Student Senate Minutes

Monday, August 25, 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7:34
  1. Beginning Roll Call
  1. Invocation

a)Brett Walton

  • hot water story
  1. Open Floor
  2. Acceptance of Minutes
  1. SGA Executive Announcements

a)Logan Powell—President

  • Board meeting September 5th

Haley Center improvements

  • Student Committee on Athletics

b)Richmond Gunter—Treasurer

  • Treat Reserve Fund Requests very seriously
  • Student Center Wi-Fi bill

Olabode’s platform

Student Center is one of the biggest problem areas for Wi-Fi

Current Wi-Fi infrastructure was put in when Student Center was originally built and was intended for one device per student-thus making it outdated

OIT hopes to create 93 access points (triple the current number). The increased number of access points will:

  1. Improve reliability
  2. Improve speed of Wi-Fi

Improving the Wi-Fi will increase trust of students in SGA (especially in the way of feedback)

The money to support the increase in Wi-Fi will not come from student activity fees. It has been created through revenue

c)Colson Smith—E.V. P., Programs

d)Jackson Pruett—E.V. P., Initiatives

  • Tiger Ten video
  • GPS will track the two additional lines just like all other Tiger Transit vehicles

e)Taylor Akers—Chief of Staff

  1. Executive Committee Reports:

a)John LeMaster–Executive Committee

  1. Motion to bring PSSB 14-0825-01 to New Business
  2. Motion carries
  3. Motion to bring PSSB 14-0825-02 to New Business
  4. Motion carries
  5. Motion to bring PSSB 14-0825-03 to New Business
  6. Motion carries
  7. Wiley: Motion to consider each bill separately
  8. Motion carries

b)Natalie Thomley– Academic Affairs

  1. Meetings Wednesdays at 3

c) Patrick Michael – Budget and Finance

  1. Meetings Mondays at 5 (Conference room B)
  2. Motion to amend 14-0825-01 to include shipping charges thus changing the amount to $2,257.10
  3. Motion carries
  4. Budget and Finance committee meetings will begin two weeks from now

d) Abby Lemons – Code of Laws

  1. Meetings Mondays at 4
  2. Resolutions must come through Code of Laws before they can go to Exec

e)Jeremy Wiley – Diversity And Multicultural Affairs

  1. Meetings Thursdays at 11 (tentative)

f) Joe Cotton – Student Affairs

  1. Meetings Thursdays at 3:30

g) Anna Jane Taylor – Sustainability and Environmental Affairs

  1. Meetings Tuesdays at 2:15
  2. Working on resolutions coming through soon
  3. Encourages students to recycle on game days
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business

a)PSSB 14-0825-01 Auburn Answers Reserve Fund Request

  • Way
  • iPads will show students that SGA actively listens to and appreciates their feedback
  • Auburn Answers Week September 8-12
  • iPads will be locked so that it will always stay on Auburn Answers page
  • Stand will serve as good advertisement for SGA programs and initiatives (replaceable banners)
  • Napier: Are the iPads the cheapest type of tablet to get?

Trey Fields: iPads were first option and are currently on sale at Wal-Mart

  • LeMaster: Are these iPads and stands going to be used other than Auburn Answers week?

Fields: The iPads and stands will stay permanently around campus unless otherwise decided

  • LeMaster: Will this go into the SAP technology bank or will it be through SGA?

Fields: SGA

  • Burel: How permanent are they? Are they fixed to the ground?

Fields: Still working on specific locations. Capable of being moved if one location would be better

  • Motion to pass bill as written

Motion carries

b)PSSB 14-0825-02 Student Government Association Reserve Fund Request for Tiger Ten

  • Walton
  • Silver: Does the GPS help students decide whether to ride the bus (if it isn’t far away) rather than ride with a friend, and thus make a safer decision?

Walton: The numbers show that more people are riding the bus and thus less people are riding with unsafe drivers

  • Burel: Who owns the vans?

Byrd: The dark blue vans are owned by the Department of Safety

  • Tribble: If the system changes, would we be able to repossess the GPS system?

Pruett: The system is designed to serve students long-term

  • Motion to pass bill as written

Motion carries

c)PSSB 14-0825-03Reserve Fund Request regarding Student Center AU Wi-Fi Improvements

  • Beauchaine, Hightower, Walton
  • Motion to pass bill as written

Motion carries

  1. Future Orders of Business

10.Vice President Announcements

a) Olabode Anise

  • Weir - brief summary of the retreat

Are we representing ALL Auburn students?

Have we been researching bills effectively before coming to Senate?

Main goal: Continue to prioritize raising awareness to students as to what Senate is working on for them

  • Jackson: senate dinner at Jim n’ Nicks. Time will be decided through an upcoming doodle poll
  • Jones: refresher on Parliamentary procedure
  • Sign up for one on one with Olabode
  • Thank Jonathan Hart and his team for the fantastic Senate website
  • Thanks to everyone who signed up for Ask Me
  • Come to one senate exec per semester and make sure to log attendance with Kaitlin before leaving

11. Advisor Announcements

a) Brad Smith

  1. Always copy advisors on emails
  2. Research bills thoroughly

12. Ending Roll Call

13. Adjournment at 8:26

  • Michael: motion to adjourn
  • Motion carries