Student’s Name:______
Essay Scoring Rubric
4=Exemplary 3= Proficient 2=Needs Improvement 1=No effort
4 3 2 1 x2 Introduction and organization: Your essay establishes a central idea clearly and
effectively in the opening paragraph and maintains this focus throughout the essay.
Your ideas follow and relate to each other in a logical and
effective way. Information is organized within the sentence and
paragraph, as well as the paper itself.
4 3 2 1 x4 Content: Your essay shows all necessary content. Your essay explores
your subject deeply and demonstrates great knowledge and creative thought of subject. The content is well- developed through good specific examples from the texts.
4 3 2 1 x2 Conventions: Your essay is written in grammatically correct English; it has no
spelling or grammatical errors; it shows a sound understanding of
the structure of a good sentence and paragraph.
4 3 2 1 x2 Format and Work Cited: Quotes from texts and all resources are cited and follow
the correct M.L.A. format; works cited is on the last page. Essay
is font size 12, double-spaced, and Times New Roman. Name,
grade, class and date are at the top, left corner of the first page.
Total score______/40