Student Senate Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, November 8, 2011
12:00 pm in the Adminstration Building, NNMC Espanola Campus
I. Meeting Called to Order @ __12:15 pm___
II. Roll Call and Introductions
Senators Present – Christella Lovato, Juan Diaz, Lita Owen, Arturo Baeza, Jeff Genauer
Advisors Present – Richard Sedillo, Ana Gutierrez Sisneros
Others Present – Allen Madrid, Stephanie Marquez
III. Approval of November 8thAgenda__Approved__
IV. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes __Approved__
V. Treasurers Report
Senate Account Balance is __$28,347__
Four student clubs will each receive $500.
All PRs from Student Senate should be signed by Treasurer.
VI. November 8th Agenda
A)Holiday Season
No Thanksgiving event.
Decision: ASNNMC will sponsor a holiday dinner event on Dec. 7th or 8th with total budget of $1000. We will also lead a holiday toy drive for kids.
B)Campus Security Report & Strategic Planning – College is submitting a $1.2 million proposal for NM legislature to fund security upgrades. In the meantime, committee is tasked with identifying “low-hanging” fruit for security improvements. Extra security has been hired instead of student advisor. Security is basically absorbing funds that should be set aside for student services. On the way – registration for vehicles and bikes, parking permits, gates at entrances, ID badges for faculty and staff. (Juan is to thank for college scrapping plan to charge students for parking permits.) Proposals and discussion ensued about things the student body / government can do to help improve security, including: Crimestoppers Hotline / Neighborhood Watch, campus awareness campaign, texting students, student-driven security (students doing security as work-study?) … Strong desire expressed by some senators (especially Juan) to take a proactive role, but no immediate consensus or decision was reached. Question raised by Christella whether college is required to meet certain safety and security guidelines and if it could be in violation … More investigation & discussion needed.
C)Student Services / Health Care Working Group – We held a meeting last week and concluded that more research and outreach is needed, particularly regarding health care services available to students in the community and any perceived gaps in service. Ana is compiling a list of health care services, and student concerns are on the agenda for the Dec. 2nd meeting of the Nursing Dept.’s Community Advisory Board.
D)Student Senate Training / Retreat
Decision: $250 funding for student senators to attend student government meeting at Santa Fe Community College and meet with SFCC student leaders; date TBD.
E)Student Organizations – Better coordination needed; student orgs must participate in minimum 3 student / service activities per semester, according to bylaws
F)Land Ethic Series - Nov. 7thGreen Fire Film Screening Event (Report and Assessment) and Nov. 21stGasland Film Screening – Over 50 people attended Green Fire
G)Lunch for Student Senators – Proposal: “Every time that Student Senate meets, we should buy lunch for every Student Senator, and the money used for this purpose should be debited from the Student Senate's account.”Decision: ASNNMC votes no.
H)T-shirts for ASNNMC – Tabled
I)Teacher / Professor Accountability – Tabled
VII. Nominations for open Senate officer positions – none
VIII. Senate comments, announcements, and/or concerns – none.
IX. Next Meeting Date – 11 am, 11/17/2011.
X. Meeting Adjourned – 1:55 pm.