Thomas McCann, President, called the August1, 2009 Open Meeting of the Essex and Sussex Condominium Association Board of Trustees to order at 10:05A.M.
ROLL CALL:Thomas McCann, President
Peter Cahill, Vice-President
Raymond DuBois, Treasurer
George E. Pollard, Secretary
Nancy Krawczyk-Priory, Trustee
Kerri Stimpson, Community Manager
Nichol MacNeil, Food and Beverage Manager
All present and accounted for.
Motion to Approve the Minutes of the Open Meeting of July2, 2009.
Motion: Krawczyk-Priory Second: Cahill
All In Favor: Motion Carried.
Food and Beverage Manager, Nichol MacNeil, provided a written report with reference to her department. She further advised that EcoLab was called on July 19th to replace the filter on the kitchen ice machine and repair and replace the seal on the dishwasher pump.
Sixty five people attended the July 4thParty. The Sizzling Summer Specials, i.e., the Box Lunches and the Happy Hour in the Lounge, have been a big success. The Happy Hour dates for August are the 7th and the 21st. Time of same has been adjusted to 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. The Summer Evening Cookout Party is scheduled for August 22nd. Forty two people have registered and it is urged that everyone interested sign up by August 14, 2009.
Ms. MacNeil addressed the community with respect to resident concerns about “dress” in the Dining Room. The attractiveness of the Dining Room is adversely affected by people who do not respect the dress code. The community was reminded that gentlemen are expected to wear jackets on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition, baseball hats, beach wear, t-shirts are not permitted in the Dining Room and residents, and especially, their guests, are expected to comply.
Community Manager, Kerri Stimpson, provided a written management report to the Board.
In her oral remarks, she advised that:
The contract with Cablevision has been signed for a one year period. As a part of the negotiation, any resident who is currently being billed separately by Cablevision for a single cable box at $6.50 per month should received credit back and not be charged moving forward. If residents have been previously billed, they should contact Ms. Stimpson for assistance in handling this matter.
With respect to Channel 77, only two residents have had A/B switches installed.
Treasurer, Raymond DuBois, summarized the financial reports which had been provided to the Board and the community.In his comments, he advised that the “Ongoing Operations” showed a surplus of over $19,000 for the month and $134,656 for the year to date.“Transition” was “negative” $2,054 to the budget for the month. From the Line of Credit a total of $2,460 K has been drawn to date. Accounts Payableis all less than 30 days old. He stated that income and expenses have been consistent for the first six months of the year.
Trustee, Nancy Krawczyk-Priory, reported that the Bicycle Policy is now in full force and effect. The Rules and Regulations have been reviewed by the Board and are being sent to our attorneys for review to determine consistency with existing restrictions and the necessity for voting as to various measures. She took the opportunity to remind the community that pets are not allowed in the Dining Room, the Lounge and the Bistro.
Thomas McCann, President, advised the community that the fifth and final mediation session hadtaken place onJuly 28th. We have not reached a total settlement, but have reached an agreement with one party, the architect. Due to the requirements of the mediation process and, on the advice of counsel, we are not permitted to discuss the details of the settlement. It is important that everyone in the community respect the need for confidentiality so as to not compromise our position. As a result of the mediation process, our counsel has a good idea of the arguments that will be made in the event of trial, and, therefore, we can prepare for that eventuality. As we progress in the litigation process, depositions will be scheduled for the near future. Because litigation is a very real possibility, the Board will be scheduling a large presentation in October in order to discuss the costs of repairs and litigation and the potential impact these will have on the owners. Everyone is urged to attend.
Secretary, George Pollard, advised the community that it is hoped that our matter will be on the agenda of the governing body for its August11th meeting. The community is urged to attend but to leave the presentation to the designated representatives.
Vice-President, Peter Cahill, and Community Manager, Kerri Stimpson, provided a presentation on the progress of the Phase 1A of the building envelope repair work.Since July 2, the following has been accomplished: all Garden and Terrace level windows and doors have been blocked, flashed and reinstalled; Garden level foundation waterproofing work is nearing completion and concrete replacement has begun; light gauge metal wall framing repairs at the Terrace level are complete; Terrace level insulation and exterior sheathing installation is complete; all Garden and Terrace level interior work is substantially completed; floors 2 through 4 window and door blocking is complete; floors 2 through 4 window and door flashing and fenestration installation has begun; 5th floor wood framing restoration has begun; spandrel beam replacement at Phase 1-A is complete
and investigation of the beam in Phase 1-B has been performed; structural steel corrosion repairs and priming is continuing; light gauge metal framing corrosion repairs and priming continues at all balconies and terraces; concrete terraces have been prepared for new topping and concrete topping work has begun; floors 3 through 5 plywood balcony demolition work continues and restoration work has begun; Unit 218 “mock-up” is complete and successful water testing has been performed; water testing at window and door installation in EIFS at Garden level has been successfully completed; Unit 116 EIFS “mock-up” is nearing completion; and Unit 320 “mock-up” is progressing.
Mr. Cahill advised that the increased pace of repair is due to SPS, the general contractor, putting more personnel on the job and the greater management and quality control exercise by SPS and our representative.
Treasurer, Raymond DuBois, advised the community with respect some of the thinking behind the process of acquiring a new security system. He pointed out that we have twenty-four (24) doors that open to the outside. The Concierge door cannot be locked due to restrictions from the town. There are, since the commencement of operations of the Essex and Sussex, a large number of keys that have been made and are in the hands of unknown persons. A number of the people who reside in the building may be considered due to various factors. In our negotiations with the town, we have emphasized that a new security system gives us the means of enforcing the various provisions for the protection of both our community and community in general. The quality of the system that we have investigated gives us the assurance that we can meet those objectives. Lesser systems do not provide such assurance. However, due to current questions about finances brought about by the litigation and the repairs, the security system is being put “on hold” for the time being.
President, Thomas McCann, announced that the Cook-out would commence at 5:30 P.M. This is a “very casual” event in an informal setting. Only beer, wine and soft drinks will be served. The Lounge will be closed during this event. Music will be provided. In lieu of a charge, each attendee is asked to bring either a food or monetary donation to be given to the Monmouth County Food Bank. A presentation of the collection will be made by the Food Bank by Ms. Stimpson and Ms. MacNeil. The community was urged to sign up for the event.
Motion To Adjourn the August1, 2009 Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees Meeting of the Essex and Sussex Condominium Association at10:50A.M.
Motion: CahillSecond: Pollard
All In Favor: Motion Carried.
Subsequent to the close of the Open Meeting, the Board entertained questions from the community dealing primarily with mediation and litigation.
Concluded at11:05A.M.
APPROVED: ______
George E. Pollard,Thomas McCann,
Secretary President
DATED: ______