roster for March 9-12, 2009. Dr. Terrence Burgess is the chair for this Accreditation Visit. This team will be interviewing individuals at the District office and selected individuals on each campus.
SLO- Dr.Compton distributed a copy of DVC newsletter about the best practices the Math department faculty had been practicing to enhance the student learning outcomes in its department and about the safekeeping of all “evidence” which is crucial for accreditation.
- Basic Skills Initiative Study
VII Enrollment
VIII Announcement / Items discussed:
- $100,000 –Basic Skills allocation
- Umoja program – thefaculty assigned to develop these special programs for Basic Skills students are Debbie Green, for African American students; Edy Chan,for Asian students, and Christa Castaneda, for Latino students.
- Robert Brem and Sheila Lau – chair of catalog committee
- Catalog – Student Services will be working on soon. KC mentioned that the basic information about the departments’ programs need to be updated in the catalog.
- SS Council members are to review the policy and regulations of the College of Alameda
- The idea of having a translation of Vietnamese, Cantonese and Spanish languages in Student Services section that must be available on the catalog
- It has been talked about the idea of having a Student Services catalog sub-committee. Dr. Dudley volunteered to work on Student Services brochures.
- To hire a consultant/translator for Student Services section on the catalog
- D. Marshall – a certain section on the catalog needs to be translated in three languages (rules and regulations) not the whole catalog.
- CH – there must be a consistency on the catalog content with the other three colleges
- Items that were talked about concerning best practices on how to disseminateinformation to students:
- to use Peralta e mail and flyers to spread the word out to everyone
- To have an exclusive bulletin board for faculty, students and classified employees for important posting information only.
- SARS call back tool - to encourage students to enroll at COA
- District e mail
- Brochures that advertise the different Student Services areas
- KC mentioned that College of Alameda’s enrollment is 4% up.
- Interim One Stop Site Manager – Graham Thomas
- Berkeley High School Campus tour on 2/17/09
- College of Alameda’s Student Services Dean position has been advertised
- Purchasing deadline for Student Services – Per KC the deadline will be on 3/30/09. Requisitions must be enrouted in her queue by 3/30/09.
- $1,700 – 17 pieces of gift cards from the PCCD foundation – By consensus, the SSC decided that $1,700 will be donated to library to purchase books needed in all disciplines/courses for S09 semester
- Financial aid – AF mentioned that the checks for F08 left over may be available on Monday, 1/28/09. S09 checks will be available on 1/30/09.
- KC – the faculty are responsible for grades NOT Admission and Records
Deadline to KC: March 6, 2009
Adjournment: / Meeting adjourned at 11:45
Next meeting: / January 20, 2009.
Respectfully submitted by:
Marivic Lizardo