CVSP 202 – Dr. Pinto’s Syllabus
Fall 2004
Course InformationCourse title: / Medieval, Islamic, & Renaissance Civilization
Course number: / CVSP 202 Sec. 4 & Sec. 5
Course discipline: / Classics
Course description: / This course will introduce you to some of the classics of the medieval European and medieval Islamic worlds. St. Augustine, al-Ghazzali, Ibn Tufayl, Dante, and Ibn Khaldun are among the many famous people whose works we will be reading. The emphasis in this class will be on discussion and analysis of the readings.
Course date: / Monday, September 27, 2004 through Wednesday, February 2, 2004
Location: / Nicely Hall 107
Meeting day(s): / Wed. & Fri.
Meeting time(s): / 11 am and 12pm
Prerequisite(s): / none
Course Goals
Course goals: / The primary object of this course is to teach you how to read and think critically. Try to keep in mind the main themes as we move from one text to another. Think about how they link up and why they have been included in this syllabus. Question and argue with the author. Learn to wrestle with the text. This will facilitate lively discussions and on-line participation.
Course Requirements & Grading Structure
Introduction: / In order to be fair to all students no exceptions will be permitted. Do not presume that because you are a stellar writer and post on-line actively that you will be exempt from class attendance and in-class participation or vice versa. If you are registered in my section but are attending someone else's class, ***please note that I will not accept grades from another teacher. This would not be fair to the students who are registered in my class. Moreover it is not acceptable by AUB regulations.
Reading Assignments
(Xeroxed Selections): / Note that: Xeroxed selections will be provided by the instructor and the CVSP department
Reading List:
Required Textbooks
Required reading: / Confessions, St. Augustine
Introduction: / Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. For AUB's policy on this please refer to your student handbook. I have already encountered one case of plagiarism. The student in question was issued a warning and immediately received a grade of "0" for the assignment. No make-up was allowed. The student was warned that a second infraction would leave me no choice but to take the matter to the Dean's office. I therefore strongly recommend that you do not employ other people's thoughts without carefully citing the source.
Additional information: / I am looking for your "original" thoughts, no matter how silly or inconsequential they may seem to you. You may add to and refine your thoughts and postings as the semester progresses. I am happy to accommodate changes and refinements to your own thoughts. However, if you plagiarize the thoughts of someone else ***no further refinement or re-posting on the subject will be accepted for a grade. ***This policy is final and binding.
Instructor Information
Name: / Prof. Karen Pinto
Email: / kp02
Office location: / 313 Nicely
Office hours: / M: 11-12 & 4-5pm; Thurs: 4:30-5:30 pm
Phone: / ext. 4029 (off); 2751 (home)
Biography: / I specialize in medieval Islamic cartography. I am from Pakistan. After my high school education I went to the US on a scholarship. I spent 17 years there and ended up with a Ph.D. in history. I enjoy teaching small discussion sessions and particularly enjoy the emphasis on primary text. I like lively discussions and enjoy pushing student's to use their imagination and produce original thought and writing.
Fall Semester 2004 - 2005
General lectures are on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. (Assembly Hall)
Sept. 27
/ Introduction/Augustine / Augustine, Confessions (Penguin), Book I, Chs. 1, 4-5, 7, 20; II, Chs. 1,4-5, 7; III. Chs. 4-5; IV, Ch. 1; V, Chs. 13-14; VI, Chs. 5, 15-16; VII, Chs. 1, 3, 5, 9, 16, 21; VIII, Chs. 8-12; X, Chs. 6-8, 11, 16-17, 24-27;
XI, Chs. 14, 28; XIII, Chs. 8-9, 11
Oct. 4
/ Augustine / Augustine, City of God(Web link – E-reserve)11
/ Al-Ghazali I / Al-Ghazali, Deliverance from Error (Web link – E-reserve)18 / Al-Ghazali II / Same as above.
25 / Ibn Tufayl / Ibn Tufayl, Hayy Ibn Yaqzan (Web link – E-reserve)
Nov. 1 / No lecture
(All Saints’ Day) / No new assignment.
8 / Ibn Rushd / Ibn Rushd, The Decisive Treatise (Web link – E-reserve)
15 / Id El Fitr, Sunday Nov. 14 through Wednesday Nov. 17 inclusive
22 / Aquinas(no lecture;
Independence Day) / Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra GentilesSumma Theologiae
(Web link – E-reserve)
29 / Dante I / Dante, Divine Comedy: Purgatory, Transl. Mark Musa (Penguin)
Cantos 1,2, 6, 16-18
Dec. 6 / Dante II / Dante, Purgatory , Cantos 25, 28, 30, 31
13 / Ibn Khaldun I / Ibn Khaldun, Al-Muqaddimah (Princeton),
pp. 11-48, 398-411
20 / Ibn Khaldun II / Ibn Khaldun, Al-Muqaddimah, pp. 91-142,
238-242 ( and Web link – E-reserve)
27 / Christmas & New Year Vacation: Wednesday Dec. 24 through Sunday Jan. 2 inclusive
Jan. 3 / Machiavelli / Machiavelli, The Prince (Penguin)
10 / Luther / Luther, On Christian Liberty (Web link – E-reserve)
Reading period: Monday January 17 through Tuesday January 18
Final examinations begin: Wednesday January 19.
Web link – E-reserve: To access all material, go to: AUB Homepage, University Libraries, under the Electronic Resources section click on E-Reserve; or access them directly at:
All CVSP readings are in a common folder named “CVSP”; the access username and password are:
Username = cvsp Password = cvsp